The Siege 1

Okay boys this is it.

The Climax of this minor Arc that will lead towards the events of the next Arc.

I don't know if that Arc will end this Volume, but I have some inklings it will.

In any case, I am posting this chapter earlier than normal since today I will play Elden Ring as if my life was on the line.

I even wrote a few extra chapters and I will try to write more.a

These Siege chapters were really hard to make and I hope that, if you spot any problems or have any suggestions, I will be here to help.

I also did some changes to the last chapter.

The first one was how the Mc reacted when Hestia complained about his dance with Artemis.

He said it would be awkward to dance with her, but I changed it because Hestia isn't that much much smaller than Loki.

I made her taller ever since the start.

The second thing that I changed was when Tityos provoked Hestia by saying she would be his for a month.

I made her curse Tityos.

Minor things that won't effect your reading experience, I d these quite frequently so well...

Without further ado, here are the links: or this one if you are having trouble

And the Discord Server of course






'Orario was hit with a bombshell when the Guild announced the news!'

'A 2x1 War game!'

'Most people seemed to scoff at the news, it seemed a new Familia was on the verge of destruction. No one thought that the Hestia Familia had a chance.'

'What a shame. It even seemed like they were going to rise since they broke the record, but now…'

'The population didn't care about the details, it didn't matter if the Hestia Familia were the victims, for them, the only thing that mattered was that they were fucking idiots.'

'What can you say about a Familia that would accept such a thing if not idiots?'

'With this mood going on in town, the days passed in a hurry.'

'In the Guild, Loiju slowly got more and more worried as he never saw Silver, not even once.'

'The only way he could pass his days was by stuffing himself with work.'

'The girls in the HF were also very worried. Why would the other Gods accept this?!'

'Unfortunately, they didn't know the details nor did they know what was at stake. The Guild didn't release those.'

'Ryuu was angry and conflicted while Syr seemed to pray for his safety.'

'Since they have not seen Silver ever since the day his identity was revealed... The best they could do was this.'

'People all around could be seen moving from one place to another, even more so in the Plaza near Babel, many stands were being constructed.'

'Orario slowly got ready for the War game.'

'But one question lingered in the mouth of many of Silver's and Hestia's friends.'

'Where were they?'

/March 1…/

'The day had come, multiple crowds could be seen in every major and minor establishment in Orario.'

'In the plaza around Babel, people gathered to watch the War game.'

'In front of the Colosseum of the Ganesha Familia, hundreds of people could be seen, all of which were waiting for the game to start.'

'Not only there, but in other places as well...'

"Do you think he will be alright?" Asked Syr as she looked at Ryuu

"Truth be told, the odds aren't in his favor, but…"

"He made an impossible record, perhaps he will do another impossible thing?" Said Ryuu as she smiled

Although that isn't much to go by…


'Syr looked at her hand, there was a small necklace in it.'

In the end, I didn't even meet him…

No matter how many times I tried, he just disappeared from my sight…

'Grasping the collar tightly on her hands, Syr worried face turned towards the window as she gazed somewhere beyond Orario...'

'The girls finished setting up the Pub, sitting down on their chairs as they waited for the battle to start.'

"Please please please…" Said a blue-haired elf as she sat on her chair with her two hands in front of her

'She was praying, praying in the hopes everything would go alright.'

'She wasn't the only one doing that as on her left there was a Catgirl and on her right was a Pallum girl, both of which were also praying.'

'The others around her looked at her and couldn't help but feel bad.'

'So they closed their eyes and also sent in a silent prayer…'

"Is this really fine Hermes-Sama? If our investigation is right then…" Asked Asfi as she looked at the Gods around her

'She was currently together with Hermes on the last accessible floor of Babel. The place where the Denatus was held.'

"... This isn't the place to have such deep talk, Asfi." Said Hermes

"I am with you on this, I don't think this is right but…"

"This was all planned from the start. Let's see what he has to offer." Said Hermes


"It seems he arrived." Said Hermes as he looked at Apollo

'Apollo made his way to one of the seats behind Hestia and said something to her.'

'But Hestia just ignored him.'

'Soon, Tityos arrived, but he didn't say anything as he chose a seat and waited.'

'He didn't even look at Hestia.'

"Being alone as always… I doubt the other Gods have been looking at him favorably after what he said on the Denatus." Said Loki

"That fucking bastard, even if he wins I will crush him into fucking oblivion." Said Hephaestus on her side

"He did go a tad bit too far…" Said Loki with a serious face

To a point this stopped being enjoyable.

... She helped me once in the end, I can't stand here and see her suffer such an end.

If worse comes to worst...

'Loki continued to wait on her seat for the game to start.'

'Inside the Loki Familia mansion, Ais and the others sat around as they waited for the game to start.'

'Tiona looked pissed.'

"Is there truly nothing we can do?" She asked

"For the last time, no." Replied Finn

"Even towards someone who saved us?!" She asked

"Just… Shut the fuck up already!" Said Bete in a surprisingly calm voice

"That guy… Brought this to himself. So he should man up and take on the consequences of his actions. I won't go out of my way to help someone deal with their own problems!" Said Bete

"You are just pissed because of last time!" She said in a smug tone



'The clock let out a sound, it was 1Pm.'

"Stop talking for now, the game will soon start." Said Finn

'Everyone focused as they waited.'

/On top of Babel…/

"It's time." Said Hermes as he walked towards the table

"Ouranos! Give me permission to use my power!" Said Hermes towards the air as he snapped his finger

"Permission granted." Said an old voice from beyond

(Like from the sky... Or the ground... Just a voice where you can't pinpoint where it came from)


'Space seemed to tear apart as a large mirror appeared on top of the table, it flicked, showing now the image of a fort… The Shreme Old Castle Ruins.'


'This same scene repeated all around Orario, be it on the pubs or in the plazas, the War game had started!'

"SOO! IT'S 1 PM! MAY THE WAR GAME START!" Said a man with a strange mic on his hand on top of the stand

/WOWWW!/ Screamed the people in the plaza

'A tall and muscular man wearing an Elephant mask said:'

"Good luck kid." Said Ganesha in a low tone as he looked at the transmission

"... Did it start?" Said a man walking inside the fortress as he heard the sound of the horn

"I guess so." Said his guard companion



'The two guards stared at the sky in boredom…'

"So we wait now?" Asked the first guy

"Yup, according to the rules set between Apollo and Tityos, our Familia is in charge of defending the outer perimeter due to our higher numbers while they defend inside."

"Our Captains are also stationed there in order to relay commands effectively around the fort or something like that." Said the second guard

"Lucky bastards, they won't even have to move to win." Said the first guy

"It is how it is, I bet that guy won't even go past our walls…"

"Hum… I heard he had some nice Magic? One that could allow him to go beyond simple walls?" Said the first guy

"Does that make sense for you? I never heard of something even close to that." Said the second guy as he waved his hands in denial

"Hm… Yeah, I guess it was just bull…"


As expected… They aren't working together. Instead, they separated their forces into two areas…

'To the horror of the two guys patrolling, Silver actually heard everything.'

'He had long been inside the fort!'

"These guys are really underestimating me, I mean, they didn't even clean this tower…"

There are several stone towers in this fort, with a big one in the middle, the one where the top guys are,

One of the minor towers was broken, with its entrance blocked by a large piece of rock.

So I just snuck inside here at night and stayed here ever since… No one tried to come here and check.

From multiple perspectives, this is an immense oversight caused by overconfidence.

'As Silver said that, he looked at his surroundings, there were several small boxes filled with potions and items.'

'Those were his emergency supplies, he put them here since he didn't want to show his inventory ability to all of Orario at the same time.'

In case I need anything, I can always teleport here and get my stuff.

'Silver wanted to show what he was capable of, but on a controlled degree.'

'It is always good to keep some cards to himself.'

'But that isn't what he is trying to achieve.'

'As he said multiple times, some of his abilities can be considered 'scary', even more, when you consider they are all under his control.'

'This combination of abilities could make some people wary of him and even fear his future potential...'


In fact, they should be seeing me right now?

'Silver looked towards the sky and smiled.'

Do I look good?

'Silver looked to the side and had an idea, he made sure to position himself in the window so his back was facing the fort…'

'And he did a smug smile as if he was making fun of something.'



'Apollo's face couldn't be redder.'

"HAHAHAHA! Is this the defense of the Apollo Familia?" Said Loki as she laughed at the comic scene

Did he sneak inside in the night? He seems really prepared… I wonder how he brought those boxes inside…

'Everyone could see that the seemingly weak adventurer had already infiltrated the fort's defenses!'

'And he was mocking his opponents!'


"If we add the two together… It makes a little bit over 110 enemies… Sheesh." Said Silver out loud as he sat on top of the tower

"There are 7 Level 2's in the Tityos Familia and 4 on the Apollo Familia…"

"And they have 2 and 1 Level 3's respectively… Alright." Said Silver as he took a paper out of his pocket

"Let's take out the weakest Level 2's first." He said as he picked a one-handed hammer and a large rope from the boxes on the side

'But before he did anything else, he stopped and looked at the sky.'

'It was as if he was looking at someone.'

"Oh! If you have any children, this might be the best time to cover their eyes or have them do something else." Said Silver as he looked at the air and swung his hammer around

"And Hermes… Make sure to get some good shots of me beating the crap out of these guys…"

'After that, he tied a few circular plates around his waist and made his way to the edge of the tower...'


'And with that, he disappeared.'



'Hermes smiled.'

'Loiju, who was watching the transmission, couldn't help but smile as well.'

'Loki opened her eyes, it seemed this was going to get intense!'



'Silver reappeared in a room, there were 3 guys and 1 girl inside.'

'All of them had an emblem on their sleeves, it was the emblem of the Tityos Familia.'

"Don't you think it's too silent?" Said one of the guys

"Ha? Are you drunk or something? It's obvious that it will be silent!" Said the girl

"A siege normally has a 3-day limit for it to end, but this is a Castle Conquer! It's time limit is 4 days!" She said

"He must be thinking of ways to sneak inside… At least, that is what I would do."

"It's just… When he attacked us last time, he was so over the top, so I thought he would do something similar." He said

"He is right, different from those fools of the Apollo Familia, we know he is strong, so we prepared, they are just outside to buy time and tire him out." Said a bigger man

"Once he gets tired from fighting, we strike and end this game." He said

"Oh…" Said the girl

"Remember that he can somehow fly, so those walls are useless, I imagine he is going to do something similar as he did with our home and come flying, strike, and leave to recover during these four days!" Said the man

A game of attrition! That's the only way I can see of him having a way to win.

'They nodded as if reaching a consensus…'

/Step step…/

'Suddenly, sounds of steps echoed in the room.'

"Ha? What are you doing here? Go back to your post… ?!" Said the girl as she turned around


'Everyone noticed the man, but when they tried to scream, no sound came out of their mouths!'

'The girl was quick to act as she picked a vase and threw it on the ground, but once again, no sound was made.'

'She looked at his smile, somehow, it looked scarier than it should.'

"It's useless, now, surrender." Said Silver as he made his way to the four


'They didn't give in as they took out their weapons and charged!'


'But Silver only smiled.'

'One of them jumped as he slashed with his sword.'

'One charged forward with his spear, and the other two attacked from the sides.'

"Good coordination…" Said Silver as he swiped his hand to the side, sending the man in the air flying towards his companion!


'He evaded the attack on his right and grabbed the spear in front of him with his left hand!'

'The guy who had his spear grabbed started to sweat.'

"Did you realize how fucked you are now?" Said Silver with a mocking smile

"Good dreams…" He said as he pulled the spear and headbutted the guy, sending him to heaven

'The girl on the side repositioned herself, slashing once again.'


(This clang did not exist, it's just here for you all…)

'But Silver blocked it with his bare right hand! There wasn't even armor there!'


'The girl finally noticed! There was a thin barrier enveloping his right hand!'

'Silver's right hand opened, and with that, the girl started to float as she was trapped by his strange power.'


'The other two guys finally got up only to see the scene of their companions being trampled on!'

'So they charged once again!'


'The man who had jumped precisely slashed sideways as he tried to make Silver give up on the girl, but he just snapped his fingers and his body turned incorporeal.'

'His sword passed right through his body…'

'He didn't believe it, but when he realized what happened, Silver's fist crashed against this nose…'


'And he went to see his wife… On his dreams.'


'But as all of this happened, the other guy ran to the door and opened it!'


'We won! Thought the man as he ran across the door.'

'But surprisingly, Silver never moved to stop him.'


'The man seemed to crash against an invisible barrier as he fell backward.'


What happened?!

"Look again." Said Silver to the man as he got closer to him


'The man looked in front of him again only to see… The wall.'

'Looking at the side, he saw that the door was actually a little bit further to the right!'

'This entire time, he had been running to the wall?!'

'Since when had he fallen into an illusion?!'

"Good night." Said Silver as he swung his hammer at the man, hitting him in the head




'After he hit the man, he threw his hammer to the side since it was covered in blood.'

'The girl looked at all of this happening in horror…'

'But then she realized that he was unarmed!'

'She picked her sword and threw it at him!'

"How cute." Said Silver as the sword stopped in the air


'He picked the sword, played with it a little, and threw it to the side like trash.'


What… Just how?!

'To add insult to her injury, the hammer on the ground started to tremble as it suddenly started to fly, making its way back to Silver's hand.'

'He looked straight into her eyes, he seemed to mock her by saying: is there anything else?'


This is just… Unreal…

"Let's end this quickly." Said Silver as he dropped the girl on the ground


'But she didn't try to move, she was paralyzed by fear. Even more so as she watched him lift the bloodied hammer slowly.'

"First it's you 4, then I will take all of the Level 2's, and before they realize it, I will have taken all of their intermediary command lines."

"After that, I just need to take one or two of the level 3's and its game. You guys will fall apart on your own." Said Silver as the hammer reached its highest point

"I don't even need to talk about poisoning your food and water supply, much less of the many other tactics I have ready."

'He looked at the girl's eyes deeply, but in fact, he was looking at Apollo and Tityos.'

"You guys never had a chance from the beginning… It was all a trick!"

"And you two 'fish' took the bait!" He laughed as the hammer went down

Now give me everything you own!


'But the girl fell unconscious before that.'


'Silver stopped the hammer mid-air, not striking the girl.'

Better stop here.

All of Orario is watching, and if they see me smashing a hammer at a pretty and unconscious girl my image is going to be destroyed.

It's not like I wouldn't do it, it's just that most people would find it too much to watch.

'Silver picked his rope and bound all of the 4 together, feeding them a potion so they wouldn't wake up anytime soon.'

'And after making sure his operation was finished, he disappeared again like the wind.'


"Kukuku! Tityos, are those your so-called elites?" Said Apollo as he smiled

"URG! Shut up! Can't you see things are going badly for us?!" Screamed Tityos

I underestimated him! Even when I considered every possibility! How can he have so many different abilities?!

'Just when the two were about to start discussing…'

"Can you two shut up? I am trying to enjoy the game." Said Loki


'The two shut up as they sat back.'

"Things are getting interesting." Said Loki as she smiled


There is no need to worry. I set up a 10 Minute patrol!

Once that time passes, they will find out that the enemy has breached our defenses and then, they will work together to finish him off!

'Tityos smiled, he had many plans ready! Different from the useless Apollo, he predicted things might go bad, so he made plans for those situations…'


'Silver slowly made his way across the fort, defeating more Level 2 enemies.'

'Tityos and Apollo watched it all with boiling anger!'

'And the people of Orario watched it with boiling excitement…'

'The girl in the HF looked at it all with a burning excitement.'

'Tiona had already started to cheer as she got on top of her couch to scream.'

'Her blood seemed to boil as she watched Silver take his enemy with crushing strength.'

'But it was finally time for the patrol! It's impossible for them to not realize he was there now!'


'Silver swung his sword and penetrate it inside the back of a fallen enemy.'

'But of course, no sound was made.'


'He took it, creating a mess due to the blood that was seeping non-stop from the man's wound.'


'He uncorked a potion from his belt and dropped its contents on the man.'

I don't know if this potion will be enough to keep you alive but I hope it is enough.



'Out of nowhere, a man clad in dark swung a dagger towards Silver's neck.'

'But Silver easily parried it by using the metal disks on his waist.'

'He controlled them with telekinesis and got the assassin with his pants down!'

"I will give you 8 out of 10 for this attempt." Said Silver as he cut the tendons on the mans arms and grabbed his face


'Using tremendous force, he smashed the back of the man's head on the wall.'

'The man made a large red trail on the wall as he collapsed on the ground.'

'Silver looked around before he made his way towards a man collapsed near the door of the corridor.'

"Annnnd… Done." Said Silver as he tied up the last man of the patrol team


With this guy, I took all of the Level 2's of the Tityos Familia on the outer section of the fort.

And I also took one from the Apollo Familia.

But the most important ones, Cassandra, Daphne, and that Elf are still quite difficult to take down 'silently'.

They are always under a large group of people, so they can't be taken out silently…

Unless I decide to show many other abilities…

'Silver crossed out one more name on his list.'

'He didn't need to do that, but it was all part of the 'show'.'

'The show he was giving to Orario.'

Tityos Level 2's are dealt with… They only have their Level 3's now.


Part one is done.

"I don't care if they are going to find me now." He said as he smiled

Even if they find me, what can they do?

There was a reason why I wanted both of them to fight me today.

They can't cooperate! It would be very easy to sow chaos in them.

"Since the beginning, it was all a rigged game…" Said Silver as he smiled

In my favor.

'On the dark corridor, the scene of the man smiling with blood on his hands, chest, arms, and face seemed quite eerie.'

I will make you all regret looking down on me.

So that no one else may bother the Hestia Familia anymore.

It's time to show everyone what I am made of!

'And with that, Silver disappeared…'

'A few minutes later, when the people in the fort started to realize something was wrong…'


'A large explosion suddenly shook the entire Fort!'






A citadel located in the middle of the plains southeast of Orario.

The citadel was built in ancient times and was used as a point to stop monsters before Babel was created. It is currently in ruins but was once used by Rakia as a strategic point and so most of the functions are still operational.

Bandits were living there until they were defeated in order to prepare the place for the War Game between the Hestia Familia and the Apollo Familia