D-Don't leave me here!

I tried to decrease a little what I sad last time and I tried something different, if you spot it, tell me what you think.

Aside from that, see ya.


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(Including the one on my other account, its called: Azimuth: The Elden Throne

You can also find it by searching for my other account: Follower_of_Abadom)






'Smiling lightly as he took another sip from his tea, Silver raised his head to ask:'

"Is there anything else puzzling you all?"

Looking at their expressions, I bet they still have a lot more to ask me...

'Of course, there was, in fact, they seemed even more confused.'

'After all, even with all that he said… Was it really enough for him to Level up so quickly?'

'Tione, Tiona, and Ais, the three of them trained every day without stopping...'

'Aside from that, yes, they understood that Silver was an extremely hard-working person, more so than they thought, but even so, that doesn't explain his speedy growth.'

'And in Ais' case, when she was younger, just a fledgling Level 1 adventurer, her Magic was so strong, that it was hidden from her by Loki and the top Executives for the same reason why Silver didn't want to share this with them…'

'Because they didn't want Ais to kill herself in the Dungeon from fighting too much.'

'Still, that was more of a personality issue, the Ais of the past cannot be compared to the Ais of today, both in body and mind, mostly in mind.'

'The little girl that went to the Dungeon alone, carrying several swords, breaking them one by one as she fought wave after wave of monsters on the Upper floors, ignoring all injuries has already disappeared, being replaced by a more collective and calm girl, focused and disciplined.'


This guy...

'Not all of them could see it since their focus was somewhere else, but for Riveria and Loki, they immediately recognized that something seemed to be missing…'

'Still, Riveria didn't point it out, it was them who asked too much in the first place even when they didn't have the right to, and she was more than happy that he replied in the first place.'

'For now, her worries were in making sure these 3 girls didn't try to replicate what he just said in any way shape, or form outside of her guidance.'

'As for the last one... Lefiya was completely under her control, the little Elf would never dare to try anything without her permission…'

'Same for Loki, she got what she wanted and a bit more, if she were to ask anything else, she was afraid he was going to teleport her back to her Manor without much thought like how he did to Bete.'

"This will make do for now." Loki replied with a satisfied smile

Even if I tried Riveria wouldn't allow me to push for more answers.

And right now... I have something else to think about instead of pestering this kid.

Something to fill my mind with. But once that's done...

'She then looked at the window and thought:'

That old Dwarf is surely taking his sweet time… As expected...

I'll pull his beard later.

Finn on the other hand is receiving the guests from Melen…

'Loki got up from her seat and stared at Silver.'

"I'll owe you one…"

Unfortunately... It seems my debts keep increasing.

I swear! What a scam!

'Silver smiled smugly, gazing at her as he opened his arms slightly.'

"Another one."

'Loki grumbled, getting up from her couch as she stomped on the ground in dissatisfaction, saying, "Tche!" as she turned around.'

(This is the new form of writing I talked about)

"Do you even know how few people were able to say that and lived to tell the tale?!"

I'll make him so indebted to me he'll have no choice but to kiss my feet!

Hum... Wouldn't that be a reward in the end?

But it would surely annoy her...

'Hestia suddenly found that Loki's figure had turned twice more displeasing to her eyes.'

"Eh? So soon?"

'Tiona's expression was one of disappointment as she got up from her couch, she bent over the table, having her face approach Silver's.'

'It may have been intentional or not, but this allowed him to look at her cleavage...'

'But no matter how much she bent, she couldn't show what didn't exist in the first place.'

'With frustration, she said, "I thought we were going to spar a little!" as Riveria pulled her back.'

'Tione and Ais nodded, even Lefiya seemed interested in sparring, she had gone through his' previous fights multiple times, and she wanted to try something on her mind…'

'Her own approach in dealing with his Abilities!'

"We already did more than enough. We were lucky that he came back, let's not take any more of his time, isn't that right?" Riveria said as she looked at Silver

"I wouldn't mind sparing… Although not today, I am indeed quite busy."

"Let's leave it for another time, just make sure to tell me when you are available." Silver said as he scratched his head

I'm mostly pretty free since I normally just go to the Dungeon, just that today I have a few things I can't cut.

"What a shame, looks like today I'll have you all for myself." Loki teased Tiona

At this point in time, there's no point in arguing anymore... The balls he has... To make me and my children wait!

'Tiona immediately denied Loki, waving her hands quickly and in a robotic tone:'

"Ah, no way, I'm going to the Dungeon."


An instant denial...

'Loki dramatically took a step back, while Silver smiled.'


At least the mood got a bit better.

'Like that, they all joked and said a few more lines until they gave each other goodbye under the promise of meeting again soon.'

'Before they left though, Silver approached them and asked:'

"Do you want to take a photo?"


'Just when they were about to leave, Loki and the others turned to Silver who was now holding a strange black box.'

"By photo you mean..."

'Silver nodded towards the busty Amazoness.'

"Why not?"

'Tiona was the most interested in this by far.'

"What are you all talking about?"

'The Elven Sage approached the girls, confused and a bit interested in their conversation.'

"Just wait and see." Loki replied with a small smile as she starred at a nearby mirror

'Normally, she didn't really care much about her appearance, but this didn't mean she neglected it, there was a reason why her hair was always in line.'


I'm getting worried...


"A bit closer..."

'Silver then asked for them to remain close to each other before dragging Hestia and standing next to them.'

"Is this all I have to do?" Riveria asked as she looked at the camera

What sort of Magic tool is that?

And why do I have to stare at it and... Smile?

How unusual.

'The camera started to fly in the air, positioning itself a few meters away from them.'

'It was Silver controlling it with his mind,'

"Just remember to not blink and to smile."

"On a count of 3..."

'Tiona suddenly lost concentration, asking anxiously:'

"Wait? What'll happen when..."


"I just need to smile right?!" She said as she took out her brightest smile



'Everyone rubbed their eyes for a small moment.'

"Ouch! You could've said that this would happen!" Loki complained as she rubbed her eyes

'But Silver ignored her, he grabbed the camera and processed the photo within...'

'They all looked at him in silence as the seconds passed...'

'With a small smile, Silver took a small piece of paper from within the camera before adding something else to it, saying, "Here", as he closed the camera with a 'click'.'

'It was a simple photo of all of them standing side by side.'

'Loki had a funny expression on her face due to the sudden flash as if she was about to wheeze while Riveria and Ais had their poker expressions in place, it was impressive how they managed to not blink.'

'Riveria looked more constipated than serious, and this made her embarrassed as her ears flushed slightly.'

'Tiona smile was simply too exaggerated and it made her seem cartoonish evil and Lefiya seemed too nervous... The only one normal from their groups was Tione who had a thin smile on her lips.'

'She was relaxed, but this was in line with the confident person she was.'

'Loki snatched the photo, glaring daggers at it with a frown.'

"WHAT?! Is this truly me?! I look terrible!"

'She then looked at Hestia, who had a beautiful smile on her face as she stood next to Silver, displeased.'


'Surprisingly, Hestia said nothing and instead just let out a dry laugh.'


What are you laughing about?!

'Tiona coughed awkwardly as she saw her smile.'

"Wow... It's really interesting... But uh... Is it possible to try again?"

"Of course." He said as he tinkered with the camera

"Hehe, I want to try something..."

'Tiona moved close to Silver and posed, raising her two hands and her thumbs.'


'Everyone just stared at her, but she wasn't affected by this in the least.'

"What are you doing? Take the photo!"

'Silver rolled his eyes, and the two of them took a photo alone.'

'He gave her the photo and she smiled sweetly.'

"I'll take good care of it!"

'The mood had lightened up, and everyone was now smiling.'

'Tione suddenly had a big brain moment...'

"Can I have one? I'll give it to Captain."

'Silver raised an eyebrow, but he smiled.'


'After talking for a bit longer and taking a few more photos, they left the Manor.'

'Of course, it was not like everything was resolved, and for Ais, the strange feeling she had was now growing.'

'Her curiosity was becoming too great, every time she met him, she felt that he knew more about her than she could imagine…'

'She could only turn her head and look at the closing gates of the Hearth Manor as they walked away…'

/Back at the Manor/

"Are you leaving now?" Hestia asked as she looked at Silver

"No, I still have to visit someone, that was the sole reason I came here."

Can't forget about Loiju now, can we?


'Hestia seemed pensive.'

"Is something bothering you?"

"Yes. I didn't imagine you would concede to their request so easily..."

Not only that, after hearing it from his mouth, I've started to feel more and more worried…

But I can't…

'Silver patted Hestia's head, interrupting her thoughts.'

"I can tell what you're thinking about with a glance."

"There is no need for you to hold yourself. If you, the goddess, do not speak your mind with me, the Captain, then we'll never go anywhere."

"Try to be like Loki in this case, she just speaks her mind whenever…"

'Hestia frowned and crossed her arms.'

"She's a bit too free!"

'Silver rolled his eyes, already thinking about the insults that must be going on inside her head.'

"I just… I'm worried. You always just push yourself so much…"

'He didn't reply, letting her say her words as he caressed her head.'

"Sometimes I think I said this too many times, but be careful."

'Silver smiled and replied with a smile:'

"And as always I'll say: I will."

"As for me concerning their request... I just thought it was the most sensible choice."

"Sensible?" She asked

"Yes... At that moment, I could've maintained my choice and refused, however, I underestimated their interest, and as such, I decided to take another approach."

"I choose to say a few things to them and make them satisfied instead of maintaining a secret and leaving them curious. It was a choice of values..."

"Which is better, to keep a cheap secret unsaid, or to explain and gain some points with one of the strongest Familias of Orario?"

"If I had chosen to remain silent, there was even the chance of making them slightly remorseful..."

People are just like that, there's nothing to feel bad about.

"When you put it that way... It makes sense..."

Although... If you take what he said in another way, he's saying that we don't have what it takes to offend Loki...

It is unsettling that I have to give ground to that 'smooth mirror' but I think he made the right choice.

'Seeing her expression, Silver continued to caress her hair, until she smiled in embarrassment... In the end, he took a photo with her as well, giving it to her after she requested, envious of Tiona.'

'Following this, Silver walked back to the Office to see Haruhime, who was now cleaning up the teapots and plates on the table.'

"Mr. Silver? Do you need anything?" She asked as she looked at him

"I can't let you clean all alone." He said as he approached the table

"Ah? This isn't necessary!"

"You already do a lot by cleaning this giant Manor alone, at least for this…"

'But she grabbed his arm with a serious expression.'

"No… This isn't much… Compared to what you do to make me safe… Let me do this."

I don't wish to watch helplessly anymore, I want to do something.

Even if only this...

'She looked at the table and continued to clean.'

"Everyone outside, they train every day, fighting in the Dungeon, working hard to improve… While I... I do absolutely nothing at all."

"On the contrary, I am so weak that I have to stay hidden… So at least this, allow me to repay your kindness." She said with a serious gaze as she looked at Silver


Looks like these few weeks of training allowed her to grow a little.

'Silver smiled and patted her head, making her blush a little.'

"I said it once, there is no need for you to repay me at all."

There will come a time when down there, you'll use your Magic and save someone's life, that will be the time when you'll repay me.

And you'll do it so many times I'll end up being the one in debt...

"Besides, don't you also train every day with them? Not only that, but you also clean the Manor on your own... If that's not hard work I don't know what is."


'He continued to pat her head as her tail moved from left to right...'

"Soon… I'll set you free, you'll be able to go with us on an adventure, so be ready for that, okay?"

Grow strong little fox, so you can adventure like the Heroes you're so entranced by.

'She smiled sweetly.'


"Oh yes, before I go, why not a photo?" Silver asked as he looked at Haruhime

I don't think there'll be a better chance for this.

"With me? Y-Yes!" She said with a smile



'They took a photo together, and Silver gave her the photo as per normal...'

'But in the end, Silver still helped her clean.'


'But midway through that, Haruhime started getting hesitant.'

'Silver noticed it, so he asked her what was wrong...'

"Eh... Is it... True?"

"What exactly?"

"That Miss Wallengstein is... His daughter?" She asked slowly, her eyes shinning slightly


'Silver took a deep breath.'

"The world is... A strange place."

"Legendary monsters sealed somewhere far away, Mythical swords stuck in stone or in the bottom of a lake."

"Ancient ruins with treasures forgotten by time."

"With Elves that can live hundreds of years and Spirits that can live forever, is it really strange for a Human girl to live a few hundred?"

"Ah... Um... Eh..."

'Haruhime became clearly distressed as she thought of an answer, making Silver chuckle.'

"Sorry sorry, I'm just messing with you."

'She pouted a little, slapping his back with her tail.'

"She definitely is their daughter... However difficult it may be to accept it..." Silver replied with a deep expression

"But Spirits..."

"Yes... It was supposed to be impossible."

'Silver looked at the window outside, and then his expression twisted a little.'

"But what can I say? Perhaps, he had such a massive desire to bed his wife that it worked, who knows, there is a Skill for anything..."

"Or his 'spear' was simply strong enough to shatter the very heavens and..."

"Sir-Silver!" She exclaimed as her tail started to slap his back very fast

'Laughing a little, the two continued to clean the mess they had caused.'


'Following that, he walked to where the boy's dormitories were…'

"I'm going to die… The room… It keeps spinning... Someone, make it stop..."

'As he approached his target, he started to hear the painful wails of a hangover man coming from one of the rooms…'

'But there was something surprising right outside of the room...'

'It was a pretty Amazon with short black hair, wearing what seems to be gym clothes...'

"Captain?" Igva asked as she saw Silver approach her

"Oh? I didn't expect to see you here." Silver said to her

"Haha... I took pity on this little guy and came here to take a look, but it seems you beat me up to it."

'She passed right by him in a hurry, saying:'

"Well then, I'll leave you two alone!"


Why the hurry?

'Silver shook his head.'

'He opened the door and got inside, seeing Loiju laying on the bed, unmoving…'

'A man laying on a bed in the dark…'

"Who?..." Loiju said in a low tone

"It's me, your favorite adventurer and friend."

'Loiju's eyes opened slightly, he looked straight at Silver's eyes and said:'

"... F-Fuck you."

'That was the only thing he said as he lost his strength.'

"... Sigh."

'Silver wanted to laugh a little, but instead, he replied:'

"Here, have some water first." He said as he took out the water kettle next to his bed

'Funny enough, he didn't know who had put that kettle there, when he left the Manor earlier this day, it wasn't there, meaning, someone had entered this room and placed it there…'


"Water?!" Loiju exclaimed, he looked at it as if he had just survived a desert

'He grabbed the kettle in a surprising display of power and drank it all, splashing a good amount of water onto his face and the bed…'

'Once he was done, he looked at the ceiling, feeling a bit better, his eyes recovering a small portion of their old luster.'

"Now this, it should help with the pain." Silver said as he gave him a potion bottle, the same one he had left next to his bed earlier this day

'Loiju looked at it with a frown, was this some sort of joke? He was hangover and this guy is offering him something to drink that isn't water?'

"... This isn't a trick or anything right?"

"No it isn't, so drink it before I leave."

"Well, thank you, after that night I'll have to think twice every time you offer me something to drink..."


'Loiju grabbed the potion bottle and chugged it all down, and after a few seconds...'

"Haa… I feel 300% better."

"You can thank me later."

"Thank you? You of all people?! You almost killed me!"

"Stop being dramatic, we didn't even drink that much, besides, I helped you detoxify most of the alcohol before you even passed out."

That's probably the reason why he even remembers what happened…

"Passed out? Urg… My head… What happened?"

"You don't remember?"

"Only the start… You bringing me to that dammed Pub... That you forced me to drink and drink more… Urg."

"Son of..."


So he doesn't remember what he drank or how much...

Perhaps it's better this way.

"Where am I?" Louji asked after a small pause

"Can't you tell? You're in my Familia's Manor."

"The what?... Oh…"

'He looked around and let out a sigh.'

"What time is it?"

"Too late for you to go to work."

"Do you think I have any intention of going there looking like this?"

"I do."


Fuck, he knows me too well…

"Fine, it's not like I can move even if I wanted to." Louji said with a sigh

My muscles ache, my head's spinning, I feel sluggish, I feel as if I just ate sand...

There's no way I can go to work like this.

My work is already done anyway… But my extra pay…

"Since you're fine, I'll be leaving."

"What? What about me?" Loiju asked as a bead of sweat went down his forehead

"Hum? You're fine, just sleep and leave once you're better."

"No no no! I mean…" He said as he looked around

"Isn't your Familia filled with women?!"


Isn't that what you always wanted?

"Don't leave me alone!" Loiju exclaimed

'Silver scoffed.'

"Don't worry, they don't bite… I can't say the same for the Amazons though…"

They may indeed try to bite this 'handsome' Elf...

'Silver turned around and made his way to the door.'

"I'm begging you here, please!"

"Didn't you say that you wanted a girl? Do your best…"

"Don't use that as an excuse!... Silver? Silverrrrrr!"


'Silver closed the door behind him, ignoring the calls of the Elf.'

'He had one place to be, and that was the Guild!'





And so we conclude this arc, next one, the Guild's request, into the Dungeon!