Leave it to your next Life

Here it is, the chapter, exactly at the time Webnovel updates the daily rankings and all.

I hope this chapter pleases you all, also, I'll likely post something extra soon as this Novel has just hit 1 year!


But... Due to this, the number of comments was reduced severely for some reason, it makes me kind of sad, I loved seeing many comments to reply to, but oh well, such is life.

See you all later!


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And if you are bored, remember to check my other Novels.

(Including the one on my other account, its called: Azimuth: The Elden Throne

You can also find it by searching for my other account: Follower_of_Abadom)






/Somewhere on the 19th floor…/

'Inside a lit cave, several people worked nonstop... No one was still.'

'Some were sharpening their weapons and checking their armor, some were resting, and a few others were keeping an eye on a bunch of metal cages.'

'Inside those metal cages were monsters of all shapes and sizes... Albeit those, different from the other monsters found in the Dungeon, remained silent, observing their captors with eyes filled with wisdom.'

'If any of the adventurers were to drop their guard for even a moment, their numbers might as well reduce by one...'

'It was clear what these monsters were, who they were...'

/Tap tap.../

'In the middle of the cavern was a large table with a map spread out on top of it.'

'The map was the layout for the 19th floor, not all of it though, and instead, only a smaller section of it was drawn, but even so, it looked like a mess of scribbles if looked from afar.'

'But for those with an experienced eye, thanks to it being smaller, the map was filled with details to a scary degree, allowing for precise planning.'


'In front of the table was a man wearing a pair of aviator goggles, reading the map time and time again, thinking… Sometimes he moved something and placed it on top of the map, trying to visualize something.'

'Everything looked rather peaceful, but that was only an illusion as the atmosphere was like a pressure pot, ready to burst at any moment.'

/Step step.../

"Dix, I don't want to question your decision, but are you sure this is the right call?" Asked a woman as she approached the man next to the table

"Shouldn't we... Ditch out while we still can?"

'Dix wasn't pleased with her questioning, he didn't even turn to face her as he replied:'

"This again? How many times will you babble your mouth about my decisions?"

'The woman didn't seem convinced.'

"Look, I won't repeat myself after this time." He said, annoyed

'He pointed at the map, tracing several roads as he started saying:'

"We've been tailing them for close to half a day now, not only that, we realized their intentions from the very start."

"This gave us enough time to prepare all of this, all for the sake of striking gold."

"We gathered materials and equipment, building an excellent trap."

"As long as ya sorry asses do your job properly, we'll finish this in the blink of an eye and retreat safely, together with a fat room worth of gold."

"If things go well, we'll immediately depart once again and capture the remainder of these monsters."

"So go back to your position, and wait for the signal, last thing we want is you being slow."

'And with this, Dix turned to face the map again, completely ignoring her.'

'The woman was slightly frustrated, but she ended up doing what he said, there was no point in arguing now and causing trouble.'

'This wasn't the first time she had clashed with Dix over his choices, for years their relationship had been like that…'

'And 95% of the time, Dix's plans would succeed, would it be any different this time?'



This noise…

'Suddenly, Dix turned his head to the entrance of the room.'

'From his angle, he couldn't see the outside since the cavern curved, but he could hear everything very well, so much so he could hear the rustling of the leaves of the forest outside.'

'But this noise was unnatural, he knew there were 4 people stationed outside, 2 to protect the entrance, and 2 to observe the surroundings and alert them in case they saw any intruders…'

'And this included other adventurers as all eyewitnesses had to be cleared out.'

Tsk, those sons of bitches, I told them not to make any sound, are they fucking with me…?


'Then it came to him, the strong smell of iron…'

'Blood, fresh blood.'

'His eyes opened wide as his muscles tensed.'

"ALERT! INTRUDER!" He said out loud as he jumped behind


'Out of nowhere, a pair of gray claws swiped in the position he had once been, cutting the table and the chair into pieces, ripping the map into thin stripes.'


'Gros growled as he missed, jumping after his enemy, not giving him the chance to grab a weapon…'

"FUCK OFF!" Dix exclaimed as he kicked Gros aside, their difference in Status made it really simple for him to do such a thing

'But his foot hurt a bit, Gros's scales weren't decorations, they were extremely hard.'


'But from the side, a sword was swung, cutting the air with the intent to end Dix's life!'

'It was Lyd, striking from the shadows with precision.'



'From behind Dix, the woman who had just discussed with him appeared, blocking Lyd's strike and saving his life, or at least, saving him from a serious injury.'

'But it wasn't for free, she was sent flying, smashing her back against the cavern walls, not getting up after as blood trickled down from her forehead, she had been knocked out.'

'Even a high-level adventurer would go out cold if their brain shook too much.'

'Yet, this was enough time bought.'

'With his Level 5 status, Dix had enough time to rush to the backlines and grab his spear.'



"What?!" Dix exclaimed suddenly

'It was then that he had time to process the situation, thinking quickly.'

'It had just been a few seconds, no more than 20, no less than 10...'

'But all around him were monsters, at least 10 of them, clashing and slashing against his Familia members taking them down like weeds, it was clear, there was an essential strength difference here.'

'As he thought, more and more fell to their surprise attack.'

'Armored monsters, equipped with the highest quality equipment and extremely coordinated… Their eyes glowing red and brimming with bloodlust as they drew out blood.'

'They came out of nowhere, like smoke… But unlike it, they hit hard!'

'In the blink of an eye, around half of his forces were neutralized, this wasn't good!'

Where did they come from?!

'Dix's brain started to work at high speed, so much so the world around him started to slow down.'

The Scouts didn't report a thing… Meaning… They were taken out before they could so.

So that was what happened… The entrance team was eliminated in the blink of an eye…

But how did they do so in complete silence?! We had the territorial advantage!

'Dix didn't have any more time to think as Lyd and Gros rushed to his position.'

"PLAN B! Everyone! Re-group!" Dix exclaimed as his vision sharpened

'He jumped back, grabbing a small box, pulling a small string, and throwing it forward…'


'As the box opened, several small vials filled with yellow powder were released into the open...'

'In the middle of those bottles was a small bomb, exploding quickly and igniting all of the bottles' contents at once!'

'It was a flashbang tool! Blinding the 'monsters' and giving everyone else the chance to group up.'

"Prepare the Items! Proceed with the plan!" He exclaimed to the people around him

Tsk, we lost the lead, if this keeps up, much less capturing them, I'll end up dead.

But it isn't too late, the plan stands.

They came here for their friends, but even if they save them, they won't be able to join the fight since I cut all of their tendons, they're as good as sitting ducks.

No, this may even weaken them as they'll have to focus on protecting them.

I need time…

'Dix looked around, immediately recognizing Gros and Lyd to be the strongest out of the 11 monsters attacking them.'

I have to do this…

'He raised his right hand, pointing it towards the Xenos…'

"~Become lost in an endless nightmare~"

"~Phobetor Daedalus!~" He chanted loudly


'A red wave with him in the center burst out into the surroundings.'

'It passed through all of the Xenos, making their eyes turn red and…'



'They started to fight each other, incapable of determining friend from foe!'

'This was Dix's unique Magic… Or better put, Curse.'

'A curse that bewitches and confuses the opponent.'

'Upon casting, a red wave of light travels across the area, affecting everything it touches. And when used on a limited number of people, Dix could modify the effects like how each individual would react to his confusion…'

(Credits to the Wiki)

'But like any curse, it comes with a severe drawback.'

'While the Curse is active, it drains his Stats to the point he goes back into being Level 4, the more people he affects, the greater the drawback.'

'Right now, Dix had lost an entire Level without a doubt...'

"We're ready!" Said a man from behind Dix

'It was a bald man with a skull on his left hand, and a massive sword on his right one. His name was Gran, Dix's loyal dog.'

'Dix smiled eerily, saying:'

"Good, now…" Dix said as he turned around



'From behind Dix, a black afterimage cut his arm off!'

'Time seemed to stop, his arm that held his spear was now flying in the air, blood moving beautifully like a wave, drawing an arc in the air as his expression twisted...'

'Not everyone reacted to this, it was too fast... But it didn't take long for some of the stronger ones to see they had an intruder among them...'

'As he turned his face towards his assailant, he saw a young man with a pair of Platinum eyes, staring at him with a small provoking smile.'

"I missed." Silver said in a low tone as he grabbed Dix's spear in the air

No matter, the plan continues as per normal.

"TAKE HIM OUT!" Gran exclaimed as he crushed the black skull, activating the curse within it

'A black skull flew in the air faster than Dix's red curse, clashing against Silver's chest!'

'He suddenly felt his body grow heavier, extremely so, as if he was on mud... This wasn't good, he had been cursed!'

'Before his companions could react, and before he was bombarded with a dozen curses, Silver lifted his two arms and opened them in opposite directions.'

"I'm not your opponent." He said quickly

Not now at least.

So go play somewhere else.


'This created an extreme force, sending everyone into the air as they couldn't remain in the ground anymore.'

'Several curse items were flung into the skies, but Silver caught each of them.'


'The strongest after Dix, the bald man with the giant sword tried to attack him, but he easily deflected the blow away.'

"WHAT?!" The bald man exclaimed as he flew away

The Curse didn't work?

No matter, I need to stick with the plan... Eliminate this nuisance and re-group while activating as many Curses as I can...

"Commencing part 2." Silver mumbled to himself as he took a step back

'While everyone flew around, he raised his right hand, pushing Dix and making him fall right between Lyd and Gros…'

'There was no need to comment further on what happened…'

'With his Status decreased to that of a Level 4, and being in the middle of two berserking Level 5 monsters, Dix's fate seemed to be sealed in place...'

"DAMMIT!" He exclaimed while in the air

My arm... My Goddamn arm!

'His eyes fell onto Silver, who was now turning his head to face Gran... For a moment, he saw his smile of ridicule, and he immediately understood the predicament he was in, and why his plan had failed so miserably.'


'The moment he fell on the ground, he rolled skillfully and evaded the sword swipe from Lyd, being grazed on the shoulder as his blood splattered around.'


'From the side, Gros came in, swiping his claws at him…'


'But he took this chance to evade once more, taking the fact they were berserk to make them fight each other again.'


'Once he rolled away, he immediately realized that there was only one way to survive this, and that was by deactivating his magic.'

'Doing so would make him recover his status, and maybe give him enough time to regroup, but it would also make the monsters recover their bearings.'

'Right now, most of his teammates were still alive, being either incapacitated or occupied, he just needed to give them an opportunity to re-group again...'

'By deactivating his Magic, this would cause a sudden wave of mental pain in the monsters, and that would be enough... It had to be.'

'As long as he could make use of those items in that short window of time, he would be able to decrease their fighting power severely and give himself and his companions enough time to counter-attack…'

"Get ready!" He screamed


'Dix deactivated his magic, making all of the Berserk Xenos stop, making them clench their heads in pain.'

'His companions used this opportunity to kick their foes away and rush together once more...'

'Some were greedier, trying to actually deal a fatal wound onto their opponent, without caring if that would kill them or not.'



'Right now, they were more focused on surviving rather than on profiting out of this situation.'

'And just like them, using this opportunity, Dix rushed to the backlines, hoping on turning the situation around…'


'Dix suddenly became slower, he didn't feel weaker, but why was he so much slower than before?'

My speed?...


'It was then that he realized he'd been had.'

'In front of him was Silver, holding a magic catalyst in the form of a Staff, pointing it to him.'

'It was a curse item, one with the ability to decrease someone else's fighting power drastically.'

'Now, even though Dix had successfully recovered his strength to Level 5, it was once again sent back to Level 4…'

'Although not as severe as before, it was still a massive decrease, Dix felt as if his strength had returned to the day he became Level 5…'


'With his mission completed, Silver smiled, raising his right hand that was holding his halberd towards his back, blocking the charge of the bald guy with one hand.'

"Son of a bitch!" Gran screamed as he swung his Greatsword down

'Silver smiled, saying "Spare me the talk, you won't be getting anywhere with it.", in a low tone as he moved his body.'

'He pushed the massive sword aside, but he found it to be extremely heavy, the Curse was taking its toll on him... His right arm trembled, the sword impact had left a certain toll on him.'

"Hehe... Looks like it did work, I got all worked up for nothing." Gran said with a thin, dumb smile

'Gran wasn't the brightest of people, he was strong and that's it, and also, he was very good at following orders.'

'But seeing his expression, Silver frowned.'

"Man... Did your mother drop you when you were small or something?"

'He couldn't take this insult, so he took a step forward!'

"ARGG! AHHH!" Gran exclaimed as he kicked forward

'Smiling, Silver moved his legs, quickly changing into a martial stance...'



'But Silver easily pushed his leg aside while he threw his halberd into the sky.'

'While Gran raised his head, trying to clutch his sword, Silver bent down...'

'He grabbed his foot with his right hand and pushed down his knee with his left one.'


"AHHHHHH!" Gran screamed painfully as his leg bent

'He fell on the ground, clutching onto his waist.'

'But he quickly opened his eyes, slashing with his sword in a last-ditch attempt…'


'Yet Silver once again blocked it, this time, without even touching it...'

"What is this?!"

'His hand glowed slightly purple as his fingers bent in the air, grasping onto something…'

'But this caused Gran's sword to come to a complete halt as if it had hit solid iron…'

"This is it."


'Silver pulled the sword out of his hand with telekineses, letting it rest in the air above his own head.'

"Don't… Don't come any closer your fucking monster!" Gran screamed yet again with eyes full of fear

What is this guy?! I... I don't understand!

"You'll be coming with me alive…" Silver said emotionlessly


'His halberd fell like a meteor, piercing his shoulder!'


'And while Gran fell due to shock, he kicked his face, sending him to sleep… With a few teeth less.'

/Drip drip.../

'He raised his left hand as he turned his face to the side, his faithful halberd unlodged itself from Gran's shoulder, flying to his hand as it answered his call.'

'Taking a look at the situation, Silver asked himself in a low tone:'

"Are they done?"

'He saw a battlefield full of blood, several bodies on the ground, none of which were from the Xenos...'

'Dix was currently in a pinch, he had tried to rush to Silver, but was intercepted by Gros, while the other members of the Ikelos Familia quickly found out that all of the curse items had been moved somewhere else.'

'Obviously, this was done by Silver.'

'Realization quickly fell and they realized things were extremely dire...'


'He saw an Amazon sitting on the ground, holding her knees in fear, she was trying to hide behind some boxes, trying to keep quiet, hoping everything would end…'

'The moment she saw Silver, her eyes trembled in fear as she started moving backward.'

'This revealed a small trail of blood, she was hurt, but it wasn't enough to kill her.'

'Seeing that things were slowly being settled, he approached her.'

"No… No… Don't… Stay away…" She said weakly

'But Silver said nothing, he approached her step by step, holding a bloodstained halberd in his left hand, and Gran's sword on his right one, above his head, was Dix's spear, glowing in an eerie red light…'

'The blood on those weapons was a dire remainder of her fate.'

'Inside her head, she thought for a moment, which one of those would be the weapon to end her life?...'

'She clutched onto her stomach, pain filling her body each time her heart beat…'

"... Close your eyes, that is the least I can do for you." Silver said as he stopped in front of her

"P-P-Pitying me now?... F-F-Fucking hypocrite." She blurted out as blood seeped from her teeth

"Pity huh... Perhaps so."

'Silver blinked slowly, by the time his eyes opened again, his expression had become resolute, opening his mouth, he said coldly:'

"I hope that the Gods have mercy on you, so in your next life, you may grow onto the thing you desired the most."

"You... COUGH... Son of a bitch working with monsters…"

"How do you feel? Killing your own kind to help some B-Beasts?! TRAITOR!" She exclaimed in a high pitch


'Silver did not reply, he raised his finger and pointed it at her…'

'It slowly glowed purple, and a black nail started to form in front of it, the air twisting around it creating nauseating ripples...'

I cannot judge her simply based on where she stands, I don't know her reasons, much less her condition, saying she is deserving of this fate would be, just like she said, Hypocrisy.

Even so, what would be her end if left alive? Torture? Perhaps if she's lucky, a life of imprisonment?

I don't know how lenient Ouranos is, perhaps, once he investigates her and finds her to be relatively clean, she'll be left aside after a few years in jail for the crimes of being part of an Illegal Familia.

Giving her a quick death is probably the most merciful thing I can do...

But… Should I give her this chance?

Despite everything I've said so far, there is a big risk with this operation…

The Guild finding out about Knossos way earlier than they should, especially when they aren't prepared to face it... When I'm not ready to do so.

As I said before, I'm not bothered by the changes in the timeline, my actions here are already shaking it up completely…

Xenos that should be dead will remain alive, these people... The people that are currently helping Evilus by raising funds will die or be apprehended…

Their plans will change regardless of what I do now, it was already too late the moment I got in contact with the Xenos, perhaps even earlier.

But Evilus isn't some weak faction, they never were.

Everyone thinks they're dead, or at most, fragmented, a shard of what they once were.

But if they're thrown into the light again, who knows what they'll push forward?

Originally, they almost wiped out the Loki Familia on more than one occasion…

I'm not ready to face them, and right now, I've got a lot of people to look after…

Should I just… Have them die here and bury this matter? Leaving it to the future?

Or should I just let things roll? I can't predict their movements, so should I leave it to the Guild?

'When he thought of this, his finger that was previously pointed towards her chest turned to her head.'

'She trembled, recoiling in fear...'

"Ah… I see it now… Y-Y-You were never Human, to begin with… Monstrous bastard." The Amazon said as a small tear came out from the corner of her eye

'For the first time in a while, Silver smiled as he remembered the past.'

"The proper term would be... I stoped being Human quite some time ago."





