A Brutal Parade

Here it is.

This chapter is a bit smaller than the others I've been posting.

We've had around 4-5 chapters with over 3.5K words, some with 4K, it was time for the good old 2.5K chapter.

With this, I'll take my leave.

See you all later.


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And if you are bored, remember to check my other Novels.

(Including the one on my other account, its called: Azimuth: The Elden Throne

You can also find it by searching for my other account: Follower_of_Abadom)







'In the blink of an eye, the giant prehistoric tree Silver was standing on was blown to pieces, like a matchstick being hit by a bullet, this would be what a normal person would've seen if they were there.'

"Speed... Fast."

'In the Sky, Silver stared at the massive beast as it stopped charging, immediately raising its head to look at him.'


'It growled in a low frequency, frustrated that it had somehow missed.'

"It's exactly like the description."

'Standing in a hunched position with its head close to the ground, the massive reptile stood at a whooping 15M from head to toe.'

'That in itself was already reaching the Height of the Goliath, but that wasn't its true size.'

'If it were to fully raise its head, it would easily surpass 20M, perhaps even more.'

"Although they don't have the concept of dinosaurs, it's still very reminiscing of a T-Rex."

Officially, it's a Dragon, just a very weird-looking Dragon.

It would be closer to a Wyvern though...

'As Silver described, the Tyrant of the Plains was like a T-Rex in shape, however, it did not possess a pair of arms in front of its chest, and instead, it possessed a pair of dragon-like wings growing from behind its back.'

'They were long and sharp, making a "C" shape with the monster in the middle.'

'At the edge of those 2 wings were a set of claws it used to grab and support itself on the ground, not that it needed that since its muscular legs were more than capable of doing that…'




'The Tyrant jumped, causing the plains and the trees to tremble slightly, his target? Silver!'



'Silver instantly teleported, watching the Tyrant from another angle in the sky.'


'Seeing that it had missed once again, the Tyrant opened its wings, maneuvering in the air as it quickly turned back and dived right at him.'


The Tyrant can't fly, it's simply too heavy for that.

But its wings can easily support gliding, and its legs can throw it high in the sky like a frog despite it weighing several tons.

How it can fly despite that is a mystery to me, but I do know its bones are hollow.

Although how much that helps is...


'Silver once again teleported, this time, he was even higher in the sky.'

'If it wasn't clear by now, Silver was merely observing his enemy, although he came here to fight after doing his research, one thing was reading, the other was experiencing it for himself.'

"It's fast, strong, it can jump really high, and glide in the sky as well."

This is what I saw so far, but from what I read, it also boasts sturdy defenses, it can use its claws to grab the stones, hanging on the walls of the floor if necessary.

Its tail acts as a center of balance and it is a weak point…

But cutting a 3-5 Meter thick tail full of dense muscle, and bones, and protected by a sturdy scale exterior is easier said than done.

Like many other monsters, it also has Magical powers.

Despite it being the strongest being on the plains, it adopts an ambushing hunting style, and due to this, many First Class adventurers ended up dead before they even realized it.

It's an all-rounder, and this is the scariest thing about it since most monsters tend to be min-maxed towards a certain purpose...

A group of at least 2 beginner Level 5's is necessary to take it down, or a decent Level 5 adventurer coupled with a few Second Class adventurers should do the trick.

If they have the means of stopping it from fleeing and casting magic that is...


'The Tyrant stopped gliding, opting to fall on the ground to reduce travel time.'

'It once again looked at Silver, but this time, it started moving towards the trees…'

"There it is, another thing that makes it shine over other monsters."

Its intelligence, it'll retreat and advance depending on its environment and condition, it is a sneaky hunter.

"It's likely one of the smartest monsters in the Dungeon, yet even so, its intelligence only goes so far."

It's strange to think that such a monster is strong enough to wipe a country out there on the surface, it may not be on a single day, but will happen over time.

It is a decent Level 5 monster at the end of the day, considerably stronger than the Enhanced Green Dragon I fought 2 months ago.

Albeit that wasn't Level 5 yet, it was rather close.

'After making a preliminary assessment, Silver raised his right index finger, pointing it at the ceiling.'

"Normally I would take this a bit slow, observe it more, and draw more conclusions to reduce the risks, but I have no time for that."

I have to get stronger, I'll face it and take it down by myself.

Retreating isn't an option, because if I do, it'll mean that I'm completely and utterly incapable of dealing with Ishtar.

It may be fast, it may be strong, it may be sturdy… But like all before, it'll eventually bleed.

All of my Statuses are pretty much what a beginner Level 5 adventurer would have if we disregard the Level boost... Perhaps even above that!

And I surpass most First Class adventurers in all areas, including combat experience.

If there is one adventurer that is stronger than me, then I'll be faster, if he is faster, then I'm stronger… And so on.

And above all, I have an incredibly high Magic stat…


'Light started to bend above his index finger, and a small flaming ball formed on top of it, this time, he didn't morph his hand, it took a bit more effort, but he did it as a form of training as well.'

"Cruel sun… COUGH!... I don't give my abilities names…" Silver said awkwardly as he pointed at the forest beneath him

'The Tyrant may have hidden there, but Silver could easily hear its breathing, the hustling of the leaves as it moved, the tremor of its footsteps…'

'The loud echoes of its giant heart beating!'

There should be no adventurers nearby… If any has stayed then they are idiots.

And I do not concern myself with idiots.

'The ball suddenly grew to the size of a gym ball before being compressed again to the size of his nails.'



'Like a laser beam, the fireball was thrown at the forest, leaving a red streak across the sky…'

'Silver's clothes were blown back due to the air pressure, the air howled as the red light pierced it!'

'The ceiling's lights were overshadowed due to how bright the ball was, and the entire world seemed to dim a little...'


'The Tyrant felt the attack, it was observing Silver all this time, so it immediately opened its mouth, forming a red beam of its own to counterattack!'

'And the 2 streaks of light clashed.'



'The forest trembled as a small mushroom cloud formed in the sky, the trees had lost most of their leaves, the ground was charred, and there was fire everywhere.'

'It seemed that having everything burn was a common occurrence to Silver now...




'Silver started to hear the sound of other monsters, rushing to his position.'

'His expression did not change as he turned his face to look behind him.'

"I guess having a 1-on-1 is too much to ask in the Dungeon…"

This may be tough… But that is what I want.


'He drank a potion, wiping his mouth afterward.'

Basic precautions have been taken...

There's no point in holding back anymore.


'The moment he said so, green electricity moved around his body, gathering at his arms.'

'Smiling, he opened them wide as several holes opened in his arms and a thin, almost invisible tread slowly moved out from them, like snakes.'



'From behind him, a tall and muscular two-headed bird opened its enormous beak to devour him whole!'


'Without looking back, Silver started to descend… Yet the monster did not attack him?'

'… The monster was now stuck... Mid-air… It seemed something had gotten ahold of it.'


'In the next moment, the bird was minced into pieces, and as blood rained down from the Sky, a man slowly descended onto the ground beneath it.'


'Silver stared at the small army of monsters approaching him on the horizon and at the T-Rex staring at him with its pair of ember eyes.'

"People fear the Dungeon for a reason…"

But how would they feel if they saw this?


'Silver's body started to transform, his muscles bulged, and his clothes disappeared, leaving him only with his pair of shorts and his halberd in hand, his hair freely moving in the wind.'

'Like many times before, his silver eyes started to glow faintly, but he didn't realize it.'

'Just as a mage's magic circle brightens, Silver's eyes flashed with light in proportion to the amount of Magical Power he used.'


'And like the silence before the storm, the Dungeon came into a halt, only the faint breathing of the monsters could be heard…'


'Suddenly without warning, all beasts rushed forward like a tide, bearing their massive fangs as they trampled on the rocky ground.'

"This is my life now…"

An adventurer is meant to go where no one ever went before.


'Ambers started to form around his body...'



'With a might scream, Silver's body exploded in flames as he dashed downward, running in the air as he made his way to the Tyrant!'

'His expression tense, his muscles tensing, his eyes red, he opened his left hand...'



/Heavy breathing…/

'At the same time, all the way on the surface, a blue-haired girl opened her eyes hastily, sweating heavily as she jumped out of her bed, throwing her prised and precious pillow to the side.'


'She didn't care about her condition as she ran out of her room, immediately bumping into another girl, a red-haired woman with a serious expression.'

"Oi Cassandra! Where are you going looking like that?!" Daphne replied as she saw Cassandra in her underwear… Topless

I heard some crashing noises and decided to stop here... It was the right choice, just look at her.

"No! I… Silve… Captain! He… Where is he?!"

Bloodied fangs at dusk, failed promise of the one that scorns the golden thrones...

"Is this about your dreams again? Look, the Captain is already being very understanding in listening to them almost every day, give him a break…"

'But Cassandra grabbed her shoulders, her eyes trembling with a fiery resolve and determination… Fear and despair.'

"It's different this time! I thought… I thought it would be okay… B-but it's different now!"

A festival of tears, a mountain of sorrow...

I warned him yesterday, but he told me he would be careful…

He believes me, and always comes back with feedback on what happened… Always making through…

'But she didn't think he could survive it this time!'

'Seeing her expression, Daphne patted her shoulders and said:'

"Sigh, look, the Captain already went to the Dungeon…"


'Cassandra fell onto the floor like a brick falling onto water, her disheveled hair falling onto her shoulders.'

"Ahh… It's over… If we can't contact him… Warn him… He'll…"

The king of carnage and the empress...


'Out of nowhere from the other side of the corridor, a tiny Goddess screamed as she looked at the two girls.'

'She had a smile on her face, it almost seemed to be shining… With her two hands on her waist, she stared at her two children with a reassuring gaze.'

"Why are you cursing your captain so early in the morning?!"

"Ah? No! I…"

'Hestia didn't quite understand her powers, but she believed in Silver and in whatever he had seen in her.'

'And throughout these few months, he had shown her more than enough evidence to prove that her ability was indeed real, even though it's still hard for her to believe…'

'She still didn't...'

'But so was the Mortal plane, a place full of unexpectedness! A world the Gods cannot predict!'

"Raise your head, wash your face, and lastly, put on some clothes!" She ordered as she pointed at her face

Silver told me to pay attention to her… And to support her when he isn't here.

I've experienced firsthand how she can be when she has those dreams of hers…

And when he isn't here to listen, someone has, or else she'll become euphoric, like this…

And that shall be me!

"Go-Goddess… I…"

'Hestia nodded with a serious expression, showing professionalism.'

"I know… I'm also worried, but there's no way to contact him, explain to me in detail what you saw, and then… We'll think about it!"

"... Unders… Tood." Cassandra said as Daphne helped her up


'Hestia observed the two go back into their rooms with a pensive gaze.'

'She then turned her face to the windows near her, looking at the city outside…'

Silver… Be okay.

'Praying silently, she awaited for her beloved child's return…'




'A festival of blood and gore, a mix of broken pieces of monsters, dirt, and ashes fell from the skies continuously.'

'A pile of corpses and glowing gems slowly grew taller and taller with each of the monsters' giant corpses…'



'In the middle of this, a humanoid monster, with green flames encasing its body, holding a black object that flashed faster than the eye could blink as it tenderized wave after wave of creatures…'

'Its skin was black, dark red veins flowed beneath it, glowing in an eerie faint blue light.'

'This humanoid creature, believe it or not, was Silver… And his opponent, the unending waves of monsters.'



'From time to time, Silver pointed at a monster, and it immediately exploded.'


'He stomped the earth, and pillars of ice rose to defend him and encase the monsters within it.'


'Purple crystals rose from the ground, burning the monsters around it with powerful electrical currents.'


'A huge twisted tree rose atop the carcasses of the monsters, its roots tangling and piercing the eyes of and injuries of the monsters, draining their blood until they turned into husks...'


'The ground parted open over his command, and a powerful geyser of water shot up to the skies, disorienting the monsters up above.'


'If that wasn't enough, a massive blue shark swam from within, biting another large monster down, dragging it bellow...'


'The fight was unending and the roars and screams of monsters filled the place.'

'But it was in a moment of carelessness...'


'A white flash suddenly rose from the ground, cutting Silver's right arm!'

'Would he come back this time?'



