Not really...

A chapter XD.

Yup, this isn't really a chapter, just me, talking, doing my things as I write.

Just like always, I'll keep this notice here for like... A few days? Should be enough for everyone that wants and needs to see it.

So, what's this about? Nothing special really, it's just a small announcement.

Some lore first...

Because of the New year special chapter, we're now a bit out of schedule, not us, but Patreon... It's a bit complicated.

When the new year passed, we were about to finish the Volume, so you can understand how posting a 10K word long chapter would've just ruined the mood.

Especially since it was about an event that had already passed quite for quite a long while...

The problem is, here, I posted a chapter worth 3, while there, I posted none.

So we're a bit unsynched since they are ahead by quite a bit.

In that regard, if you are willing, you can go there and read up to 3 chapters ahead, for free really, just go there and open them up.

It's really simple, the problem is, those chapters are single-edited, as you all know by now, I edit each chapter twice, adding more content and making changes to better fit the story as I go by.

It makes things flow better since I always have an understanding of how things will be 20 chapters down the road.

Still, if you are starving for content, go there and read it, you might even get hooked up Lol.

We've hit a small goal I had, so I added my other Novel there as well, so you can sign up and get one big ass chapter and 3 of this novel, yay.

Well, not yet as I'm making the Zero Fate chapter, my hands do need their rest...

I also do some other things there from time to time, like some polls for some things, I've been trying to be more active you see.

If that caught your eye, here it is:


Anyway, this was me with my shameless self-promoting.

As always, normally chapters tomorrow and the rest of the week, we aren't late, they are the ones that are ahead.

Peace, I'm out.