Conversion, fall from grace

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"Who is it?!" Ishtar exclaimed as she jumped away from the windows while making sure to not approach Thanatos as well

We are at least 50 floors above ground!

How did they even...

"So you were expecting guests." Thanatos said with a smile as also took a step back

And by the looks of it... Quite the troublesome bunch.

Sigh, a few more minutes and we would've left without being seen...

Valletta-Chan was right, it was impossible to recruit Ishtar without going through some mayhaps.

The Guild wasn't monitoring her to prevent her from causing trouble... They were on the lookout for us.


'Thanatos did a small gesture to the two guards, and they immediately started moving.'


'They took a step forward to protect him, while he pulled his hood to cover his face.'

'Their weapons were readied, just in case they had to do a strategic retreat.'


'And as the broken fragments of glass fell onto the ground, the 4 intruders raised their heads with different expressions as they witnessed the people in the room.'

'Two humans one beast-man, and another man with a strange aura...'

"Ouch, my back… Asfi, you need to be more gentle, my skin is quite delicate…" The blond man said in a painful tone as he grabbed his hat on the ground

'He massaged his arms, feeling his muscles ache.'



"H-Hermes-Sama, it's not the time for that…" Asfi replied with a slight flush, almost imperceptible as she elbowed his chest

'And while Hermes recovered his breathing...'

"I should've expected it to be you..."

They are bold, making their way into our territory...

Hermes isn't like that, to expose himself like this, especially if... He is aware of who we are.

What do you have prepared?

'Thanatos smiled.'

But even then, I guess I have to thank you, your presence here solidifies my control over Ishtar.


'Both Ishtar and Thanatos reacted to his bombastic entrance, one in shock, the other not surprised.'

'Ishtar's body trembled as she started to realize that Thanatos' words were, from the very beginning, true.'

'Bitting her lips, she continuously moved away from the center of the room, leaving Hermes and Thanatos at a standoff.'

'Taping his hands on his shorts, Hermes said with a serious smile, "My ass almost turned into rock after so much waiting, but my patience was rewarded, now now, what do we have here?" after taking a quick look around.'

'And before they could reply, his gaze went to Thanatos hiding behind the guards.'

"I know that look… The appearance of a loner that fashions himself like an edgy grave keeper… I wouldn't mistake it for anything."

So it was true, Evilus was never taken down.

Their remnants live on... Gathered under the banner of... This bastard.

I always knew something was missing, the key enemies were never taken care of.

Even after the Massacre, their commanders were nowhere to be found.

Just didn't expect it to be this guy... He was never the proactive guy, why is he all the way down here?

"Haa… Do you need to talk like that to me? It's not like we had anything going on between us." Thanatos replied as he pulled his hood down once more

"That may be true, but it's a different thing down here Thanatos…" Hermes replied as he pulled his hat down to cover his eyes

"I've been looking for you, for many years, the culprit."

"But I never thought you would come down considering how diligently you worked up there."

'Thanatos let out a helpless sigh.'

"I know, believe me, it greatly pains me too to leave my job behind and at the hand of others, but I had a greater goal to attain…"

Oh Hermes, trying to play emotional with me? Don't waste your time.

As if you had any to spare.

"That being?"

"Ahh… Come on Hermes, it's such a let-off if I tell you everything from the get-go." Thanatos spoke as he turned to Ishtar

Introductions aside, it's about time we end this conversation.

Each second here induces a greater risk of some variable appearing.

And with our elites focused on the operation in the Deep floors...

"You truly got me this time, I had no intentions of making an appearance, at least not so soon..."

"I made extensive preparations, yet you're still here, your patience and resourcefulness surprises me."

There is no point in being so secretive, Hermes expects me to do something, so I won't keep quiet.

No matter how much you think, you won't be able to figure it out.

And if you try to send someone down... We'll kill them all.

The first to make a move wins, he knows nothing of us, I know everything of them.

The longer he takes, the closer the promised day comes.

But if he rushes it...

Now Hermes, what do you have under your sleeves for me?

"I'll take it as a compliment." Hermes replied as he lifted his hat up again, smiling widely

"Though… Hermes, don't you dare think this is the end."

'He smiled.'

"It's barely the beginning."


So this is how this conversation ends?

'Hermes' expression became serious as the people around him tensed.'

'Asfi, Captain of the Hermes Familia, Level 4.'

'Vultus, Ex-Captain of the Tityos Familia, Level 4.'

'Falgas, High Level 3 adventurer.'

"Can you see it? It'll start soon."

"What will?"

I have two Level 4s on my side, while he has two unknown adventurers.

However, the problem is me... But it's the same for them.

Even then... Ishtar, is it already too late?

The moment Tammuz arrives, the tables will turn completely.

'Hermes put his right hand on his chest where his hidden weapon lay.'

'Worst came to worst, he was ready to pull the trigger...'

"Well… I was told to keep my mouth shut." Thanatos said with an apologetic expression as he looked at Hermes

"It's been 1000 years Hermes, an era is ending, Zeus and Hera are proof of that."


"There are no more Heroes, there is no hope anymore, Orario almost fell at the hands of Zeus' rejects, what to say the rest?"

"You should give up already, this situation is beyond mending, so enjoy it while you can…"

"I'm not so sure about that." Hermes replied as his face turned to the side, looking at the window and the city outside

"These children… Can often surprise you."

"Don't just assume the end without seeing what they have to show first."


'Thanatos went into deep thought.'

"Is that so?... Well, I'm not entirely stubborn, so I'll take your words to heart."

"The complexity of these children's hearts... How could I not know it?"

"Their dreams, aspirations... And regrets."

"It is my job to witness it all one last time before they're sent on their way..."

There is indeed a lot hidden within the hearts of Mortals.

Desires... Wouldn't it be perfect if all of their dreams were accomplished once they arrived in Heaven?

I wholeheartedly wish for them to become true...

'Thanatos turned around to leave.'

"Where do you think you're going? We still have a lot to talk about." Hermes said loudly as he took a step forward, only to be pushed back by Falgas

"Do we, Hermes? Haha… I'm sure we have."

"Let's do it like this… For a bit of fun."

'Thanatos turned to stare at him.'

"If you can find me, I'll tell you everything, treat it as a meet-up gift after so long."

Come Hermes, follow me...

Into your demise.

'He raised his hand and waved it.'

"Until next time, messenger, send the others my regards."

"I've heard Hestia has stirred quite the trouble recently... How unusual, it's like the old days..."

"Don't you think so?" He said as his guards took something from within their waist pockets


'It was a pair of smoke bombs!'

"Dammit! Asfi, don't let them…"

'Hermes immediately took out his hand crossbow, aiming it at Ishtar whose eyes opened wide as she realized what was about to happen...'




'Just as he spoke, the tower trembled as the furniture started to move, and an ear-piercing explosion shook their eardrums as an impact wave hit their chests…'



'Below, screams rang but they were muffled by the sounds of destruction and chaos.'


'The tower started to tilt!'


'Hermes triggered his hand crossbow, aiming directly at Ishtar's chest!'



'Under Hermes shocked eyes, one of the guards came out from the smoke, grabbing Ishtar before retreating into it again.'

'She barely had a say in it all, too shocked to complain or move as the bolt grassed across her arms.'

"Shit! This can't… I should've practiced my aim..."

'But despite his worried looks, Hermes' mind was calm and still.'

Just as I thought, this place was a trap from the start!

Yet, it's sloppy.

Evilus... You've grown weak.


"Asfi, grab Hermes and escape! We can fend for ourselves!" Vultus exclaimed as he tried to maintain balance in the tilting room

"Quick! Do it!"

"... TALARIA!"


'Asfi jumped forward as her boots flared, creating two pairs of ethereal white wings around her soles.'

/Flap flap.../

'This glorious display would shock many, this was the materialization of Asfi's desire to reach the skies, years of effort made reality.'

"Ouch! Asfi, please, not so tight… ?!?!"

"Shut up before I make you, in fact, have this." Asfi replied with a bothered expression as she held his arms, flying out of the room with Hermes and taking to the skies

'She quickly stuffed a dirty cloth inside his mouth, shutting Hermes up as his face grew ashen...'

"BLEH!... Haa... Make sure to come back in one piece! Dinner's on me!!" Hermes exclaimed as Asfi dragged him into the skies

I already did what I came here to do.

The remnants of Evilus are up to something, the Dungeon, monsters...

And even that strange underground ruin.

It's all linked.

He said that the promised time is coming... And his goal...

What would that looner want with the lower world? The only thing he ever did was to purify Souls and send them back...


'Hermes expression turned grave.'



'As the room fell apart, Vultus and Falgas stared at each other in embarrassment, dust, and rocks falling onto their shoulders and hair...'


'Time seemed to slow down from their perspective allowing them to think and talk for a few moments as everything went to hell.'

"Welp... This is going to hurt…" Falgas voiced out as he saw the ground appear in his field of vision

A week of waiting and even more investigations... And this is how it ends? Can't say it's bad, had it worst already under Hermes-Sama's wims.

Might very well be the most... "Impressive" of them all though.

"If we fall from this distance it's definitely going do some work on my back..."

"There is a lake in the distance… Here, give me your hand." Vultus voiced as he turned to Falgas

"Alright... Wait, what are you… ?!?!"


"Damn, you!!!"

'Falgas was thrown far away, a perfect arc that would end with him falling in the artificial lake around the tower.'

"Well then, time to go… But first."

'Vultus slammed his hand on the wall next to him, pulling a large metallic vault from within.'

Hermes said there would be a possibility that we wouldn't be able to resolve this peacefully, and in the case of an emergency, we are to stea... "Confiscate" her possessions.

Can't say I'm against it, I did worse, but it does make me feel a bit iffy...

'After spending a few months within this Familia, Vultus had already adapted quite well…'

"I should get going, before the floor breaks and I'm buried in the rubble."


'And like a bird in the sky, Vultus also jumped elegantly… Until he started to fall.'





'The massive tower slowly fell, tilting more and more.'


"NOO! I..."


'On the streets, the people that saw this scene started to scream in panic and fear, trying to escape its trajectory.'

/Creak creak… CRACK!/

'Thankfully, it seemed the tower wouldn't be affecting the district, as it snapped in half with most of it crashing within the Ishtar Familia's territory, collapsing only into a portion of their walls.'


'Even then, this was a disaster that would shake Orario for some time.'




'As a massive door closed with a heavy "thum!" Thanatos and Ishtar saw themselves within an underground passage.'

'On the side, Ishtar clutched to her chest, and Thanatos could be seen doing something similar as he breathed heavily.'

'The reason for this was that just before, they were being dragged in quite the awkward position at high speeds across the Manor, and even with their Divine bodies, they saw themselves without breath and even a bit lethargic.'

"Phew... I hate workouts."

"I'll have some good rest after this is done." Thanatos mumbled to himself as he stretched his back

"Cough... Dammit!"


'Ishtar slammed her fist against the wall, voicing her anger and letting her suppressed emotions out.'



'But before she started to lash out at others, a group of warriors appeared from the dark, it was Tammuz and her faithful warriors... Most of them at least.'

/Clears throat.../

"It seems everyone is here, let us move while we still can." Thanatos said as he turned to look at Ishtar

"Wait... Explain to me... Everything."

"Of course, I had no intention of leaving anything behind... But it would be best if I did so as we moved."

'He raised his hand.'

"So, shall we?"



'Ishtar slapped his hand away, walking in front with a frown as her hips swayed in the darkness.'

'The presence of her servants gave her some confidence, or perhaps she was simply too stressed to care about anything else...'


It's impossible to reason with her.

But that's fine too, A haughty Ishtar is better than a broken one.

There is no need for a useless pawn, especially when it's too early...

To sacrifice it for the King.

She'll have her uses... Eventually.






Thank you for reading, this chapter was a bit messy since I don't think some of the characters acted as they should.

It's difficult to write about genius strategists going about each other constantly.

You see, Hermes is someone that can Outwit Gods, capable Gods as he made use of Freya to destroy Ishtar in the Novels by manipulating a series of things one after the other...

Albeit Freya threatened him later saying she wouldn't tolerate such actions again, proving she is no stupid lady either.

Hermes was the one responsible for the whole Arc of season 2 pretty much. And also 3 in a sense.

As for Thanatos, not only is he decently intelligent, he has Valletta in his ranks, she herself is an extreme strategist that can be compared to Finn, albeit the latter won every time because Valletta is a psycho, and hence, easy to predict in some ways.

Valletta would always win in the short run but lose in the long run due to Finn's decisiveness and unique decision-making process.

I have no idea if Hermes would've risked himself for this meeting, much less if Thanatos would've moved so far to pull in Ishtar.

Originally, Ishtar was supposed to have been killed by the assassin group Evilus controls, but I decided to withhold them from the game board for now.

What do you think of this development? The chapter was a bit small but I think it did what it was supposed to.

Next chapter should put a conclusion to Daphne's and the Soma Familia's conflict while opening new possibilities for the future while also giving us another hint into what is happening in the Deep Floors.

In that regard, would you guys like it if one of the members of the Freya Familia were to die? If so, who, how, and why?

Aside from that, are you guys tired of these secondary POVs? Should I rush ahead so we go back to Silver?

I don't see us returning to Silver within at least 5 chapters, we need to end Soma and the expedition in a sense before returning to him.

That was all from me, thank you for reading.