Bloody Juggernaut

We continue directly from where we stopped.

A few things to go through first.

First, my third Novel, Azimuth, got contracted, Yippi!

This means that, if anyone wishes to gift me through Webnovel, that is now possible.

Although I still very much love Power Stones, as any kind of support, be it through a like or comment is still support.

Apart from that, I was thinking about skipping the next chapter after this one, why? Because I'm late on some things.

Most importantly, I wanted to have Sunday's Zero Fate chapter ready on time and I still haven't posted last week's...

So yeah, things are rough.

Anyway, I request patience if possible.

Meanwhile... This may be time to check my other Novels? I heard they are good... Speaking from experience...

They aren't paid or anything and even Azimuth is free to look at, albeit I would like to put an exchange system... Power Stones for Chapters? LoL...

That's about it, let's see how this fight ends up.


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If you wish to support this series, take a look at my P@treon.


You can also find the links on my Disc@rd in case it doesn't work here.

And if you are bored, remember to check my other Novels.

(Including the one on my other account, its called: Azimuth: The Elden Throne

You can also find it by searching for my other account: Follower_of_Abadom








'The Dungeon trembled as the impact between the blade and the claw ensued.'

'An explosion of extreme proportions with Ottar as the center spread out, blowing out everything, be it rock, or monster into pieces.'

'This included the people of the Freya Familia…'


'Even if they tried to resist, the ground beneath them was destroyed, their foothold shattered under the impact wave of the beastman's and the monster's clash.'


'As a dust cloud rose high above, the entire Floor became eerily silent, with the only sounds in the air being the noises of stone and rubble falling from the sky.'


'But suddenly, the sound of metal cracking echoed in the plains.'


'From within the dust, Ottar's sword broke into pieces as half of its metallic blade fell onto the ground with a heavy thud as his knees bent slightly, turbid air leaving his lungs as he exhaled.'

'Behind it, Ottar stood, clutching onto the sword's handle, the only thing left of the blade.'

'His entire shirt had been ripped apart, and many splinters could be seen embedded into his flesh, from chest to his face, with many parts of his skin even missing as if they had simply vanished.'

'But he seemed unbothered by it as his eyes remained sharp.'

/Drip drip…/

'Droplets of blood fell like rain onto the ground from multiple corners of his body, traveling from his face down his arm and into his fingers...'

'A single clash had caused this much damage, he wasn't extremely injured, but the pain was enough to make a grown man cry...'

'Yet, he remained tall, unflinching.'


'In front of him, the Juggernaut quickly dug itself from the ground as it jumped back to create distance...'



'Unburing itself from all the rubble that fell atop it, a translucent layer started to peel and crack as it moved, very much like a lizard's shed skin.'

'Its protective barrier had been broken in a single strike!'


'Its flesh was torn, bleeding heavily onto the red sand from a spot that was once its arm, but instead of fear and agitation, its gaze was calmer yet even more ferocious than before.'

'However, it contained something rarely seen amidst Monsters... Caution.'

'It was studying its foe very much how he studied it...'

'Just as Ottar was a Champion amidst mortals, this creature was a Beast amidst monsters, it wouldn't fall just because it lost a single confrontation.'


'It growled, gazing at him from afar, it was analyzing Ottar, figuring out his strengths and powers... While also scanning for any visible weaknesses.'

'His last strike almost killed it, albeit its survival came at the cost of one arm and its defensive layer, both being lost in exchange to shake off Ottar's strongest attack with only a few intermediary injuries.'

'It now knew that it couldn't receive another one of those hits head-on, it had to seek an opportunity in-between...'

'It was looking for a chance.'


'But what the creature didn't expect was for Ottar to recover in the blink of an eye.'

'Given his injuries, it was to be expected that Ottar would at least try to drink a potion, as his hands were completely red, drenched in his own blood...'

'But true to his name as King, Ottar took a step forward, not back.'

'His severe bleeding had already stopped, his gaze was calm…'

'Some wounds were still open, but that was inconsequential to him, as his body could still fight, he could still move, his sword...'


'From the skies, a large dark sword made its way to him, being thrown by someone else!'


'Ottar raised his hand and grabbed it without looking back, his expression not changing as if he expected this.'

'This was obviously Ottar's second sword, as he always walked around with two black blades specifically for situations like this one.'

'Ottar was used to his weapons breaking due to his raw physical power, even a pure Adamantite sword would break to his swings, while a pure Orichalchum blade was too inefficient for him to use.'

'And right now, his experience saved him the trouble of fighting unarmed... A great problem, given the situation.'

'He wasn't so arrogant as to believe he could face whatever was in front of him without it.'


I think I punctured my eardrums...

'From behind him, the others slowly got up.'


"Haa... Haa... What the fuck..."

Is that?... Shit... I can't feel my left arm...

'Allen rested his bleeding body on his spear, breathing heavily as he tried to study the creature in front of him.'

'He looked at his right arm, noticing a small swelling around his forearm.'

Fucking... Marvelous... My damn arm is broken...

At least my legs are fine.

As long as I can run... Nothing will stop my charge.

'It was difficult to say what he was more upset at, his own arm, or the potentially fatal situation in front of him.'



I liked that pair...

'Hedin looked at his shattered, broken glasses, half buried in the sand, sighing at his unsightly appearance through their broken reflection.'

'His current injuries were thanks to the weak magical barrier he set up with the little Magical power he had left before the clash, protecting his body from more severe injuries such as Alen's broken arm.'

'Raising his eyes to stare at the monster in front, he silently started to gather more power...'


"What a monster."

But I shall persevere, as I am...

'Hogni, under the effect of his Magic was like a proud warrior, his chest puffed in heroic glory.'

'Successfully predicting Ottar's power, he evaded the monster's attack, as such, he was the least affected by their clash, though still just as dirty.'

'And so, he was also the one that threw Ottar his spare sword.'

What to do now?...

'Rising from the sand, Hogni grasped his cursed sword tightly.'







"I-I'm here..."

'Finally, the brothers started to move, helping each other up as some of them were too deep, buried beneath the sand.'

'They were the weakest but their willpower was just as great as everyone here!'

"Things... Seem to have hit the fan..." The eldest, Alfrigg said as he cracked his neck

""Agreed."" Two of the other brothers said in unison

""Grer?"" They asked in unison as they turned to face their brother

"Huh? Did you guys say something?..."

'It was then they realized Grer's appearance, he had two streams of red liquid falling from his ears...'

'And he wasn't the only one injured.'

"Your ears..." One of them said as they looked at Grer

"Your... Eye." Grer replied as he read the lips of his brother

"... I can't open it." Berling said as he put his hand on his left eye

'The faint pain he felt from it and the warm blood on his face was an indication something was definitely not right.'


"We can treat those wounds later." Alfrigg said as he lifted his spear

"Right now... All we need to do is..."


'His brothers all nodded, and even if one couldn't hear, their level of coordination allowed them to understand what each other thought perfectly.'

'And they all knew... They were fucked, and they now needed to find a solution.'

'Else a few shattered bones, eyes, and ears will be the least of their problems.'



'As for the monsters… There were none left, they had all died to the berserking energies released by the clash between Ottar's magic and the Juggernaut's reflective barrier.'

'Indeed, the reason why Ottar had been damaged so much was that a considerable portion of his own attack had been reflected right at his face.'

'If he wasn't ready for it, then perhaps... The Juggernaut might've found an opening and struck... What would've happened after that is a mystery.'

'Even then, there was no need to worry about interferences, as with the amount of damage they had just caused, no more monsters would spawn and ambush them for a good while.'




'The impasse between the Juggernaut and Ottar wouldn't last forever.'

'The small period of silence between them was just like the calm before the storm, only giving them enough time to rise from the sand before they restarted their fight!'


'As they clashed, the floor shook, but with each swing, the fight went further and further away...'

'This was Ottar's way of giving them some time off, and in many ways, they felt livid about it.'

'To be put in this condition... How humiliating.'

'So they started to get their shit together, it wasn't time to cry in pain.'

"That muscle... Urg... Head..."

Doing things on his own again... Dammit... I feel anemic... It's Mind Down.

'Heidin's mind felt like a void, as if it was about to implode into itself, but he had to remain awake.'

'He was the only mage in their group, and above all... Likely the smartest too.'

'If he falls down now... Who could guarantee these idiots would even be able of protecting him?!'

'They would likely rush to death... And he would follow suit not too long after.'

"... Hogni… Can you still move?" Hedin asked with a broken smile as he put his shattered glasses inside his cloak, shaking his staff off the red sand

"I'm barely heated up." The dark elf spoke with a confident smile as his cursed sword shone in dark light


I fucking hate that magic...


'Amidst the tremblings from afar, he continued:'

"... Alright then… What about you cat boy?"

"Haa… Bloody hell… Don't get so cocky… Sharp ears... urg..."

'Allen tried really hard not to grunt, but a painful welp left his mouth, even then, Hedin ignored it as it wasn't the time to make fun of him.'

"... What about the 4 little twerps?" Allen asked as he raised his head from his spear's handle

"S-Speak... For yourself cat." Grer spoke as he lifted his Greatsword, reading his lips

'His legs trembled, but he stood tall.'

"If we're going to fall... It'll only be after you." Alfrigg said as he readied his Spear, taking a step forward

"Don't get so full of yourself!...!!" Dvalinn spoke rudely as he smashed his hammer on the ground, only to feel his back snap

"Didn't you... S-Shit your pants a while ago?" Berling said with a sly smile as he removed his axe from within the sand

'The four of them spoke at the same time, making it very hard to understand what any of them were saying, so in the end, Allen just ignored their ramblings.'

'Even their famed coordination seemed to have been blown off due to the clash.'

'But they were alive… Barely, as it was evident how much blood they lost due to stains on their armor and on the ground.'

'Barely had they even seen the monster, but it dealt more damage to them than anything combined so far in their Expedition.'



'Another clash in the distance, followed by a deadly stare between the two foes, sending each of them in different directions.'

'Ottar's sword was now slightly chipped, but the Juggernaut's front claws and flesh had been greatly damaged also.'

'How impressive.' Ottar thought to himself as he stared at his foe

It's stronger and faster than Balor...


'Ottar never had the opportunity of challenging Balor alone, but from his experiences fighting Balor with a group, he could tell this Juggernaut was stronger than that.'

'Perhaps not as destructive, but its individual power was above it.'


'But the time to think had passed.'

'And Ottar could feel it... His opponent was getting serious.'


'The Juggernaut… No, the transformed Demi-Spirit gazed at Ottar with hate and anger.'


'Its chest started to pulsate with red light as something seemed to move inside it, like an embryo under red light…'

'If Silver was here, he might've said the monster was entering phase two...'


'Through its wound, it was possible to see that its flesh wasn't red, and it was, in fact, green.'

'It started to squirm and contort as if something was trying to escape its confines, but the Juggernaut did not allow it.'

'It squeezed its own chest, it was in control.'

/Echo… Echo…/


"Huh?!... What is… This music?" Allen questioned as he looked around

'Suddenly, as the Juggernaut's wounds squirmed, faint music started to play on throughout the floor…'

"Hm?! It can't be!" Heidin exclaimed loudly, recognizing what was happening

"That's Spirit Magic!"

Where is it coming from?!

'His eyes fell upon the Juggernaut.'

W-Why is a monster utilizing Spiritual Magic?!

How is this possible?!

'For him, seeing such a thing was an affront to everything he knew, and even, in a sense, heretical to his beliefs and culture.'


'Just as he questioned the nature of this monster, above its head, an extremely complex and archaic green magic circle formed, and in its chest, right where the dark light was, a hole opened as a melodic voice echoed outside:'

"~Bloom, the birth of life, the first creation.~"


'A gentle and soothing feminine voice echoed from within the Juggernaut as its chant started.'

'But its monotone was eerie, as if devoid of the very thing it sang about… Life.'

"~Birth and death, return to the earth to start anew.~"

'With each syllable, its chanting became faster, better, stronger, as if this creature was getting used to it.'



'Ottar started to run forwarded as his expression turned fierce.'

'He understood that he had to stop it from doing whatever it planned.'


"~From a sprout to a mighty tree, bring forth its unending Vitality.~"


'This was the call for everyone to wake up.'

'Hedin immediately started to cast his own Spells, and Allen started to chant his own magic as well, while Hogni rushed forward with courage.'

'Even if he could not scratch it, he would give his Captain the opportunity to strike it.'

'They were putting their lives on this beastman's hand, these prideful people that did not accept anyone above them apart from their own Goddess...'

'This was how much faith they had in the King.'

"~Your envoy beseeches you, Deva. Incarnate of Nature. Queen of forests.~"

"HUAAAA!" Ottar exclaimed loudly as he swung his sword down, releasing a potent air wave that continued to cut for a hundred meters on the red sand dunes...


'Ottar delivered a powerful slash against the Juggernaut, but the creature did not try to evade, it instead allowed another one of its arms to be cut… So the voice could finish its chant.'

"~Breath of Life.~" The gentle female voice said as a green flash took over the Juggernaut, healing all of its wounds as two new pairs of legs grew over its previous ones

'All around, all sorts of plants seemingly materialized from nowhere, rising into the skies, turning this desert landscape into a small lush forest...'


'Taking Ottar's awkward position, the creature slashed with extreme power and speed, trying to capitalize on its foe's oversight…'

'It was a speed even faster than before...'

'From the start, it had been hiding its true power, waiting for a chance to deliver a fatal blow when his enemy least expected it!'





'But just as it thought it was winning... It had also committed a mistake.'

'The insects that it had disregarded, the creatures it cast aside as unimportant... Appeared, slashing and piercing its body from its sides.'

'And by no means... Despite insects, their stings hurt!'



'It tried to block them, send them away, but this gave Ottar the opportunity to evade its stack, slamming the back of his sword against its head with everything he had.'

'Ottar would never commit a blunder like this, from the start, he had purposely baited the Juggernaut into entering his strike range!'

'But this wasn't without some losses...'

'The right side of his waist now had a clear hole in it, it wasn't very big, but it was considerable, and it was bleeding severely.'

'As for the Juggernaut, even if it was smart, it had just been born, and its combat experience was miles away from them all, a being that moved based solely on instinct was only so good at the end of the day.'


'The Juggernaut's skull cracked!'


'And it screamed in Berserk fury, slashing and piercing away at its attackers, creating a rain... Of flesh and blood...'




'A woman with red hair and simple clothes sat down on a rock as she weirdly ate a crystal of some kind, like it was a cookie cracker.



'One by one, she ate more and more of those crystals, her appetite seemingly endless.'

(I'm hungry now... It's the third time this has happened...)


'She looked above, feeling something, listening.'

"Looks like those maniacs succeeded… Somehow."


'But she seemed neither impressed nor disappointed.'

'She only ate the crystals, one by one with a blank expression, from a dozen to a thousand, only small pieces were left behind around her seat, a testimony to the enormous amount she had devoured...'

'As if everything above was inconsequential to her.'


'She turned her head and looked at the horizon where a large distorted tree rose to the skies.'

'Though it may be better to call it a flower.'

"You want me to... What?... Really?"

Bring her... Toys?

That seems like a bother.

Especially considering the people above are...

'This red-haired woman thought for a moment before getting up.'

"I guess there's no harm in checking things out, at least see if their goals were accomplished in any way shape, or form."

It was within the original plan to force them here and deal with them once and for all through a combined effort...

Though I'm sure none of them survived whatever's rampaging up there anyway.

I can't even get to it, that beast is uncontrollable.

"It sends shivers down my spine... Even from here." She said without any change in her expression

"I didn't want to get more work on my hands, but if this is enough to have them all shut up, then it's worth it."


'Taking one last bite of a magic stone, she climbed to the 58th floor.'






'The terrific fight between the buffed Beastyfied Ottar and the Juggernaut was so intense everyone was forced to stay away.'

'But it's not like they could've, even if they wanted to.'

"... Dammit..." Allen muttered as he stared at their clash from afar, clutching onto his bleeding stomach

'He had run with everything he had, delivering a blow to the back of its head with the sharp end of his spear... But it only amounted to increasing the dent on its skull.'

'And he had been rewarded with his entire stomach having been skewered by the beast's tail, and if it hadn't been for one of the emergency potions, he wouldn't even be able to stay on his two feet, much less talk.'

'He wanted to fight, but his legs couldn't move anymore...'

'And if he couldn't run, he didn't have the right to be called the fastest.'

'The image of an event from the past seemed to flash before his eyes.'

'It was the same helplessness... The same crumbling feeling of before...'

Even after so long... After so much bloodshed, I can still only watch.

I'm still just a bug.



'He grasped his spear with intense anger and humiliation.'

'But he wasn't the only one feeling like that...'

'Next to him, on the ground, three brothers kneeled next to the fourth one...'

'With his back against a tree, Hogni breathed heavily as he held onto his left arm...'

'And next to him was Hedin, carefully applying a potion.'

'Despite being enemies, right now, they had to survive, only then would they be able to quarrel with each other on the surface...'






'Even from afar, the air pressure from their confrontation shook their surroundings as the ground rumbled as if multiple Earthquakes had struck the Dungeon.'


'After another confrontation, Ottar's body slid across the sand, only stopping when he crashed against a tree.'

'And this was all witnessed by the Elves.'

It's way stronger than Balor...


The Executioner? Juggernaut? How did I never hear about it before?

There are no records of it, nothing... Such a monster... Wouldn't remain unknown.


'Hedin observed their fight as well, trying to figure out what he was seeing.'

'And so did the others.'


'But... Wasn't this strange?'

'Considering their injuries... Why were they staring and not joining anymore?'

'Well... This had to do with Ottar's pride.'

'Upon seeing this creature, something ignited within him, a desire to face an opponent he only heard of before...'

'He now finally had the opportunity to settle the scores of a discussion from the distant past.'

'He didn't care why it had changed, he didn't care why it looked different, this time, he was going to end this beast's existence!'



'Their clash demolished another dune dozens of matter tall, and as they stabilized their bodies...'


'Another song started to play, and a large dark magic circle formed atop the Juggernaut's head.'

'Intense Magical power poured into the floor, to the point Hedin felt a bit sick.'

"~To you, that exists to reflect, oh shadow, relinquish, revolt, consume, consume, consume...~"

'This time, the chant seemed longer... Heavier...'

"~The you that exists beyond, below the light, repressed by law, the encased existence, set free...~"

'As it sang the second verse, it became clear what this was... A Super Long Chant magic.'

'And it wasn't a slow one, the voice became faster and faster with each word.'

'However, Ottar wouldn't allow it to remain alone, as he also sang his own chant... Or better put, continued it.'

'His body was falling apart, his throat was sore, he was no magician, he couldn't even chant and walk at the same time...'

'But he had one thing going on in his favor... His Chant was shorter... Way shorter.'

'He had been preparing for this moment for a long time.'

'He only needed to wait... For an opportunity.'

'But the Juggernaut knew of that, it knew his foe would attack it to stop its chant.'

'And it would wait for it and thwart its efforts.'


"~... A world without starts, the great veil, the true eclipse, all light shall vanish, all fires shall extinguish, all cries shall cease, let all vanish in your embrace...~"

"~Night skies of bright stars, Overthrow the Sun, break the cycle for the arrogance of those above, as for the world welcomes a cleanse, let their greed ush forth the start of a new age...~"

"~Your envoy beseeches you...~"



'But this time, Ottar wouldn't allow it.'

"Hildis Vini!!" He screamed as his sword descended



'Just when the Juggernaut was about to finish its chant, Ottar smashed the ground with his foot, causing the entire place to tremble and for the nearby sand mountains to crash, forcing it to jump away.'

'But it was at that moment that Ottar finished his own chant, slashing his blade at the Juggernaut's chest after he dashed forward, cutting whatever was singing in half!!'

'Ottar wasn't a Spell Knight, he couldn't chant and fight at the same time, but he had the ability to finish one verse at a time, switching between attacking and defending whenever the opportunity rose.'

'Ottar had been holding his chant for this very moment!'


'And with the hellish screams of a woman, it seemed he had hit the bullseye as a large exposition took over the Juggernaut's chest.'

'It was the magic backfiring!'


/At the same time.../



'The red-haired woman stared at this scene from afar.'

So that is Ottar, the strongest above.

As expected, his strength is overwhelming, if it wasn't for his lowly equipment, his position would be much better.

If this monster goes down... It's over.

'Her eyes turned to the other people on the side...'

But it's different if I take them out first.

A tired boar like him won't be able to escape... At least not in one piece...



'However, when she realized something, her eyes turned dark as she lost interest.'


'She turned around and left.'


/Back at the fight.../

'Ottar used his powerful body to tear apart the monster's spine as one of its claws punctured his stomach, drawing his intestines from within!'


'Screaming with extreme rage, Ottar let go of his sword as he allowed the monster's claws to ravage his body, plunging his fists into the open belly of the beast, pushing them away from each other as he lifted the monster above the ground.'


'And his voice blending in with the monster, he pulled his hands apart, splitting the monster into two, spraying dark red blood across the ground as its green flesh and something else undescribable fell onto the sand at the same time as its claw cut horizontally across his stomach...'

'The fight had ended, Ottar defeated the nightmare...'


'His body was battered and he was half dead, but he was still alive, and that was enough for him, even as he fell onto the ground without strength.'

'He was Ottar, if he didn't die, then he didn't.'

'Especially since...'

"Here, take this." Hogni said as he approached Ottar, giving him a potent Elixir



'They had survived the Dungeon's executioner, but their destiny was in sight.'

'The 59th floor, would they continue, or would they stop?'







The reason why it's much stronger than Balor is that I'm taking the idea that 'Solo Balor' is much stronger than 'Teamfight Balor'.

Ottar was said to half kill it, but also be at the brink of death after he tried to face it alone, most likely meaning that Balor itself is Ottar's Level up requirement.

If he can defeat it alone, then he'll go through his own limitations and rise.

Of course, the current timeline Ottar didn't fight it yet, but that was only for context.


I'm also going under the expectation no one knows about the Juggernaut's existence.

I'll say Horn likely knows, given she constantly switches with Freya, so she might've heard it from Ottar during their casual talks.

Perhaps even the healer girl...

Oh well, what do you think?


So... The fight ended.

Honestly... I wanted it to finish that dark magic spell, like... It looked pretty neat.

In comparison, albeit it's a minor spoiler, there were indeed a few other uses of such Super long magics by these creatures.

So jump if you don't want Spoiler... Though that is hard, given Webnovel doesn't allow me to hide things.



Firestorm and Meteor Swarm were the two Spells used, and they were both strong enough to completely cover the entirety of the 59th floor and pretty much destroy it.

This one would've been as cool without a doubt, it was a bit hard thinking about the Chant but I think it came through.

Overall, I liked the chapter, and I think I gave every character the amount of screen time they should've had given the circumstances they were in.

My only complaint was how I handled the red-haired girl, I imagined she would've likely killed everyone following what happened.

But it's not like her actions deviate too much either, as right now, she is being cautious due to the plot reasons surrounding the large flower-like tree on the 59th floor.

She should also be much weaker than she would be 2 years in the future as well of course.

I also have a background planned for her, as she did not receive one in the original.

In fact, I have a perfect one for her, and she was already mentioned before... Who do you think she is?

Be it from this Novel or the original, what do you think her past was?

I'm interested in the replies.

Anyway, what did you all think about the chapter?

There could've been more fight in itself sure, but apart from that, what else?
