The next Generation

How's going, everybody?

We return after my exam week, I'll still have more this week, but it's a bit less, so we go on.

We're arriving at the time where I made many chunky chapters, so we won't be having 3 chapters a week since most of these chapters are pretty big.

In any case, let's roll.





/About two weeks since Amphisbaena's raid by the Loki Familia…/

'While the city twisted and turned due to the rise of the Hestia Familia, the world outside finally started to learn about what happened within it…'

'As horses galloped through the land and the birds flew beneath the sky, and while the boats sailed across the ocean, the news of what transpired in the city spread like fire in a dry forest, gathering all sorts of dreaming and confident people into the changing City.'

'People with ambitions to fulfill, people full of curiosity, people with hopes for a better future, and people with desires to accomplish.'

'The first of many that would define a new Age.'

/Within a Manor in the middle of a large village SouthEast of Orario…/

"Oriana… Are you sure this is your wish?" A strong, middle-aged man with balding blond hair asked as he raised his fist to his chin

'His clothes were neat and tidy, like a formal Tuxedo, yet they also looked comfortable.'

'His way of speech and gestures were full of Noble air, but his eyes were clear of arrogance.'

'They instead contained worry and a gentle emotion as reflected in them was a young maiden holding a long spear, proudly standing like a warrior of an army.'

"Yes, father! I have decided on the path I wish to take, please allow me to follow it!" She said loudly with a strong resolution



So the time has come...

'Her father looked at a woman sitting next to him, she had a slightly worried expression on her face, but she also had a slight helpless smile across her lips.'

'It seemed that... This time, out of all other times...'

'His wife left it to him to make the choice, but he didn't know if he had the strength to proceed.'

"... You still remember what I said last time, don't you?... That as long as you can stick to those words and promises, then…"

'He spoke slowly, trying his best to not let his emotions rush to his head, so much so his eyes grew cold, making his daughter stiffen up a bit.'


'Jumping excitedly, she looked at her father with a wide smile.'

"Thank you! I won't let you down!" She said as she rushed outside of the room

I did it! He allowed it!

'They watched her run away like a horse galloping in the green fields, it was heartwarming, but at the same time, gut-wrenching.'

"Oriana… Sigh, so be it." The man spoke slowly as he rested his head on the couch

"Dear… She is already a woman, let her be."

"This was inevitable, you know that also, don't you?"

"... I know… I know... Sigh."

"I just wished that… I was given more time."

Time to help her sharpen her spear further...

Time for her to learn about others as the world isn't as safe as the Village...

Time to... Be a father, rather than the lord of a Family.

"You already worked very hard, she has everything she needs."

'But the man wasn't convinced, he clenched his fists in disapproval as he looked away, unable to face his wife.'

"No… There is one thing she lacks."

"She has no connections in the city, what if…"

'He did not have the strength to say it, much less entertain the idea...'

"For that, you can leave it to me, you can rest easy knowing she won't join a Familia of ruffians… Now…"

'Grabbing his hand, she said slowly:'

"How about we prepare things so we can see her off?"

"W... We shall." He said weakly as he closed his eyes, memories of their time together slowly passing through his eyes

They grow... A tad too fast.

Gods above and below... Please...

Let her find a place she can call home.


'And the two of them got up from their seats, following after their dreaming child.'

"I've arrived."

'Standing in front of the massive Northern gates of Orario, a girl with long black hair with part of it having been brailed, together with a rapier strapped to her waist watched the people come and go with a stoic yet dignified expression as she stopped her long march.'

'She wore a large and thick black coat that covered a slightly dark and light purple outfit consisting of a top, skirt, gloves, breastplate, leggings, and shoes, like an adventurer.'

'Albeit, she looked too... Clean, to be an adventurer.'

'From the eyes of a Veteran within the city, the girl was likely just a Noble daughter trying to pass on as a tough girl.'

'But for those that tried to approach her, she had her trusty sword in her sheath on the left side of her waist ready to say hi.'



'At that moment, as she stopped to look at the scenery, taking a small pamphlet from her chest pocket underneath her breastplate…'


Like her, I'll also become someone that can inspire others.

Not because of my heritage, but because of my own abilities.

A truly dignified person.

'Her expression eased a bit as she thought of it before returning to her previous serious look.'

"... Well, I still have a few days…"

'The pamphlet read: Hestia Familia recruitment!'

"Though…" She said as her eyes started to twitch

Why is the line so damn long?!

"It took me 10 days to arrive despite using the fastest chariot in the Family..."

How did the information reach the ears of my father in less than 4 days after its conclusion in the city?

Did they just fly over the entire Beol Mountains just for that?!

'With a complex expression, the young woman made her way to Orario in search of her dreams and aspirations.'

'To become someone greater than herself, a true Noble.'

'But not everyone needed to have grand aspirations and dreams of greatness...'

"... Ouch!"

'Sometimes, it took a humble desire and hobby to move the hearts of thousands...'

'As being true to yourself can often than not invoke reverence and respect rather than heroism and power from others.'

"Mmn... Ouch!!"

'Somewhere inside Orario, a young girl prickled her finger as she sewed something in place.'

'It was a beautiful and cute dress with multiple flowers in it, it seemed rather odd, but someone fit for such a piece of clothing ought to be out there...'

'If not its own creator.'



'Putting her finger in her mouth in pain, she looked at her half-finished piece in sadness.'

I can't focus.

/Creack... Step step.../

"Child, is something wrong?" A voice resounded behind her



'The girl almost jumped from her chair due to how sudden it was, but she quickly calmed down as she looked at the man behind her with a silly smile.'


I didn't even notice him entering the room... Did he knock?

I bet he did... I'm such a mess...

'Her father was a rather tall and fat man.'

'His hands were big and bulky, like those of a smith...'

'But that was a great mistake, those hands were those of an agile master.'

'Despite his looks, he was an incredible craftsman, someone that excelled in handicraft.'

'And like his father and the one before him, he took care of his humble Handicraft shop within this bustling city.'

'Few may appreciate his work, but someone had to carve away your shelf... Fix your hanging clock, or even make the beautiful wedding ring that is in your hand.'

"Haha! I had no intention to startle you." He said as he moved next to her, putting his hand on her shoulder

'His happy smile and gentle expression slowly turned into a serious one, something rare to see in him.'

'She couldn't remember when was the last time he saw him like that as even one day several years ago when a customer came back to complain, something that resulted in his father getting hurt, he still smiled throughout the entire ordeal.'

'He was someone that always showed himself in front of others with a smile on his face, someone willing to listen and guide her whenever she needed.'

'He helped her in her dreams before, but she couldn't face him this time.'

'It may be a tad much for him to bare, as she didn't want to worry him over such things...'

"Though… Care to explain what this is about?" He asked as he gently put a small piece of paper on the table

'It was a pamphlet.'

"I… Mnn… Uh…"

'Shocked beyond belief, the girl was unable to come up with a proper reply, mumbling over and over as she tried to come up with an answer for him.'

H-How did he find out?

Dammit, this isn't what I wanted... I was supposed to only tell him after it had already happened...

I... Am a fool.

"It seems you misunderstood me." He said as he caressed her head

"Child, I am not here to reprimand you on your choices and what you wish to do with your life."

"However, both I and your ma would've wished that you shared with us those ideas of yours, especially when you're so determined to follow through with them."

"Joining a Familia isn't a problem, I may not have joined one, sticking with a simpler lifestyle, but this doesn't mean I would stop you from joining one…"

"On the contrary, I see it as a great opportunity, joining a Familia could help you go beyond anything I could ever dream to be..."

"Though neither does that mean I would accept it that easily."

"We know what you want, and we don't wish to stop you from chasing that, but dear, say it to me, what do you wish to accomplish there first?" He asked with a serious expression as he looked at his daughter

"Are you fully aware of what you'll have to face once you're there?"

"If you cannot give me those answers... I'll have to stop you right here and now."

'Her father's words were simple, but they carried a lot of weight, almost suffocating to her...'









'At the same time a bit more to the North within a housing district, a young man swung his sword again and again in the air without stopping.'

'It cut through the air creating a piercing cry that echoed within his isolated yard.'

'His expression was like that of a rock, the ground beneath him was marked with the movements of his feet, a movement he had repeated 10 thousand times over.'

'His desires were completely centered around his sword… If that could be called one.'



'A massive hunk of iron almost too big for him to carry, it was a miracle the boy could even lift it despite being a normal person.'

'But this wasn't without a price, the calluses on his hands and the redness that stained the hilt of his blade said it all.'

'Still, even as his hands started to tear, he continued to slash his sword.'



'Because he has a dream, one he wasn't too sure he could accomplish.'



'But all it took was a single opportunity…'



'The constant swings of his sword ended up creating a slight updraft, moving a small paper pamphlet to the ground.'

"Haff… Haff…"

'Crouching down to pick it up, the boy placed the paper back in place after taking a look at its contents before resuming his training.'



"Huff... There isn't much time left..."

I can do it, I will do it... I can also be...

A Hero!


'A bit earlier that day in the same District...'

"FUFUFUFU! My time to shine has come!"

'With a small towel wrapped around her body, a young girl of elven origins read the words on a Pamphlet as another girl combed through her hair slowly and gently.'


'She smiled excitedly and even had the urge to stance, but she forced herself down as she had to brush hair her.'

'As for the other girl, or better put, woman, looked to be in her 20s, and like the young blond elf before her, she was also an extremely beautiful girl… If the young girl could be called beautiful.'

'She was clearly too young for any features associated with beauty to even form…'

'And by the looks of it, this woman was her mother, as their eyes were very similar, being of a rather rare Violet color.'

"FUFUFU! They'll die to have me, the greatest wizard!... T-TO BE!" She said after stuttering a little as she looked at a magic staff on the side

'It was a rather simple staff with a red gem floating in the middle, it was a bit unusual, and upon a closer look, the staff was also pretty worn out.'

"Once I successfully enter the Familia and climb through its ranks, the only thing left will be to spread my great name!"

"Everyone shall know my name, Primo Libera!!"

"Fufu… Haa… Mnn…"

'As she finished her line, her expression grew incomprehensibly grim as a shadow seemed to cast over her now hollow eyes…'

"I'll grow strong… And dependable…" She said slowly as she raised her right hand, one last time…

"Just like you… Mother." She said as she finished combing through her hair




'She felt as if her mother was smiling, but alas, she was alone in the room.'

'The sunlight coming through the window seemed so… Weak.'

'Even though she sat in her bad, doing the same thing she had done for many years, it would not bring her back.'

'It seemed to only tighten her heart.'

"I… Can do it." She said as her eyes focused

'However, in her memories, her mother lived.'

'Getting up from her bed, she let her towel fall as she started to put on her clothes.'

'She would move on and grow, that would be… What she wanted.'

"f... F... fu... FUFUFU! I'll make them envy my talent!" She said as her smile returned to her face, moving out of the room to do who knew what

'She only stopped for a moment to stare at her bed silently before leaving.'

/Later that day, somewhere at the edge of the city.../

'Inside a simple room with just one table, a girl held onto a pen as she continuously made calculations...'

"Ehhh… I'm screwed…"

'Clenching onto her head, a rarely seen Bull girl shook her head in distress as she finished making her calculations.'


'She was wearing a light wool sweater-type top, together with a bell around her neck, a brown belt, a green skirt with a gold design, coupled with a pair of brown boots with blue trims.'

'It was simple, yet elegant, it looked... Refreshing.'

"I barely have enough to go by… At this rate, I'll have to once again…"

But I just paid my debt… I can't grab another one...

"I'm going to get by… Somehow."

"Yet… I came here for work and to make money, it was supposed to be simple, and it was working at the start…"

"But why am I always in the red?" She asked herself with a pitiful face as tears formed around the corners of her eyes

'Knocking on her head lightly, she let out a huge sigh.'

"I can't think like that, those people needed my help, it was just a small price to pay…"

Urrg... A pot made of Vermilion jade for 3 thousand Valis... Yes, it's a good pot... They needed the help...

'She shook her head suddenly.'

"Still, once I join them, I'll finally be able to start making money as an adventurer!"

I have prepared for this day for a long time…

'She grabbed a small pamphlet before resuming her calculations…'

"I'll have to cut off on the milk and some reading time until I join them so I can work a bit more…"

It is really a shame to not be able to eat cheese but... I have to...

Arrrg! My dearest cheese!!

"Haaa… What do I do if I can't join them?" She asked with a desperate expression as she shook her head fractally

'She would revel in this idea for a few more hours before hitting the bed and calling it a day.'

'At the same time, somewhere in the busy streets of the city...'

"Nyahoho, Nyahaha, Nyahihi!"


'Just like many times before, a young girl with rare pale pink hair and a red dress danced on the streets of Orario as she walked without a destination.'


'Her excited and carefree behavior attracted the attention of many, but they didn't look at her with questioning or disapproving gazes, instead, they looked at her in a rather positive way.'

"Ah! It's you, Love, here, have an apple." An old man said with a slight smile as he grabbed a small apple from his stand, giving it to the dancing cat girl

"Nya? Thank you, Grandpa!" She replied as her tail moved around like a spiral

"Hoho! I'm not that old yet!" He replied as he bent his back

"Hey Love!" Someone else exclaimed as they tried to get her attention



'As the cat girl moved around the market with a smile on her face, many people called out to her.'

'Laughing and smiling, she spent her time without a goal in mind, seemingly just enjoying talking with the people, hearing what stories they had to share, and also telling them the things she knew and the light stories she gathered throughout her life.'

'It didn't seem she was trying to be nice, she was just naturally like that, a social butterfly… No, an empress moth!'

'None could beat her when it came to Social aptitude…'

'Still, how could such a carefree girl move around on her own?...'

"Sigh, I still can't believe it." Another girl said as she walked behind her, pulling her collar up to hide her face

'It seemed she wasn't that alone...'

'Hidden beneath the shadows of the Cat girl's overwhelming personality laid a pretty plain girl, one that had a pair of rather scary, sharp yellow eyes...'


'She had dark brown hair with a tail of the same color, wearing a brown and white tube top and short pants along with a yellow and brown jacket that had cat ears on them.'

'Albeit not connected by blood, this stoic-looking Chienthrope girl trailed behind Love without saying much, and despite what her expression may tell, she was enjoying this very much.'

'It may look weird for a girl as plain as her to be associating with a girl as... Enthusiastic as Love...'

'Or for a Chienthrope to enjoy playing around with cats...'

'But fate brought them together, and now she took it upon herself to protect this stupi… Free girl.'

'It was a rather simple job though as more strangely than not, Love rarely saw herself in any sort of trouble.'

'It seemed those feet of hers always brought her somewhere without trouble…'


What is that?...

'But it seemed her peaceful days would come to an end…'

"Love?" She asked with a frown when she saw her friend stop momentarily to read something on a wooden board

A shop? No, she's not looking at that.

Is she reading something?

'Before she even had the chance to read what it was, Love's tail shot upward as she smiled.'

"This looks fun!"

"Hum?... Love…"

'Love started running, going past her in the blink of an eye… Displaying the hidden agility as a member of the cat species!'


'The plain girl stopped for a moment to read what was placed on the board, her eyes trembling when she understood what the cat girl wanted…'

'Closing her eyes in helplessness, she turned around rapidly and opened her mouth to say:'

"You stupid! There are still several days left until that!" She exclaimed in a rare loud tone as she ran after her

'The sun loomed on the horizon, casting an orange hue across the world...'

"This should be it, how gratifying, to see that our journey finally brought us to our destiny."

"Arg… Was there a need for us to rush here?" Her companions replied as she massaged her back

'Outside a coffee shop next to the gates of Orario, a rather odd group consisting of a Hume Bunny and a Renard sat as they rested after a long journey.'



"Of course, I've heard great changes were happening within the city, how could we not hasten our travels to admire the passage of an Era?" The Renard girl spoke in a foreign dialect as she gently brought the coffee mug to her lips

This must be the fabled 'Co-Hee', I am enchanted to have the opportunity to try it.

'She tasted this strange liquid, and after a minute of pondering, she nodded to herself as her long ears twitched in happiness.'

"You make it sound so dramatic…" Her friend replied as she rested her back on the chair

The passage of an Era she says... It was just the usual fight between Familias.

Yes, it was a fight that involved a monster, the Ishtar Familia... But was it enough to say an Era is changing?

Well... I guess it depends on who you ask, it was the Ishtar Familia after all, a Familia even we knew...

'She looked behind her, staring at the people walking on the streets.'

To think a Level 6 would fall... I can't even begin to comprehend it.

Back home, our strongest warrior under the guidance of his Lordship barely attained Level 3 after the conquest of the Haze mountains...

Yet here we had a Level 6 die... In here, there is a chance one of these people behind me is Level 2, one of them may even be Level 3... Or higher.

How utterly baffling, I understand now why we must embark on this journey.

I never questioned them, and I did want to venture outside...

But what they told me about the outside world was... Far from what it actually was.

'She closed her eyes, while her friend took this opportunity to reply to her words:'

"Was this not the initial purpose of our goals? To admire what the outside world had to offer?"

"Well… That was my goal as it's the tradition in my Village… You just kind of tagged along."


"How immeasurably rude! Must I rekindle thy mind of the promise we made before we departed from the East Continent?" Said the Renard girl as she pouted, her tail moving around frantically

"No… I was just having a bit of fun…" She replied with a teasing smile

Because my ass hurts a damn lot after having to go through the pain of sitting in a wagon for a few hours…

They said Melen wasn't that far from Orario, but even so, we took quite a bit of time to arrive!

Urg… The Boat also wasn't that fun… A few months on a boat to arrive here...

We were lucky to be here to witness such a great change... Or should I say unlucky?

"Regardless, what do we do now?" She asked as she scratched the back of her head

We're here, Orario, the goal of our travels…

It's still too early to go back, in fact, the thought didn't even cross my mind.

But our travel money won't last forever, and it seems like a waste to seek a normal job, I didn't come here for that…

"While thou'st complained about thy bum, I sought an answer for our current riddle." The Renard girl said with a smug smile as she took out a small Pamphlet from her Shrine Maiden kimono


This is... A recruitment notice?

When did she get her hands on this?

'The bunny girl read it before pondering and saying:'

"I guess this works, though we'll have to wait a bit more…"

"Isn't that perfect then? It gives us more time to learn and get acquainted with Orario as the deadline arrives."

"We mustn't hasten our actions, such choices must be given time and careful thinking, remember that it takes an entire year to revert after joining a Familia."

"If we are to stick to this choice, we must be sure it is the right one."

"... You're right."

As always, she is speaking rationally... Although she forgot she was the one that wanted to arrive quickly...

Still, she forgot to consider the most important thing...

'She looked at the pamphlet before letting out a sigh.'

"Hopefully our money lasts till then…"

"Please, do not speak such ominous words…" The Renard girl said with a helpless expression as she saw her friend's ears fall a little

/A bit earlier that day, somewhere else in the city…/

"Wake up."

"I dontch… Wanna… ZZzzz…"


'Within a rather simple home like many others around it, strangely enough, an Amazon with light makeup could be seen trying to wake up a red-haired human girl that definitely did not want to.'



"Wake… Up." She said deeply

"Just five more minutes…ZZZzzz…"


"Are you going to wake up?"



'Something seemed to snap in the Amazon's eyes.'

That's it, my third time asking.

Don't blame me for this.

"If you don't wake up now I'll feed you Daisy's newest concoction…"


"I'm up!!! Please don't feed me that!" Said the red-haired girl as she sprung from her sleeping position and into the ground

'But as soon as she got up...'

"Wow... Wow... My vision is turning black... I got up too quickly..." She said as she lost her balance and started wobbling around the room

"Oh… A shame…" Said Daisy on the side as she got out of the room



'Seeing this, even the Amazon girl was surprised.'

'When did she appear?...' She thought to herself as she saw her leave

Sigh, Daisy is crazy about having people test her medicine…

'Daisy was a rather unusual demihuman, having a pair of curved horns on her head, she was a foreign Sheep girl!'

'She was a very dedicated girl that loved to learn about new things and had a passion for Alchemy and Medicine making.'

'Albeit... Her passion might be closer to an obsession... An unhealthy one.'

'Not for her, but for those that volunteer to be experimented on...'

"Mmnn… What time is it?" The red-haired girl asked as she sat on the bed

"About 7 in the morning?"

"So why did you wake up me?!" She asked with a heavy expression

"Because this is the normal time to wake up?!"



'The two started to argue… They looked to be one step from fighting each other...'

'Yet, somehow, they were very good friends.'

"Enough of this!"

"Since I'm already up anyway, what's on the menu for today?"

"Already thinking about food, huh? Sigh… How about eating some Crepes for breakfast…?"

"E-Yes! Count me in!" She said excitedly as stuffed her chest


She really likes them, doesn't she?

"Before that, do you still want to go through with that?" The Amazon girl asked as she crossed her arms

"Of course! There is no best place than there!" The Human girl replied as she clenched her fists

"Sigh, you really just want to join them because they are strong? Why not everyone else? Like, let's say... The Ganesha Familia?"

Or the Loki Familia?...

"Because they don't fit my style…"

"Are you sure it's just because they aren't recruiting?"

When we first met, she said she would join any Familia as long as they had strong people for her to fight with.

Guess her goals changed... Or not.

Well, it's not every Familia that has space for a Level 2 Mercenary that is obsessed with fighting.

And even by Orario's standards, she is pretty strong for her Level.

Most Familias we tried to apply to got overwhelmed during their interviews...

And those that tried to recruit her solely for her strength did not pass her own test.

It's absurd to even think about it, she seeks a Familia and asks to join them, but if they don't pass her own check, she leaves?

Well... It isn't really that bad, a Familia that looks fine on the surface may not be as good once you get to know them.

But even then, her way of scouting is pretty barbaric!


She's like a pebble in my boot!

'The red-haired girl had a very rough way of speaking, and her accent was pretty strong too.'

"Anywho, shouldn't we be going by now? Leaving Daisy alone for too long makes me a bit iffy…"


That may be one of the few things I agree with you…

'The Amazon shook her head as she turned around to leave the room, but she stopped for a moment.'

"Why are you following me?"

"How are we supposed to go eat if we don't leave the room?"

"That is true… But… Shouldn't you… Change your clothes?!"

"What's wrong with my tops and shorts?"

"Weren't you sleeping in them? Can't you have some decency for once and at least brush your teeth before leaving the damn room?!"

"What a bother… Won't we eat anyway, why brush my teeth if I'll do it later?"

"... At least… At least do your hair." She said as her eyelids twitched

"Oooh… That I can understand, can't go around looking like I just woke up…" She said as if she had a moment of enlightenment, turning around as she made her way to the bathroom


'The Amazon girl looked at her with a twisted expression.'



'At the same time below the surface...'


'A girl with golden hair danced amidst the monsters, the wind raging around her.'



'Her sword sharper than ever.'






Phew, finally, we're done.

In this chapter, we had the introduction of many characters that will become part of the main Cast of the Hestia Familia.

For those that didn't realize, they're all from one of the danmachi games.

We pretty much had the entire cast of the game go to the Hestia Familia, about 60%?

Since I don't quite know how we'll develop over the years, I still wish to at least have the Hestia Familia be on course to what it should be.

With an injection of multiple Level 2 adventurers and above, all of witch are very talented, within the next 2 and a half years till cannon we might see the rise of several Level 4s if not more.

That could be meaningful or not.

It all depends on how much I decide to develop the story before or after the One eye black dragon.

In any case, peace, there won't be a chapter in two days, that's about it.
