Sudden rescue!

Another Chunky one.

As I said before, many of these chapters I wrote in sequence were chunky, which is why the release schedule is a bit off.

It'll return to normalcy eventually.






/Later that day…/

'While Silver and Lili recovered from their recent troubles in the Dungeon, making their way back up amidst the rubble and the corpses on the ground, Hestia returned from yet another busy day working at Hephaestus' shop.'

'No matter what happened, she just couldn't stop herself, she was just too good at it as she sold weapons with considerable ease.'

'Perhaps in the face of a God, adventurers were more compiled to not cause trouble and just accept paying for their stuff without too much haggling...'


"Yawn… I need a nap…"

I'll take tomorrow as a day off.

Better strike while the iron is hot and drag Silver to go shopping... Yeah!

A relaxing date around town is just what I need.

'Just a few streets from her home, Hestia yawned lazily as she thought about what she would do tomorrow.'

'Her days had been full of work and she now needed some time to just lay down and rest.'

'Even if the recruitment was still a bit far, she wanted to show everyone how much she had improved as a Goddess, even if they said there was no need for that as she was already perfect...'

'Better than many at the very least...'

'However, thinking about this made her remember how hectic the last few days had been, making her even more tired.'

'Be it the preparations for the Recruitment to the many documents she was forced to go through and now work… Hestia was honestly pretty tired.'

'Though on another note, this "work" of hers might as well be an excuse for her to spend some time with Hephaestus as it's normally what they do.'

'It's not like she goes there everyday, but only once or twice a week, and in those days, Hephaestus would be there to "oversee" her.'

'Even then, Hestia enjoyed the little coin she made with her work, it made her feel accomplished whenever she bought ice cream with it.'

'Though sometimes she felt bad for Hephaestus...'

'She wanted to do something for her for once, but really, was there anything she lacked?'

'For many days she thought on and on and she had yet to come up with a solution.'

'She helped her so much, a gift would be the perfect way for her to thank her for everything she did while also proving to her she could make a living on her own, even if that had already been stated multiple times.'

'Every time she asked her about it, Hephaestus would brush her words aside saying there was no need for such things, but Hestia felt the contrary.'

'She would give her a present!... One day... After taking a nap... And having her date...'

'Tomorrow... Perhaps when the price of things went down a little...'



'Singing a simple song along the way, she enjoyed the clear dawning sky as she saw the people walk by…'

'Along the way, she bought some snacks on the stands, she fed some bread to some ducks by a pond, and she even met with a Goddess she hadn't seen in a while...'

'It was a rather eventful walk she was having...'



'But on her way, amidst the many sounds of the street, of kids playing, of people selling vegetables, and so on, Hestia's ears caught something unusual coming from an alley nearby.'

Did I hear wrong?

'It didn't take much for her to turn her head to the side driven by a mild curiosity, immediately seeing something rather harrowing!'


'In the dark sitting on the ground was a young lady with pink hair, gasping for breath as she tried to close a wound using a red piece of cloth, likely stained with her blood.'

'She looked weak and frail, extremely tired as her eyelids were heavy, and her head kept falling up and down as she drew quick but short breaths.'

'The people around Hestia seemed too occupied with their own things to even notice this young lady's plight, though, at the same time, the girl was trying her best to remain hidden as she retreated further back into the dark.'

'Hestia quickly gazed around, following Silver's advice of never rushing into danger on her own, thinking she might find someone willing to help the girl in her stead…'

'But there was no one like that on the streets, only normal workers and… A suspicious group of people carrying weapons and looking around the place with dark and sharp gazes.'

'Hestia immediately realized from their looks that they were likely the people after the girl, and mayhaps the ones that made her that way.'

'She could feel their hidden emotions, they weren't pleasant.'

'And when she did, a moral battle ensued inside her mind, one that ended in the blink of an eye as Hestia hastily made her way into the alley…'

'She ran to the girl, startling her slightly as she feebly raised her dagger, but upon noticing the divine aura and the beautiful appearance of this Goddess, she dropped it weakly, perhaps finding some solace in her presence.'

"Uh... I... Can you move?!" Hestia exclaimed as she didn't know where to start

"N-No..." She replied as she looked at her right leg

"H-How did this happen?"

"I d-don't know... They came after me... Too sudden..."


She's losing consciousness, this isn't good!

I can't carry her... Wait, we're near the Manor!

"Can you get up at the very least? There's a place nearby, they'll be able to heal you."


'The girl looked at Hestia with a tired gaze but she didn't reply, silently nodding.'

'She had already accepted this random Goddess as her only lifeline.'

'Being just as confused as Hestia, she got up with difficulty as she used everything she had to move.'

'She may look feeble but she had determination, something rather rare.'


What a tough girl...

'Hestia gave the girl her shoulder, taking one step after the other.'

"Avoid using your foot... Yes, just like that."

"We aren't far, just a few streets!"

/Step... step.../

'One step after the other they made their way out of the Alley in the opposite direction Hestia had come from.'

"What's your name young girl? I'm..."

"Emma... Emma Flores..." She said weekly but with a small smile as Hestia helped her walk

"That's a great name." She replied with a smile as she looked behind her

"We have to hurry, those bad guys could appear anytime."

I don't know what's going on but there's no way this pure girl is the Villain in this conflict!

'Hestia's eyes sharpened as she put a little more strength into each of her steps.'

'Her analysis of the situation coupled with her own intuition and abilities told her Emma was a sweet girl and that those 3 thugs weren't in the right.'

'At the very least, Emma seemed just as confused as her, and from the looks of things she had been ambushed out of nowhere...'

I need to keep her awake...

"T-Tell me Emma, if I may ask, do you think there is any reason for them to go after you?"

W-Wait, isn't this bad?...

ARRRRG! Why did I have to be so direct?!

Think, Hestia! Is there nothing else to ask?

'To her question, Emma looked at the ground for a few moments before shaking her head helplessly.'

"I've only been in Orario for a bit over a week... There's no way... I could've made an enemy..." She said as she laid her hand on the walls

"Tsk! We'll be kicking their asses soon enough!" She said optimistically



/Not long after…/

/Step step step!/

"Haa… Haa… Just a bit more!" Hestia exclaimed as she helped the girl walk

She has almost no strength left! Oh no...

Just... Just around the corner!


'The girl did not reply, but she grunted weekly, holding into dear life with everything she had.'

'She was indeed a very tough girl.'

'Her face too pale as blood drained from her body.'

'Seeing this, Hestia bit her lips, the girl wasn't that wounded, a few scratches here and there but they weren't major… However, the single cut on her leg had done it.'

'Perhaps as her pursuers intended, the girl wouldn't have been able to run far, and were it not for Hestia's intervention, she would've been found by now and been healed by them no doubt.'

'Unless they wanted her dead, though that didn't seem to be the case.'

'But Hestia wasn't someone to give up that easily as she, "without" hesitation, had grabbed ahold of the girl, dragging her across the back-streets of Orario, going as fast as she could to her Familia home where they could heal the girl and learn more about her condition.'

'It didn't matter if she were a villain or not, if she committed any crimes, then Hestia would hand her over at a later date, but in the off chance she was being wronged…'

'But she believed she wasn't like that, this was her intuition as a Goddess, one that had yet to fail as of now.'

'Though... In truth, Hestia didn't really think about that when she acted, she only did what she felt was right, and that was okay.'

'Besides, even if things went bad… Hestia believed her Captain would help her solve it, much to his annoyance.'

'Even if he complained a little later on, she was sure he would pat her head upon not leaving someone to die in the dark like that.'

'Because that was who she was, a kind Goddess that will never leave anyone behind!'

'M-Most of the time...'

/Step step step!.../

"J-Just hang on a bit more!..."

AHHHH! Where are they when you need them?!

Yesterday I met Daphne going around shopping, and on the day before it was Fernin.

How come I see no one now that I need them?!


'But the girl did not reply… She only walked out of instinct now, like a drunk man being dragged on the streets.'

"We... Can... Do... It!" Hestia said as she pulled her up, her arms hurting a little

At this point those thugs must've realized she escaped, they'll definitely follow the blood trail... I've never seen... Urg!

Just one more street...

'Hestia knew she wasn't dead yet, but she also knew of the limits of potions.'

'There was a point of no return where not even an Elixir could bring someone back from.'

'Hestia could only blame herself for not being faster, or by not acting fast enough.'

'Perhaps things would've been better if she had chosen to bring the girl to one of their shops nearby, or simply risk it by appearing in broad daylight.'

'They weren't fully built yet, far from it, but they likely had someone she knew inside, they could help her move the injured girl inside the Manor.'

'But her fear of being intercepted midway prevented her from taking this action, and now she feared for her well-being.'

'This made her wonder about how determined those guys were, would they really attack her if she appeared?'

'Perhaps before they had the chance the commotion would attract the attention of others who would step in to protect her...'

'This made her question why had such a thing happened so close to her home in the first place.'

'Who would even think about causing trouble just a few streets near a Manor full of Adventurers and in the middle of the busy streets of Orario?'

'If it were the Dark Ages then things might've been different... But that ended long ago, Orario was working hard as a whole to forget such a thing ever existed and to prevent anything similar from happening again.'

'Those questions, however, would have to be left for later…'

"Here! We're here!" She exclaimed as she saw the gates

'In front of her now laid the long walls of her home, a slight walk of a few seconds was enough to cover the distance to the gates.'

'But with the weight on her back, those few short seconds were extended to a few dozen...'

"Hm?... Is that…"

'And just as she saw the gates, the girl on guard duty saw them also, immediately frowning when she saw what seemed to be her goddess carrying a girl on her right shoulder…'

'Especially when she saw… Blood?!'

'There was a lot of it on the ground...'


'She immediately dashed forward to help her when…'


'A fast and precise strike emerged from above the ceiling of one of the houses nearby, aiming to hit the girl on her neck!'


'But displaying her reflexes, she barely managed to block the strike, being sent tumbling back.'

'Even then, it was better to be stained in the mud than in her own blood, her severe training in the past few months had finally paid off, ironically saving her life not in the Dungeon, but on the surface.'

'She quickly got up, making a slight roll as she got back into position.'

'She looked back for a split second, confirming that Hestia was unharmed.'

"Who is it?!" She exclaimed as she turned to look forward, getting into a stance as she observed her surroundings

'Behind her, Hestia momentarily stopped before nodding to the girl, rushing inside the Manor with a quick speed burst.'

'This was the first time a child other than Silver had protected her, but Hestia had no time to feel proud, she had to keep moving forward.'

'She could only hope the girl would be okay.'

'This was the first time Hestia felt truly "useless", it was one thing to not be able to act, but it was another to see their children fight, being unable to help.'

'She wasn't like Artemis who could use the bow like experienced adventurers or Takemikazuchi who could defeat most adventurers merely through his endless martial arts knowledge...'

'She was simply the Goddess that oversaw the flame, though even that she failed at....'



'Meanwhile, behind her, the girl and the pursuers met face to face.'


This is bad.

'Cold sweat forming on her neck, the girl immediately realized she wasn't capable of fulfilling her job as a guard.'

'Worse, she wasn't even wearing proper equipment!'

'This guard duty was more of a punishment than the role itself, whenever someone failed at their duties inside the Manor, they would be "blessed" with a shift by the walls.'

'In her case, she had caused a ruckus in the main Hall, making Haruhime fall on the ground by mistake, spilling a bucket full of dirty water on an expensive carpet.'

'It was a slight accident caused by a slight discussion with her roommate, but they were both punished.'

'While she stood outside under the sun, her roommate was inside cleaning the 10 x 4 M long carpet by hand...'

'In any case, there were 3 pursuers but that did not matter, that single slash that threw her a few feet away was enough proof that she could not handle this on her own.'



'They quickly exchanged some words as they saw Hestia enter the Manor and after a quick moment of hesitation, they dashed past the girl!'

"?! Shit!" She exclaimed as she turned around, going after them

'She quickly took a whistle from her pockets raising it to her mouth…'


'She blew on the whistle with every ounce of strength she had, creating an ear-piercing noise that was heard all the way on the market Hestia had found Emma.'

'The noise was so loud even she seemed a bit disoriented by it…'

'This had been the first time the whistle had ever been used, it was one of the many small things their Captain had shared with them...'

'She never expected the whistle to be so… Efficient.'

'Regardless, it did not matter because…'

/Fwoosh fwoosh!/

'Just when the trespassers jumped over the gates to enter the Hearth Manor, they were welcomed by a small crowd of girls that was ever growing.'

'Surprisingly, the Hestia Familia was rather efficient in assembling themselves, with several of their adventurers gathering at the front gates within a few seconds while the others gathered their weapons.'

'On the windows around the front of the Manor, several adventurers could be seen staring down at the 3 pursuers that now found themselves in a bad spot.'

"Everyone…" Hestia exclaimed as she moved forward

"We can talk about that later, first, get inside, luckily Cassandra and Daphne are here today, they should be here soon." One of the girls said as she wiped the corners of her mouth

'She had short blond hair and a sword on her waist together with a livid expression as she had just been interrupted from eating her pudding.'

'When she said that, two girls approached Hestia, helping her carry Emma inside.'

"Never thought I would see the day people would try invading my home… It's such a shitty feeling, I thought it would be a bit more exciting..."

"But given everything that happened, I guess that was bound to happen eventually." She said as she looked at the trio that was slowly being surrounded

3 men, sharp looks, good gear, covering their faces…

Assassins? They do look used to doing this, but why would they be after our Goddess…

No, they're after the girl… How did she find herself in this situation?

'Her expression soured, but she soon got serious.'

No matter, they dared to come after them till here, so they'll face the consequences.


'She held onto her sword as she waited for them to move.'

'But against her expectations, the 3 mysterious warriors turned around and bailed!'

'They did not expect such a fast response time from the Hestia Familia, this small moment of hesitation from them had forced them into a terrible situation.'

'The best option was to turn around and regroup!'

"Don't let them flee!" She exclaimed as she saw what they were after

'Behind the three of them was the guard girl...'

'She wasn't stupid, she already knew she was no match for them, so from the beginning, she had tried to run to the sides and join the main group, but alas…'

'It happened too fast, or better put, she was too slow.'

'From the moment they tried to ambush Hestia to now, less than half a minute had passed...'

'There was only so much ground she could cover with her current strength, the assassins got ahold of her in the blink of an eye.'


'And like that, she was taken as a hostage.'

/Half a minute later.../


'It was quite the situation in the Hestia Familia.'

'Hestia was nowhere to be found, likely inside with the girl she had rescued while several of her children could be seen outside, weapons in hand as they stared at the 3 trespassers their weapons around the girl's neck.'

'They didn't dare to surround them, they didn't even more in fear they swiped their hands...'

"Shit, they got her." Lavir, the blonde girl said as she tsked

Things have gotten problematic.

To think we're in a bind due to our own guard...

I can't complain, I was laughing together with everyone when she was given her sentence...

"What's going on here?" A voice came from within the Manor

'From behind them, Daphne appeared clutching onto her own weapon, a calm expression across her face, but she seemed about to burst.'


'She didn't ask anything, just by looking at the situation she understood things weren't exactly going well…'

"Do you know who they are?" She asked as she saw the three of them slowly retreat

I can't recognize anything on them, just traditional gear you can buy anywhere and Hestia was too focused on the girl to say anything.

It was one thing for the Captain to cause trouble, now it's the Goddess too?

Hah... Perhaps that's why he's the Captain...

'Everyone around her shook their heads, no one knew, they just appeared and that was it, once again, everything happened too fast.'

'Since no one knew anything of what was happening, she started to talk:'

"In that case… OI! You three! What do you want?" She asked bluntly, sword in hand

Should I buy time? Hestia has used that item...

He should be here at any minute.

Giving them the girl wouldn't be a solution, but neither is having... No.

If things take the wrong turn, I'll be the one to make the choice.

But I won't let things get to that point, I need to find an opportunity.

Last week was the Soma Familia, who is it this time?


'They looked at each other for a moment before saying:'

"The girl, we'll…"



'But before they had the chance to start negotiating, someone grabbed the man's head, lifting it from the ground brutally.'


"Get your hand's off her." Silver said coldly as he smashed the guy's head against the dirt

'The man did not move after that.'



'The other two assassins quickly moved their blades, only to realize they couldn't they were stuck in place as if embedded in rock.'

'Silver was holding onto them with his left index finger and thumb.'


'Closing his hand, Silver broke the blades as he pulled the girl away from them in one swoop.'


I'll keep this short.


'And short he did as he immediately smashed his fist against one of the assassins, sending him sliding back like a block of dead wood.'

'This prompted the other and last standing warrior to slash his broken blade at Silver…'


'But he merely raised his hand, blocking the blade with his palm as he raised his other hand, letting go of the girl…'


'He gave the man a furious slap, sending him tumbling down as some of his teeth fell onto the ground.'

"Phew... You okay?" He asked as he turned to the guard girl

"Eh? I'm... Okay..." She said slowly as she looked at him

I'm good but...

Why is he shirtless?! And what's that small cloak?!


'Everyone seemed to be thinking the same thing rather than how cool Silver looked right now, much to his disappointment as he thought he looked quite awesome right now.'

'Unfortunately, he was unaware of his goofy appearance...'


'No one could utter a word, the previous tense situation was completely blown into smithers as Silver slapped the last man down like a Cartoon character.'

'His expression did not change at all, but the one of the girl next to him did...'

'Or better put, girls.'

'The guard girl was a bit embarrassed, for many reasons, but she managed to focus when she saw just how many of her friends were staring.'

'But on the side right next to him was another girl carrying a large bag almost as tall as her.'


We... Dungeon... Surface?... Huh?...

'Lili could not comprehend what had just ensued in these last few seconds… She kept going over and over several words in her head as she tried to comprehend the sequence of events that led her here.'

'It was all soo… Otherworldly.'

/A few minutes ago…/

'Silver and Lili made their way through the floors as they recovered from the previous ambush, cleaning their injuries and collecting the fallen loot as they went on with their journey.'

'All monsters were exterminated under Silver's overwhelming power, including the Killer Ants gathered through the failed ploy of Lili's pursuers.'

'Each monster was brutally pierced under his spear and sliced with his sword, showing his proficiency in the usage of multiple weapons.'

'This, however, made Lili think who "Anthony" was.'

'She already understood that just like she lied to him about who she was, he was also hiding from her who he truly was.'

'And albeit she was sure it had nothing to do with her, he was definitely more than just a Level 2 adventurer…'

'After all, why would such a strong adventurer go over the trouble of hiding his identity from her?'

'If he had a reason, then it wasn't related to her at all.'

'However, she shook those thoughts out of her head, because it didn't matter to her at the end of the day.'

'He stood for her and saved her despite her own ugliness, and for that… She had decided to try and trust others again.'

'She wasn't sure of what was going to happen once they returned to the surface, and on that note, she even sometimes desired that they never went back…'

'But they had to, she had to face her own past and move on, the bastards that made her life hell… She would finally be free of them.'

'Her heart felt light as for the first time in her life, someone had seen her for what she was and pardoned her for it, her regrets were many, but at least one she felt she had gathered the strength to let go.'


I'll have to replace it...

'The only problem was their current conditions…'

'Her precious bag had a long tear on the side and her clothes were dirty while Anthony… Was almost half naked.'

'His clothes had been burned in the fire, exposing his entire upper body and legs.'

'She felt embarrassed to even look at his shabby appearance.'

'At least she had a spare cloak… Though it was a few sizes too small for him, making him look… Goofy, like a strange open shirt rather than a cloak...'

'It made him look girly, and on that note, Lili felt it would've been better to just let him remain shirtless... But she didn't say anything since she didn't have the heart to do so.'

'Oftentimes, fewer clothes were better than more, she would remember that.'


'They talked with each other as they made their way up about everything that had happened and what they would do after they were back up despite the strangeness between them.'

'After all of the lies and promises had been exchanged, Lili felt weird, it just didn't feel right...'

'He also made things worse! How could he be so cool with it all?!'

'It made her feel stupid for being the only one to care about it all...'

'And it was amidst these conversations that something strange happened…'



'Suddenly, just when they were a few meters from the stairs leading to the First floor, a small marble ball tied to a chain on Anthony's shorts lit up in ominous red light, making his expression distort as his eyes grew ferocious.'

'This was the first time Lili had seen him that angry, even when he was pummeling down the adventurers of the Soma Familia, Antony's expression was a mix between light anger and calmness.'

"Shit." He said quickly as he turned to Lili, prompting her to raise her head with a confused gaze

"What is tha…"



'Out of nowhere before she could even react, Anthony grabbed her right hand.'

"My apologies Lili, I wanted to explain everything to you slowly, but it seems something beyond my predictions has happened." He said with a serious expression as he tightly held her hand


Th-This is too sudden!!

"Lili, I'll ask you that… You close your eyes. Please… I'll explain it later."


T-Too fast...

"Quickly!" He said hastily

"Alright!" She said with a frustrated look as she closed her eyes, albeit she had some strange expectations in the back of her mind


'Silver elegantly snapped his left hand's fingers, and they vanished from the Dungeon.'


/Back to the present…/

'Silver slapped the assassin in a cartoonish way before dusting his shoulders.'

'It looked as if all of this was nothing to him…'


'At the same time, his appearance started to change as his eyes sparkled in silvery light as his iconic eyes returned to their glorious appearance.'

'Lili did not notice this as she couldn't see his face from her angle, but she did notice that his appearance changed slightly as his shoulders became a bit broader, and his muscles altered in shape.'

'She was rather used to seeing his back, so when it changed a little, she immediately recognized it.'

'This made her even more confused than before.'

"What is going on here?" He asked deeply as he looked at the crowd of girls in front of him

This doesn't look good...

Not only that, I completely screw over my plan of slowly introducing Lili to the Familia.

'Where's Hestia?... Okay, she's inside the Manor.' Silver thought to himself as he used his abilities to scan around

'At the same time, perhaps sensing his blessing close by, Hestia called out to him:'

"Silver!" She exclaimed from within the Manor


'Silver could tell her voice was one of distress, so he immediately took a step forward… Before stopping momentarily to take a sideway glance at Lili, displaying a portion of his altered facial features to her.'

"I'm sorry for this Lili, it may be a bit abrupt…"

"But I'll explain everything once I'm back." He said as he vanished, reappearing at the doors of the Manor, startling a few of the tense girls

'One of them had the urge to kick his legs, but she kept her seriousness since this wasn't the time to play around.'

"Clean everything up and raise security to the max."

'And with that, Silver entered the Manor to answer the cries of help of his Goddess.'

"Urg… I... Was already doing that..." Daphne said as she scratched her head in confusion and her eyelids twitched in anger

"What a mess…"

Also… Just what is Max security?

He's just trying to sound cool...

'As a rising Familia, the Hestia Familia still lacked many things, and this included personnel to protect the Manor at all times.'

'In fact, they didn't even have proper maids to take care of the Manor, most of the housework was done by themselves and Haruhime who was currently working as a full-time Maid.'

'Silver being the second person in charge of housework as his special abilities do come in handy in cleaning large spaces in no time at all…'

'The reason why they didn't have a Maid was a long story...'

'And the reason why they didn't have proper guards was due to lack of personnel.'


Now then, we should reorganize before more of them come, if any will come.

Even if they do... Now that he's here unless a First Class adventurer comes, there's nothing to worry about anyway.

'Daphne turned to look at the three unconscious bodies on the ground, but she immediately turned to the small cat girl who looked like a lost puppy in the rain as she remained in place unmoving.'

Who is that girl?

Hestia brought a girl and he also brought one...

They do say the Children take after their Blessings... Though I wonder who affected who in this situation more.

'As a headache started forming on her head, Daphne stepped forward to make things right.'


'Silver ran to the middle of the entrance hall where he saw Hestia and Cassandra kneeling on the ground next to a girl whose disposition didn't seem good.'

'They weren't alone in the room as there were several girls around as well, running around the place as they did this and that...'


She's not in good condition.

'Just from the sound of her heart beating, he could tell something was wrong.'

"Silver… Please…" Hestia asked with a tear in the corner of her eye

"... Oh sunlight, may you beat back ruin.~"



'While he approached, Cassandra once again used her healing spell, but it didn't prove effective as the girl remained with her eyes closed.'

"What happened?" He asked quickly as he approached them

"I… Uh… This girl!"

'Hestia didn't know where to start so she decided to go straight to the core of the matter.'

"She lost too much blood and now she doesn't wake up!" She exclaimed as she grasped her dress in distress


At least it wasn't what I was thinking about...

Though this isn't any better.

'Silver looked at Cassandra and then at the empty potion flasks around the ground, understanding what was going on.'

'He touched Emma's neck, probing her body as to understand what was going on.'

'No one interrupted him, even when he put his hand over her chest, albeit Hestia's eyes twitched and Cassandra's face grew a bit red before she shook it off.'

'Silver was thinking as fast as he could, making the world around him slow down…'

If she lost too much blood… Given the cold sweat forming on her pale skin, and her rapid breathing, coupled with her low blood pressure…

Then she must've lost consciousness due to a Hypovolemic shock.

The potions and healing from Cassandra may have closed the wound and somewhat helped with her blood loss, but they don't affect those precisely.

Potions mend, they can restore a small portion of the lost blood and flesh, but that isn't their purpose, there are specific potions for that, but amidst the desperation, it seems they forgot to take out those.

A small mistake due to a lack of experience.

But it's too late now to seek them now.

If we leave it for the potions, before they return her blood levels to a stable state, she may suffer considerable organ failure or even a Cardiogenic shock, amidst a very long list of side effects of this condition.

Some of those problems can be easily healed, but as if I would let it cause any more damage to her, it would hurt my pride.

Although... She's already showing some concerning signs...

'He opened her eyelids to see if he could have a reaction from her, but nothing.'

I don't know her blood type, I don't know the blood type of the others, and I have no time to check for diseases or to account for possible rejection and allergies.

So be it then, if I don't have blood to give it to her, I'll make my own!

'Silver raised his head to look at Hestia and Cassandra.'


"Cassandra, go and fetch me some potions for blood loss treatment, I'll take it from here." He said as his right index finger punctured into her chest


'It may be a good time to say she was topless… Cassandra had removed it to make sure she had no trouble breathing given how she was gasping for air.'

'But Silver nor anyone had the time to care.'

"Silver?!" Hestia exclaimed as he saw his finger dig into her chest, albeit no blood spilled

"Calm down, and go fetch me the potions." He said slowly as to calm them down

Now, I'll give her some Oxygen...

'The last thing one could do in a crisis was to elevate the others' restlessness by screaming around.'

'He had to lead them into a calmer state, no matter what.'

"She's fine, she only lost too much blood, but she might've gotten hurt if this had continued for long." He said after a quick assessment

She's cold, how much blood has she lost? 20%?

No, way more than that… Just how did things come to this?

'Silver's finger turned blue as something was slowly injected into the girl's bloodstream.'

'It was rather bizarre but they had to trust him.'

'Silver was oddly knowledgeable about medicine...'


'Hestia remained silent as she watched it all unfold.'

"Don't look at me like that, everything's fine…"

"It's not that… Sigh."

"You're right, everything's fine now that you're here." She said with a thin smile as she let out a sigh of relief

"That's the spirit."

"... So?... What are you doing?"

"As I said before, she lost too much blood, I'm simply filling up the empty space with another solution…"

"Hopefully her body doesn't reject it, though it shouldn't last long enough for anything too serious to happen."

'Hestia wanted to say something, but in the end, she didn't.'

'She merely stood there letting out a sigh of relief as everything had gone well.'

'Her gaze went to her hands where a small marble could be seen shining, it looked like an exact copy of the one shining on SIlver's waist.'

'In fact, they were similar, a unique magic item.'

'Ever since the War game ended, just because he had taken a break from the Dungeon, it did not mean he was lazing around.'

'Silver spent his day helping everyone in the Manor, teaching them, instructing them, handling boring papers in his office, helping Haruhime or the others…'

'He went around the city visiting people like how he did with Loiju a week ago to when he visited the orphans in Daedalus Street.'

'It didn't stop there as he also spent some time with Miach to discuss alchemy and Takemikazuchi to learn more about martial arts…'

'And in the few bits of time he had left, he visited some more unique friends, such as the mysterious Fels or the frivolous Hermes…'

'He had many requests regarding Magic items, and despite their schedules, they wouldn't ignore his requests…'

'That small orb had been one of such items he had commissioned, a one-way communicating orb.'

'When something happened with the wielder of Orb number 1, they could crush the Orb which would cause Orb number 2 to shine despite the massive distance between them.'

'It worked similarly to Fels Communicating Orbs, but since it was much simpler, the price and time it took to make one were much more manageable.'

'She thought how odd it was that she used one so soon… But she was happy she had it nonetheless, otherwise…'

'By the time Silver returned, things might've been rather gloomy…'


'As his hands continued to shine, time passed.'





Yay, chappy done.

I'm not a doctor, so things could be severely wrong.

Regardless, thanks for reading, have a nice day!