The Tower of Power

Starving from the long journey through a dump, as odd as it was large, we - the mysterious and I - raided a little wooden shack that sat against the metal fencing. It must've been used by the dump's faculty as a sort of lounge area and control room. You could tell that their left over budget must have been miniscule; a complete contrast to the dump itself.

Inside the room there was a mini fridge, a single spinny chair, and a bunch of beaten buttons hanging off the wall closest of the mesh fencing. Inside the fridge, there was a couple left over burritos from a nearby mexican resteraunt. They were cold and damp, but after going without food so long, I just chanted to myself that it was better than nothing and moved on.

"We're almost to Point B," the mysterious figure cheers as the burritos are finished.

"What is Point B?"

"Its not the answer to all our problems, but it's one step closer; I'll tell you that."

I stretch and sigh, "lets do it."

We take off with haste, up and down the hilly terrain that is between us, and a very tall cell tower. The cell tower was plenty enough to cover the town behind us and possible others surrounding us.

"What with the-" my sentence is interrupted as a large booming sounds erupts and dozens of large metallic meteors came to view.

"Does that answer your question?" the mysterious figure said in a smirk.

We went faster and faster. However, a curious question popped in my head. One that slowed me down slightly but only for a second. How have I been able to keep up with the mysterious figure and his long dapper legs. I could never run this fast, and yet I was.

The time ticking, the mysterious figure slices through the thick fencing surrounding the unending tower with his trip on light saber. We reach the base to the tower and there is nothing there.

Right as I start feeling puzzled the mysterious figure picks up an odd device. It is like a video game controller, but with an antenna sticking out the front like a walky talky.

"How does this help us?" I ask concerned.

The figure just shushed me and moved on fiddling with all the buttons and gizmos, all of the lock levers and pullies that cover the thing front and back. When all of a sudden, "I've got nothing."

"I've got absolutely nothing," he repeats. Now I am even more concerned. The figure tosses the thing onto the floor and curls into a ball. I look at him with a sense of sympathy for his dull attempt. I pick up the odd device and give a go at it. I follow the bits and bobs backward trying to rap my head around the contraption, only to find out it goes all the way back where I started - it was in an endless loop, an infinite puzzle if you will.

Then I noticed it. There was a small empty area on the back that popped straight off and revealed a power source. If this was a cartoon a light bulb would've been hovering straight over my head as I pulled out 2 normal looking batteries.

Nothing happens. Actually I think the meteors are falling faster now - faster under the influence of gravity. In my frantic attempt to put the batteries back in - to try a different solution in a last ditch effort - I put the batteries in backwards!

I am sweating and shaking my head in disbelief. Why do I have to be so bad under pressure? "Why?" I ask myself. All of a sudden, the mysterious figure's long spindly arm raps around my back and ends on my shoulder. I emidiatly look up at him and behind his smiling face, I see the meteors getting smaller - repelling away from us!

I find myself laughing - laughing at the comical solution to the deadly meteors - laughing at the mysterious figure's funny smile - laughing at the the soft, unburnt grass beneath me.

"You did it kid."

"Yes I did," I let out a sigh before asking, "Now what?"

"We find and disarm the next ultraviolet magnetic wave generator, that's what!"