Chapter 156

Bane felt a smirk tug at the edge of his lips in response to this question. He never was to turn down a silent challenge. Especially from a young pup like the one that was in front of him. 

Pity that it seemed by scent that he was only a human. If he was a werewolf, it might make things more interesting for him. 

"Not at all. It did derail some of my evening plans, but nothing that can't be remedied later on. Plus, who can get upset over getting the chance at such a nice free dinner." 

"I don't remember Rodolpho also ever mentioning that you have such a great sense of humor." Fraser laughed. It was short and tight but the look on his face said that he might have been genuinely amused. 

"Perhaps it has something to do with a difference in generation. The type of humor I use might that which goes over his head as it's not from his time." Bane suggested jokingly.