1- reincarnating

"Ahhh how boring!" Arthur yelled as he stretched in his chair, he stared at the ceiling for a few seconds waiting for the bones to crack before he went back to the computer and continued surfing the internet looking for something interesting.


"Ahm? Email notification, is this another online exercise I owed the school?" Arthur wondered with a frown and opened the email hoping to find some exercise but found something else.

(Would you like to take another chance in a different world and build your story?)

( Yes, I want to embark on this adventure!) ( No, I like my current life!)

"Is it some kind of prank form?" He raised his eyebrows and was about to close the page but something encouraged him to say, "Well, since I'm not doing anything, why not?" He then clicked yes and went to the next question.

(System the power?)

"While power is tempting, a system is more versatile." Arthur said and clicked on system.

(What type of system do you prefer?)

Arthur thought for a bit before choosing summoning and with daily login rewards, "I'm not lazy I just don't like doing quests." He muttered and went to the next option.

(What is your invocation preference?)

( Random but constant, You can choose but it takes time.)

"Of course I'll choose, imagine if I take out an evil being in the invocation?" Arthur said imagining the scene of him summoning a Venom from life and being devoured.

(Preference for world, modern, medieval or stone age.)

"Although the modern world has its conveniences to certain things I could only do in the medieval world, I'll stick with this one." He scored medieval and went to the next option.

(Choose if gender)

(Man, woman, both, neutral.)

"What would be neutral, I wouldn't have a sexual option?" Arthur muttered confused and thought that maybe the person who made this form was a Twitter activist, well not that it matters too much but he thinks it's kind of silly not to have a gender.

He was somewhat reluctant to click on female out of curiosity but decided to remain male.

(Lastly, reincarnation or transmigration?)

"I think both of them, something like transmigrating into the body of a 5-year-old child and having all her memories would be helpful." Arthur muttered thinking but as he didn't have that option and prepared to schedule transmigration but the form was completed alone in that one.

"But what the hell?" Arthur muttered and tried to open the form again but it disappeared from his email, "How weird, I wasted my time filling this out for nothing?!!" He cursed angrily and shut down his computer before grabbing his shirt and leaving the house.

"I'm going to buy ice cream." He said and left the house but saw a black object quickly descending towards him, "What the fuck is this?" He muttered and saw what it was.

"A piano?" Those were Arthur's last words before he was crushed by a piano and turned into a meat paste.

------------------------------------------------- ---

In the world of Trigon, in the kingdom of Golian, in the royal city of the kingdom, in the castle, in the main hall of the castle, a ball was taking place in celebration of the 5th birthday of Prince Arthur.

He was a fluffy fluffy white skinned boy with slightly orange hair, his father beside him also had similar features but there was a big beard on him.

Several nobles were advancing towards him and greeting the prince as he formally and politely responded to everyone, this situation lasted half an hour before the King made an announcement and the ball officially started and the prince was released.

"(Sigh.), Dad this is very tiring." Arthur complained childishly to his father who laughed a little at him, "don't worry my son, it will soon be over." The king said with a smile on his face and he remembered when he had to go through the same thing as his son.

"I hope so…" Arthur muttered before feeling his head swaying and his eyes trying to squeeze shut, "But what?" Arthur at the time that day it fell unconscious to the ground scaring the people around and the King who ran quickly to him.

"Arthur are you alright? Arthur!!!" The king yelled worriedly and looked around at the guards, "Go get a quick healer!" The guards, startled by the King's sudden cry, ran quickly.

The ball had to be ended at that moment and several nobles came out somewhat confused and ready to gossip, King Alfonso quickly took his son to his room and laid him on the bed and placed his hand on his forehead.

"He's hot." Afonso muttered and looked at the maids, "Bring a wet cloth and a quick change of fresh clothes!" He yelled and the maids moved quickly.

While Arthur was being treated in his head several informations emerged, or better we can say memories and they merged with the current Arthur quickly making him have a reaction in his body.

(Starting Summoning System download. Estimated time: 4 hours)

As the system download started, Arthur's face contorted in pain and his fever rose enormously making Afonso nervous.

"The healer is here!" At that same moment a healer came through the door and Afonso gave him space, "Please save my son!" He said and the old doctor nodded his head before starting to work.

He wouldn't be considered a doctor but more like a shaman, yet the herbs for calming worked very well and the fake spells calmed the people in the room a little.

This situation lasted the next 4 whole hours with maids entering and leaving the room and the King even notified the royal guard to arrest the cooks and store the products used in the kitchen as there could have been poisoning.

(Download completed, you will be awakened now.)

Arthur who was in a semi-conscious state heard the voice of the system in his head and before he could react he opened his eyes forcibly scaring the people around.

"Arthur my son!" The king spoke worriedly and hugged him who was still confused digesting all the memories in his head, but of course he didn't have enough time to balance his mind before another shocking news was given by the system.

A blue screen appeared behind his father who was hugging him.

(Warning: with the system installed on the host the world will begin its mana infusion, get ready!)

"What the fuck!" Afonso was confused to hear his son speaking in an unknown language but one of the maids suddenly screamed looking out the window and pointed out, "What's going on!" he questioned her before looking out the window and understanding, not only he but everyone including Arthur looked out the window in shock.

The entire sky was glowing blue and little blue flecks like snowflakes were falling from the sky and merging with the earth, people, forests and everything that makes up the world.

This was Arthur's most turbulent beginning and one that would change the entire history of the world.