Chapter 40: Church Breakdown

Mythra came onto the lawn of Evalynn's house. It was something special, as it had its sprinkler system on the green grass, which did not have any dirt or mud shown, it was perfect. There were concrete grey tiles that had brown gaps in between pitches and had a square-shaped outline, perfect. There was a huge area that had an outline of a black fence.

The house was just like the area presented. A beige door with an opaque glass that had a distinct flower pattern, and the handle also had one, looked similar to a rose. The walls were rubbly and felt uncomfortable to touch, but they looked nice.

It had windows that were so clean, you could make out what was inside by looking at it one hundred metres away. There were two panels, even though they could fit many more. However, they used the space of the second floor better, with three large windows, each separated in rectangles: one large rectangle and two small ones.

The roof had a window, which stood out, and was also small, but it was obvious there was a room, which was occupied. Mythra walked in, familiar with the scenery, waltzing in as she owned it. Evalynn knocked, arriving at the door before her.

A person opened the door, he was her brother. Tall, broad and handsome, that was Evalynn's brother called Alex. Mythra looked at him and gave a smile greeting him," hi," it got no reaction from him. He did that which hurt her pride. It is how he always was.

He does not speak a lot, really never. He stays quiet and gets what he wants while staying quiet, people even understand him, even though staying quiet.

Alex Socair is a handsome quiet man. He left, so when Mythra entered Evalynn closed it, she gave a smug and annoyed face. A carpet was in front of the door where you took your shoes off and a little mini shelf made from an alloy (which Mythra does not know) and pine, it looked alright, as if not meant to look at it.

Mythra wore her black shoes to school, which were expensive and made from leather, they were sowed with small blonde yarn and created by a professional, which cost around two hundred and fifty pounds. Evelynn's shoes she got from the school, the expensive ones, of course, but they looked no different from Mythra's, with only a one hundred and fifty discount.

They carried their bags upstairs, every step was not heard but they were cold, made from smooth marble, sparkly and grey, white and black, and had small gaps, not meant for the rush. The painting greeted her when arriving on the second floor, which was a single flower in a meadow, with the wind blowing her to the left direction, and made from only two colours: yellow and green.

After leaving the twenty-two steps behind, they took a right- a U-turn if you count the way they are going. There were overall four rooms, five if you included going upstairs (which left a gap, making you see the roof, which was dark grey).

They all were for a person and had a responsibility. The steep right was Evelyn's room which was massive compared to a normal one. There was the one next to it, which had an unnatural-gleaming red door, made from a Sequoioideae tree [redwood to save the google search, unless you knew]. That room deserved to be for the parents of Lady Evalynn and Sir Alex, Mr and Mrs Socair.

They were forbidden to go in there, so I won't tell how it looks. The other room had a door of bland white, rather calm, but in its place. The other one was a door which led to a room where many atrocities happened, pride was on the line so they flushed all the worries away and sometimes wiped the gooey substance off when they make a mistake, which takes ten minutes for them.

It had a dark door so nobody could look through it, inky black from paranoia. They ignored all the doors and followed the unnatural wood, which was the floor, to her room, which took six steps from the stairs and arrived a bit in her room, if smaller than seven.

It had liveliness but not too much like a specific time limit. It had a strawberry ice cream wall, not too refined but natural. There was a solid bed on the side, with white covers which had a distinct dandelion pattern and her pillow had a droopy sunflower.

It had a black frame and had no gap at the bottom. She had a carpet covering the whole room floor. It had a snowy feel to it, like winter, except for the heaters running through the floor, so the carpet was always warm. She had a table that had dark, but not pitch black, wooden legs and metal bolts connecting to it, making it even more stable.

The top had a large surface area, which made it have all her books and lamps on there. The lamp was attached from the wall, and next to the bed so she can use it for both uses, like reading a book, or studying at the table.

She had a huge T.V which was on top of a small, wide cabinet, having a turquoise texture keeping the grain from what the wood it was made from. There were also many other things but Mythra, the girl she was, ran straight to the bed.

"Aaaaah," it was cosy, and she felt refreshed. Evalynn looked at her.

Doesn't she have a better bed than I do?

"So, what should we do?" Mythra was elevated seeing that Evalynn thought, a prideful thing to see your friend's show-off.

"Well, I need a bit of help on Monday," she said sadly. Mythra looked puzzled.

"Why are you talking about that, it's on Monday, not now, so let's play the game you got," she was ramped up about it, the only thing she could talk about was the game Evalynn got it from her silent brother, Mythra was not allowed to have it, why? Because it was eighteen plus.

She needed permission to buy things, with the allowance she got, which was not that much considering her family was rolling in cash. Her Grandpa lived in a huge bungalow, and she heard that he was strict now on letting people see him, as he was so old, she did not see him for a year, but she heard Pyra saw him.

She was probably gonna see him next time on his deathbed. She wagged her tail on the sturdy bed and waited for her to put it on. It was dark outside, with faint signs of light.

Evalynn signed cheerfully and turned on the plastic box which was in the cupboard which kept the T.V up very well, and Mythra was practically jumping, as it would be an adventure for both of them. "Mythra, what about-"

Mythra was agitated about that question so she said,'' yes yes, fine, I will," she said that as she knew she had to help her a bit.

"Really, thanks," she gave a bright smile.