Too handsome!

Meanwhile, in the exhibition hall, the master and her two disciples were still immersed in their conversation, still completely in trance from looking at the paintings, and still clueless about the boy standing behind them overhearing everything they were saying. When they took out a tea set and started drinking tea he thought that if he didn't say anything now he would probably be standing here until tomorrow.

'Never knew girls could be this bold among each other, and what's with all that obsession about me being handsome or not? I get that they prefer someone who looks good but they're talking about it as if the world would end if I'm not. Well, time to drop the bomb.' Samuel thought while he shook his head.

"I'm glad you like them."

As if the time came to a sudden halt, all three of them abruptly stopped their chattering and were standing there, completely frozen on the spot. It took them quite a while before the first one spoke...

"H-how long have you been standing there?" The woman, master of the two girls asked with her back still facing him.

"It was quite the education, thank you," Samuel said.

"Y-you mean you heard e-everything we just said?" She asked, stuttering.

"Nothing to be embarrassed about, we boys do the same." He said.

"Sigh... you don't interact with girls a lot do you? We're not supposed to be anything like boys!" She said while her tone became a bit hopeless...

"When you turn around, I hope you're beautiful as well." He said jokingly.

"Y-You...!" All three said simultaneously before they slowly turned around. From top to bottom, their faces were flushed completely red. They've never been this embarrassed in their entire lives! They talked about their hearts beating faster, falling in love, losing their virginity, hoping that he would be handsome, and their master even said she was already falling in love with him! 'Aaaaaaaaaaa! He heard everything!'

They all came from rich and well-known families, educated in proper etiquette since they were very young! Their families drilled them to be untouched, unblemished, and polished wives. They were fairy maidens desired by men from all over the country, prized possessions to be conquered. And now this young boy heard them speak about so many improper things that they didn't know where to look anymore, they were just too embarrassed!

But after turning around and seeing him standing there stroking the head of a little bird in his hands, being embarrassed was the last thing on their mind...


three tee cups full of tea fell down on the ground, breaking apart on the stone floor. Standing there rooted to the ground in complete silence, they kept on staring at the boy.


"Too handsome!" The tiny blond blurted out without thinking.

"S-so cute..." The older woman stuttered.

The chestnut-haired girl didn't even say a thing, she was just standing there like a zombie, scanning every inch of his body. She couldn't help but think about that premonition of losing her virginity. She knew it was a joke of course, but she couldn't stop her mind from going wild! 'If it was him I really wouldn't mind... Aaaaaaaaaa what are you thinking girl!' She thought while steam was about to exit from her ears, her face flushing even redder than it already was. 'Well, at least I didn't speak out loud like the other two hehehe.'

"Haha, Thank you, I think you're all very beautiful as well." He said with a dazzling smile.

"Ehhh... don't mind us, we were just caught a little off guard that's all hehe. Please forget everything you just heard." The tiny blond said while she giggled.

'Damn he looks so freaking good!' She thought. 'Wow, just look at him! Those dark brown curly hairs with a few lighter tints in between. That pretty, perfectly symmetrical heart-melting face with those strongly defined jawlines. Those heavy manly eyebrows, and those eyes... Aaaaaahh those eyes. Seeing him looking at me makes me feel I'm standing here completely naked, drowning in those dark, ocean-blue eyes which sparkle in the sunlight. Fourteen years old they say? He looks more like sixteen with that tall, broad, and well-defined muscled body. I bet he's strong... so sexy! His muscles must feel so good, so firm and smooth when your hands glide over them! Aaaaaaaa I can't stop these urges. I want to fly in his arms and touch him everywhere! I must have him!

Seeing her disciple's chest heave up and down with an intoxicated look on her face, it didn't take a genius to figure out what was going on in that head. 'Not that I can blame her though' She thought. But if she didn't do something about it now, she was afraid this girl would lose control and start harassing him!

"Well, I believe a proper introduction is in order. My name is 'Eva Hoffman, and I'm the master of these two girls standing next to me. Girls, introduce yourselves." The woman said.

"Hello, I'm Anna Werner, the older chestnut-haired girl said shyly.

The tiny blond looked at him as if she was about to ravage him. "Sarah Goldmann," she said in a most intoxicating tone while she was biting on her lower lip.

"Nice to meet you all, my name... is 'Samuel,' he said as if announcing his arrival in the world for all to hear. "I lack the surname I'm afraid, being the simple village boy I am."

"That's ok, you can have my surname if you want. All you need to do is marry me. Samuel Goldmann... It sure has a nice ring to it does it not? It seems even our names are made for each other." Sarah said without blinking.

"Sarah what is wrong with you! Take an example to your senior sister, at least she doesn't say it out loud!" Eva shouted, totally ashamed of her disciple's bold behavior.

"H-Hey... that's not what I was thinking," Anna mumbled softly while staring at the floor.

"Hehe silly girl, you're such an open book, anyone can tell what you're thinking," Eva said while laughing.


'Haha, these girls... I like them.' Samuel thought. 'They seem to be good-hearted, straightforward, and full of energy.'

Being fourteen years old and being male, his body was just like every other boy his age, exploding with hormones. He couldn't help being attracted to these girls. Especially that small blond one with those ice-blue eyes that seem to tell him that she wants to eat him alive. The bold things she said in that sensual tone made his blood go boiling. 'She's really cute' he thought. 'Intelligent, decisive, fearless, and beautiful.' He had the faint idea she wasn't even joking when she said she wanted to marry him. He really likes that personality. 'Not the type that gives you vague, impossible-to-notice signals, getting angry when you fail to notice them, complaining men are blind and don't understand them at all,' those are the worst he thought.

"Please don't mind me asking but I must admit I'm curious, to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?"

"Haha, you sure don't talk like a fourteen-year-old village boy do you? If I didn't know any better I would think you were a noble's son, but enough jesting already. To answer your question, our original intention was to meet this child prodigy everybody mentioned. We were told he made a huge, magical painting of a giant tree when he was only ten years old. And that this tree was supposedly able to cure all forms of disease just by looking at it. It made us curious so we decided to pay a visit, and so here we are. But... to be honest, never did we imagine finding the things we did. Your work is far, far more special than we ever imagined it to be. I'm curious, can I ask you if you know what it is that makes your work so special?" Eva asked him curiously.

"Well, to answer your question. I believe art is a language, where words fall short, art speaks. We all look at the world in different ways, and with art, I show you the world I see. If you say my art is special then it must be because of how I see the world."