Do you want fast, crazy, or clumsy?

The barren lands, an almost endless stretch of dried-up grounds without a single plant or tree. It has been like this for thousands of years, far longer than people can remember.

Except for a few underground beasts, almost nothing is able to survive here for prolonged durations. It is hot and dry during the day and extremely cold at the night, without so much as a single source of food or water for thousands of miles in all directions.

The only people that dare to cross these lands are caravans of highly prepared merchants, traveling cultivators, or bandits hoping to rob the former two. These lands are lawless and without a single form of oversight, giving these people free rein to do whatever it is they want to.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the middle of these lands, four people were looking at a gruesome sight. There were dead and mutilated bodies everywhere, the female bodies in between were lying naked on the ground without so much as a single shred of clothing, some of them were so small they had to be younger than themselves, the horrors that had transpired here left little to their imagination.

In all of the fourteen years he lived, he had never seen anything that came close to this, something so unjust, so wrong and evil.

When Samuel saw this scene he didn't simply see a pile of dead bodies, he saw the accumulation of their lives. He saw their birth into the world, embraced by their loving parents. He saw them playing as kids being happy with their toys. He saw those kids growing up into rebelling teenagers, experiencing love for the first time in their lives. He saw some of them growing up becoming adults, getting married, and having children of their own. He saw all the beauty of their lives being snapped away, just like that.

While his thoughts wandered he clenched his fists, and somewhere deep down in his heart a sparkle of light emerged. He swore he would never forget the things he saw today, never will he forget such evil was walking freely in the world today.

For the very first time in his life, he felt an unextinguishable rage, he felt the urge to kill, the need to exterminate, to annihilate! The need to bring pain and suffering to all of the evil deserving it!

When he felt a soft and warm hand on his shoulders his thoughts were interrupted, bringing his mind out of the darkness and into the light.

"Are you ok Samuel?" Eva asked him, knowing exactly what he was feeling at the moment. She had been through this before and seen sights like this more than she could remember. But her very first experience was still crystal clear in her mind, something just like Samuel, she would never be able to forget.

"I am now," He said, with a fire still burning in his eyes.

"Good, what do you say we go and hunt these bastards down? we'll come back and bury them after we are done".

It was music to his ears.

And so, all four of them shot into the skies, ready to hunt these monsters down. They didn't have to wait long until they found them, it was only two hours later when they arrived above a group of men riding on their horses. These people were undoubtedly bandits and the only ones nearby, there was no question these had to be the ones responsible.

Eva stared at these people with stone-cold eyes before she turned her head and looked at Samuel. "do you want fast, crazy, or clumsy?"

"I want crazy."

"Sarah it is, you know what to do Sarah," Eva commanded.

"Yes master"

"Enjoy the show, Samuel," Anna said while poking her elbow in his side as she watched her sister flying at insane speeds towards the bandits down below.


Like a goddess of death descending from the heavens, she accelerated through the skies creating a sonic boom!


To the bandit's surprise, something fell from the sky and crashed to the ground with insane velocity, right in front of their eyes! She crashed down so loudly and explosive that she blasted a crater several meters wide, making the entire group of bandits fall off from their horses! After the dust settled, they saw a beautiful young angelic girl dressed in a white silken dress, her wild blond hair was dancing in the wind. But when they saw her staring with icy blue eyes devoid of any emotions, her beauty was the last thing on their mind!

Danger! Extreme danger! Every single cell in their bodies was screaming danger!

"Escape! Run, quickly run!" They screamed in panic!

But before they had the chance to do so, the little girl disappeared from sight and reappeared behind the first one to escape. She grabbed his neck with both of her hands and pulled it upwards, pulling his head with his spine attached straight from his body! She threw his head down on the ground and squashed it below her feet, exploding his brains all over the place!

"D-demon! She's a freaking demon!"

Before they knew it, the first one was dead and to their greatest fear, she disappeared again!


She reappeared in front of the next one and punched her arm straight into his chest, then she grabbed his heart and ripped it out!


While she smiled sweetly, she squashed his heart in her tiny hand.

The bandits who were known to be violent and merciless were now screaming for their lives in fear and panic, some even pissed their pants! But little did they know, things were just getting started!


The next thing they heard was one of their friends who was screaming like a pig. He was laying on the ground in a pool of blood with both of his arms and legs missing, his limbs had been completely ripped off!


The little demon appeared in front of another one! She kept attacking him over and over without a moment's rest, ripped out his eyes, ears, nose, and everything he held dear except for that one thing she refused to touch. before she dropped him down dead on the ground!

Without delaying she moved to the next one and grabbed one of his ankles and used him as a weapon, smashing the remaining bandits into a bloody pulp, not even their mothers would be able to recognize them now.


After ripping out their eyes, hearts, and heads, tearing off their limbs, and squashing their brains, nothing else was left, and only silence remained.

It was like a demon released among a group of chickens. They were deader than dead, completely obliterated, slaughtered like worthless pigs, and ripped apart in pieces!


In the midst of all the blood and body parts, an angelic fourteen-year-old girl stood, the angel of death. Her small and alluring chest was heaving up and down while blood dripped from her face. The once white silken dress was now completely drenched in red.

Samuel who watched everything happen below was standing there speechless. After a moment's thought, only a single word left his mouth...


"Haha, you wanted crazy" Eva teased. "Come, let's go down and see how she's fairing."

When they arrived, Sarah turned her bloody head around and looked at Samuel, straight into his eyes.

"I'm sorry you had to see this side of me," She mumbled softly.

Hearing this, Samuel who saw her pitied state felt a stinging pain in his heart. 'What has happened in her life to become like this?'

Without thinking about it any longer he walked toward her and embraced her bloody figure, not caring about the stains appearing on his clothes. He pulled her close to him and whispered in her ear...

"I think you're beautiful"

Sarah was shocked and surprised, she thought he would think she was a monster. Never did she expect him to suddenly embrace her and whisper such sweet words. She was taken aback by all of this, he pulled her straight out of her misery and made her feel comfortable again. She raised her head and stared him deep into his eyes, 'those beautiful deep blue eyes' she thought. 'Let me drown in them again'.

"Thank you." She said.

A short distance away, Anna and Eva were watching the embracing couple and decided to give them some time and space. Both of them had gone through some horrible events today and each other's comfort was exactly what they needed now.

"Who would have thought something like this would bring them closer together," Eva said.

Anna was feeling a mixture of happiness and a touch of jealousy. She was genuinely happy for her sister but couldn't help but feel a little sad that she wasn't the one embracing him.

"Hmpf, he should have picked clumsy!"