Beasts everywhere!

Samuel and the girls have been flying for over two hours and were currently deep into the mountains. So far, everything seemed to be going smooth but Eva and the girls couldn't shake off the feeling that something wasn't right.

Despite the fact that they were flying at a pretty high altitude and were preventing their auras from leaking out, they had to shake off several magic beasts that were approaching their location. They have never encountered this before and it was happening far too often for it to be a coincidence, yet they had no idea what was causing it.

If they didn't solve this problem fast it would only be a matter of time before something they couldn't espace would start to hunt them down. They couldn't stop and think about it either because the beasts behind them would be able to catch up, forcing them to fight. And fighting here is the last thing you want because it would attract even more beasts to your location.

Eva didn't want to worry Samuel so she has been communicating with Sarah and Anna through their spiritual link, causing Samuel to have no idea that there was something going on at the moment.

"No one knows what's causing this? If this continues we will be forced to go back and leave these mountains." Eva asked Sarah and Anna through their spiritual link.

"I have no idea either, it doesn't make sense at all," Sarah answered in a helpless tone.

"Same here, I'm completely clueless," Anna answered.

"Maybe we should ask Samuel? I don't like to keep him in the dark, it feels wrong. Can we please stop using our spiritual link, it's like talking behind his back and his life is at stake here as good as ours, he deserves to know what is going on." Sarah said a little irritated.

"I'm sorry, you're right. Since we were able to handle the situation I didn't want to worry him for no reason, but things are different now. Do you want to inform him?" Eva asked Sarah.

"It's ok, from now on, unless it's secret girl talk, please don't communicate via our spiritual link anymore. I will start to inform him now."


Samuel was currently enjoying the beautiful scenery down below and had no idea they were communicating in private. He was deep in his own thoughts and thinking about his cultivation. During the journey, he had plenty of time to think and was finally able to finish the first section of his cultivation technique. All he needed now was time and a safe environment and he could start cultivating, he was so extremely excited! While he was thinking about all of this he was suddenly interrupted when he heard Sarah calling his name.


"I'm really sorry but we have been talking through a spiritual link without including you. We are currently having a problem and didn't want to make you worried for no reason, so all this time we have been keeping you in the dark. We didn't realize we were being impolite by doing this so please forgive us, we won't do it again in the future." Sarah was genuinely feeling sorry.

"Haha don't worry, you must have had your reasons but still, thank you for your sincerity, I appreciate it. What kind of problem are we facing anyway?"

Even though they had explained the situation to Samuel, they were already planning to go back and didn't expect him to know what was going on either. He couldn't and wasn't even aware that they were being hunted in the first place. But to their greatest shock, he actually claimed to know what was causing this?

"Hahahaha, you have been worried because of this all the time? Those beasts are not hunting us down, they are just coming to say hello."

Eva: "..."

Anna: "..."

Sarah: "..."

"What the fuck!?" All three girls yelled!

Samuel who saw their shocked and perplexed faces couldn't stop himself from laughing. They should see their own faces right now, they were looking as if the sun just disappeared in front of their eyes!

"Hahahaha, don't worry, please trust me on this one ok? Let's wait here until those beasts arrive and I will prove I wasn't lying, just make sure you stay close behind and I will do the rest," Samuel said in full confidence.

"They are coming to say hello? You do realize these monsters are extremely aggressive and attack and tear apart every human they encounter right? You haven't even started cultivating yet and you want us to stay behind you? What if you're wrong and they start attacking? You will have died ten times before we can save you! Are you out of your damn mind!?" Eva screamed in shock and disbelief!

Anna and Sarah couldn't believe what they were hearing either! He has never been here before and doesn't even know what kind of beasts are tracking them! How can he possibly think they are coming to say hello!? Does he even realize how extremely terrifying these beasts can be?

"Are you completely insane!?" Anna shouted.

"I will never allow you to put yourself in this much danger, do you hear me!? Sarah yelled furiously!

"Hahahaha, easy, easy, why do you all directly assume I'm crazy? Can't you have a little faith in me? I just wanted to keep it a surprise thats all, but seeing you freak out like that it looks like I have no other choice but to explain myself."

"Don't ask me why because I have no idea either, but all animals and beasts behave very differently when they see me. For as long as I can remember there has never been an animal or beast that wanted to harm me, it doesn't matter what kind of beast it is but they will always act friendly."

"The reason these beasts could find us despite the fact that we did everything we could to be as stealthy as possible is that are probably able to sense my presence. I didn't expect this to happen either, they normally aren't attracted to me from such a distance but I guess it's because they are stronger than the beasts I encountered before."

They were already shocked before but when they heard this they almost lost control and fell from the sky!

"Whaaaaaat!?" They screamed.

"Impossible!! There is no way that's true right!? You are joking aren't you? right!?" Eva shouted, she just couldn't believe it! As a teacher in the academy and someone from a rich and powerful family, she is highly educated and informed about matters most people will never know about, but she has never heard anything as shocking as this!

"I promise I'm telling the truth, I would never put all of us in danger just because I want to make a joke, so please trust me and let me handle it. Are you able to sense how long it takes before the first one arrives?" Samuel asked.

Eva looked him deep into his eyes to see and couldn't see anything else but confidence. Although she was still worried, there was nothing that indicated that he wasn't telling the truth, so she decided to trust him.

"Ok, we will trust you this time, I really hope you know what you are doing because I will repeat it again, we won't be able to protect you! If it maintains its current speed the first beast will arrive in six minutes." Eva answered before she moved behind him, joining Sarah and Anna.

About five minutes later, a red dot appeared on the horizon, it was approaching extremely fast! It was only a minute later when an enormous thirty feet wide eagle appeared in front of them! After flying as fast as it could for more than an hour it had finally caught up! It had found what it was looking for and couldn't help but leting out a loud and happy screech!


Under the girls disbelieving eyes, they saw the normally proud eagle and king of the skies, approaching slowly towards Samuel, where it started to tenderly stroke its head against his face!

They couldn't believe what they were seeing! It was just too absurd! This was a wild and ferocious beast that normally wouldn't hesitate to eat you alive! It would tear you apart without leaving a single bone behind!

They were so shocked they didn't even realize there were starting to appear more dots on the horizon, and before they knew it, there were beasts everywhere!