Arriving at the academy!

After being constantly alert and focused for days while having to fly over several danger zones, the peaceful lands below were a more than welcome change for all of them.

The green grasslands were filled with all kinds of colorful growing flowers that were swaying softly in the wind. Occasionally, you could see streams of fresh mountain water forming small rivers in between.

The lack of predatory magical beasts in this area created an environment where normal animal life could thrive. While some wildlife drank from the rivers, others were running through the grass, it was truly a serene sight to see.

It didn't take long before they could see the first signs of civilization appearing in the distance. It was an old farm growing wheat and a field of trees growing strange kinds of fruits in them. A little further ahead, you could a six-foot stone wall surrounding the small town it hid behind.

Samuel noticed the town was more advanced than the village he came from. Instead of clay walls with straw roofing, these houses were built entirely out of grey stonen bricks, while the roofs consisted of orange-colored tiles made out of unknown materials.

"Look Samuel, that's the town called 'Innsbruck'! That means that it's only fifty more miles before we've reached the academy!" Anna said happily while pointing at the town.

"Yeah, please let's hurry up, I can't wait to take a warm bath again!" Sarah said smiling.

"Sure, but don't scare the entire town by flying over it like you two always do ok?" Eva asked.

"Yes, master!" Both girls giggled.

"They get scared if you fly over them?" Samuel asked.

"Yes, out of safety reasons, the kingdom made a law that forbids people from flying over places where people are living, so if you do fly over it and they can sense your cultivation base, they will automatically assume the worst-case scenario and think they are under attack," Eva explained.

"Haha such mischievous girls," Samuel said while he looked at Anna and Sarah who were sticking out their tongues at him.

A minute later, they continued on their journey and quickly finished the remaining fifty miles of their flight. Finally, they had arrived at their destination, the academy of Marz!

"First!" Sarah said while crashing into the grounds below, creating an enormous crater in the process. Less than a minute later, Samuel, Eva, and Anna landed softly next to her.

"Ehh, an illusion array?" Samuel asked doubtfully because all he could see were some simple grasslands.

"You're no fun at all, are you? Can't you just pretend we tricked you for once?" Sarah grumbled.

"Yes, in fact, it's a highly advanced multi-purpose array which can not only hide the entire academy but also shield against all forms of attacks and methods of sensing, plus it can even attack, amazing isn't it?" Eva explained.

"Wow, It's really like there's nothing here at all!" Samuel said dumbfounded, this was the first time he ever encountered an illusion array.

"Yes, without a cultivation base you really can't see anything. But if a cultivator tries to sense beyond it, he will notice that his senses are blocked, thus confirming the existence of an array." Eva explained.

"Here, hang this around your neck, it's a guest token that enables you to pass the array," Eva said while she handed a silver-colored token with the inscription 'guest' on it to Samuel, before they all walked past the array in front of them.

When Samuel passed the array, from one moment until the other, a completely different world appeared and even though he had some expectations, what he saw blew his mind away!

There was a massive mountain hidden behind the array! It was the biggest and highest mountain he had ever seen in his entire life, it was like three times the size compared to the highest mountains he had seen in the great dividing range, it was enormous! He couldn't be sure since he couldn't even see the top, but if he had to guess, this mountain had to be fifteen miles high at the least!

Randomly placed throughout the entire mountain he was seeing all kinds of luxurious white marble structures. There were small houses, grand villas, huge halls build on massive pillars, arenas, grand statues, squares, fountains, and much more buildings for which he didn't even know the purpose.

There were streams of cultivators dressed in all kinds of different colored clothing flying everywhere, there were people sparring on stone platforms, while others were meditating, he even spotted an outdoor lecture where a couple of hundred people were sitting neatly in rows, listening to an old woman's speech.

'This is it! I'm finally here... So many different people, so many new and unexplored things, I can't wait to see it all!' Samuel thought while he was marveling at the sight.

"I know right, I had the same feeling when I saw it for the first time, and even now I still marvel at its sight. Did you know this entire mountain is man-made?" Eva asked while standing next to him.

"I had my assumptions yes, it's just too weird for a single mountain this large to stand alone, out of nowhere in these grasslands. To think that there are people that are capable of creating something so grand, and so enormous, it really is incredible!"

"You know what's even more incredible Samuel? One day you will be able to do the same." Sarah said as she began to meddle in their conversation.

"Yeah... I really need to start cultivating, maybe one day I will create my own mountain haha, who knows right?" Samuel said, more for himself than for the others, completely unaware that this seemingly innocent statement would lead to one of the most shocking things the world would ever see in the future.

"Anyway, let's get going. Sarah, Anna, you two go home first. I will go and meet the dean with Samuel, when we're done I will drop him off at your place Sarah, since you were the one that promised him a house after all." Eva told the girls while she winked at Sarah.

Sarahs' cheeks began to blush a little, she had already forgotten about that. The thing is, his house isn't even built yet so if she didn't want to put him in a temporary house far away from her, a place surrounded by other girls without a doubt, then the only solution left was that he would need to stay at her place for the time being!

She already understood this the moment she offered him a house of his own, but now that the moment was near and she had to explain it to him soon as well, she was starting to get nervous.

'Shit, what did I do, what was I thinking! What will other people think? No, I don't give a damn what other people think, but still, I'm only fourteen years old and a girl from noble birth, It's extremely improper to live alone with someone of the opposite sex! Argh... what am I going to do!?'

Anna saw her beat red panicking face and couldn't help but tease her a little. "If you won't, I will," she whispered in her ear.

"In your dreams Anna!" Sarah yelled.

"Haha ok, we're leaving now, cya later girls!" Eva said all chuckling before leaving with Samuel in tow.

Meanwhile, Eva and Samuel were flying toward the mountain on their way to the dean. Now that they were alone again, they automatically started thinking about the awkward moment they shared together in the great dividing range, but none of them spoke about it though, now was not the time, now it was time to meet with the dean and solve the last obstacle that kept Samuel from joining the academy.

"Since the dean lives on the top of the mountain, It will take some before we get there. In the meantime, do you mind sharing with me what you're planning to do exactly? I have my guesses of course but I can't be sure after all." Eva asked Samuel.

"Well, I assume the kingdom would never put a man in such a position without being absolutely certain of his loyalty. Therefore, I will take my chances and just tell him the truth, and if he needs any kind of proof I'll just start painting one of his walls." Samuel explained.

"Then it's what I was thinking after all, Damn I love your mind hehe. But there is one thing though, I know what kind of man the dean is. You were right about the fact that he is loyal and can in all likelihood be trusted with your secret, I share those thoughts. But besides that, He is also a very excentric and curious man, a scholar, and the true definition of a bookworm. What I mean by that is that I am almost certain he is going to test your talents when we get there, just so you know."

"Thank you for telling me, but I naturally expected that to happen, humans are curious creatures after all. Besides, as long as we contain everything that happens there then I won't have any problems with it either."

"Samuel, can I ask you, do you mind if I see your tests as well? I mean, I'm one of those curious humans after all hehe." Eva asked him, appearing as sweet as she could.

Samuel, who saw her acting like a cute little girl all of a sudden, already knew there was no way he could deny her now, not that he would have in the first place, but still, 'She has a cute side as well?' He thought surprised.

"Haha, how can I deny someone who looks so cute? Of course, even without that act, I would have allowed you to do so haha." Samuel said while he was laughing.

"Haha, women have their ways to get what they want, you can hardly blame me for acting the part, can you?" Eva said while she winked at him.

"Anyway, we're there... Behold, the old man's humble home."