#They are the same with additional bonuses for some and totally different for other:
-Warrior stones:20%+ warrior related learning speed and capacity and a direct increase of 10% for warriors capacity, skill, ability ect...
It's the same for the two other stones but mage and thieves related# 'how now that interesting hehe how many stones can we have?' #3 but you must choose wisely because a 1week 20% weakness will add as a malus for changing stones plus the stats reduction of the deleted stones.# 'hum okay that don't change that the warrior and mage stones are here all time useful I can't keep the last one while finding other stone more so I can just do nothing for 1 week until the malus goes away if I ever change those two for a better one... If there even one, so take the warrior and mage one please' #understood... Done... Recalculation of ranks... Warrior rank: AAA, Mage rank: CC# I instantly feel the added power coursing my body it feel... Divine... At my suddent stop Lia look at "you're alright?" "yes I just felt something coming." at that 5 wolves are seen on a big rock further away from us looking at us warily. "it was just wolves nothing alarming then" respond Ralof 'I was bullshiting my way in but oh well... In the game too there was wolves there if I remember correctly... Hehe lucky me' we then continue till Riverwood there Ralof Guide us to the mill where we see a man and a woman working there. "GERDUR! HOD!" he shout "Brother!" she respond "what happened to you to look like that?" Gerdur ask looking at the ragged Ralof "it's those damn imperial who embushed Ulfric and every other sombrage and taken us to Helgen to be executed by Tulius and his lakeys... And there was that dragon..." "Dragon?!" "yes dragon I barely excaped there thanks to Lia and Duncan here" Ralof show us "come home... You'll explain us here while you eat and rest." she say walking to her house "thanks Gerdur I'm famished" I say and smile at finally eating because Alduin fucking destroyed the inn before I could eat.