1.1 Gun


Time fade away

 Team in destain

 Close no regards

 To the sleit night

 Hard hurry rain

 Beat you reflected

 Close your upgain

 Still time fade away.

 This somber song echo in the different scenery of the village. From the frosty areas where the mother bird prink it's little ones.

 The running stream which teen of the village swim.

 They play around but would have to run when their names are called.

 The great bridge build by ancestors held of old fading wall. The greening leave that flutter.


 A destroyed of solitude. The villages lift their heads up, the youths from their phone rolled their eyes. The tourist are curious of safety, the eyes of the little boy narrowed as he aim at the birds to shoot again only to miss and left a hole of miss Jie skirt.

 The hunter gun fell for his hand to the ground, the young boy about age 10 to 11 pant air. The wind flutter his bull pant and he lift his head to the man that watch him for afar.

 The tried face let a silly grin that wouldn't wipe of the anger of Uncle Kim.

 " Ji hoo...!"

 The birds flutter the air as the old man repeatedly beat the child on his head, dragging him and the child home.

 The fire racked. After harassing from the stick.

 Unlike other homes. This house far away live to the times of the ancient. 

 Ji hon sulk at the corner his face bitter bruise as he picked on the ants and stomach growling on hunger for having not to eat.

 " Did you know where you did wrong?"

 Ji hon lips pause and he didn't answer and that earn him whip. 

 " Did you know why you did wrong?"

 No response.


 " Answer me!" 


 " Answer me Ji hon."


 Ji hon


 Ji hon


 Ji hon... You bastard.



 " Ji hon the child of a murderer."

 " Ji hon the child of a murderer."

 This taunting and the stone throw woke the unconscious Ji hon up. His skinny body trembled as he puke out blood that gather with in his mouth.

 His vision unclear but saw the warm food that await him.

 He staggered to walk but then the stone hit hard knocking him off his consciousness, slashing his blood to the warm meal.

 In muffins he could hear the click of the gun. The threaten voice of uncle, the plead of the parents, the wail of the children.

 Ji hon lips hook. 

 He knew that old man still cared for him.