1:4 The night

The night came. Every thing was empty for the wind to blew off.

 The killers in the night would leave their coffin home under the cold wind of the air condition. 

 They called themselves Gixs. So Lin was told . They gather on the market center and plan the plot of the night.

 I was invited but was terrified .

 Staring at different youths and middle ages yet strong men that plot harm with faces so calm, Lin could only shallow lump to his stomach.

 He didn't want to stay here so he meet his friends. But who knew his head will be cast off and his body ambulated like tenacious to be sold.









 " Ji hon... Wake up."

 " Wake you ugly bastard."

 " If you don't wake up, I would make you breath my armpits."

 Ji hon woke up. He burshed his teeth and clean the needed part of his body. Harry was laying down laminating over his life.

 Ji hon took out his save causing the latter to cast a greedy eye. 

 Ji hon was used to this harry eyes. Aleast the hand never took so the money was safe here.

 Ji hon count the money and gave to Harry to buy water and food for the house. He might over work today and would come tomorrow.

 Today Ji hon is careless. The greedy of Harry seem to have an intention now. 

 It cause and amount of 57 yen to ride to the city. After a rough search, Ji hon start worked . It was part-time but the pay was good so Ji hon tend to work overtime. And save up for highschool and continue education.

 Today is the same as the other day. Intense work, gossip, taunting. Aleast he isn't a son of the munderer but a low life.

 Ji hon is serious and dilligent to this job and don't want to lose it. But today, he made a mistake.

 Ji hon wasg the floor really hard, he didn't put the sign and rush to do another work causing the fall of a big client.

 It wasn't hard to find Ji hon and he was fired.

 Ji hon is home. His trembled why seem to shaken.

 " No



 He ravage everywhere but it's gone . He money, his clothes, the food.


 Ji hon. Cause this has to be a serious joke. Right?

 Harry is really bad joker. Cause this joke isn't funny.


 Meanwhile the market seem tense and the long partrol of police that head to a direction. Their footsteps echoed on the stairs scaring those who walk on it.

 They post their gun to the boy that kneel with a slump shoulder. Not moving completely ignore with a freez.

 Neighbor watch the police drag him out. They watch him scream on the top of his voice. Calling out Harry, asking him to come Down so he would kill him.

 The police wouldn't protect you, I would kill you ...

 I will

 I WILL...!!!

 Car slam shut.

 Harry that watch for the crowd didn't have a strace of guilt on his face. The stack of money is a strong lead to a great future.

 If he gets rich he would repay in the future.


 How little and native. Should we tell him...

 Should shattered his cruel dream that this would end...