
The method Areola brought was effective in lessen the spread of the illness but few days later people began find trouble.

It was easily seizure as Areola tormented the people herself. And they revealed that an unknown noble paid them to find trouble.

They were even scared that they showed Areola the obeject they were paid with, and Areola recognize it immediately

It was the wedding ring that only she and Alice had and knew about.

I felt nothing but anger.

Was Alix going to rebel and kick her out of her throne... Even if he did, it was something which she wasn't going to allow to happen.

She step up her game.




Alix in his room experience assassin attack in the broad of day light.

Of course it failed and the assassin killed himself but all fingers pointed at Areola.

He laughed coldly but felt hurt.

" Good... good. " He would say with a very cold smile.

In the counting Court room. It was a tenses battle that nobles had to choose sides which was almost impossible and Areolas was winning it.

" Whore ." He whispered to himself.

Areola would smile. " Well, this whore ass was too good it turned a nation down."

Alix grit his teeth at her

Vuglar response.

Days kept rolling on like this.

From food poisoning to assassin and then dramatic moves to drag ones name into the mud.

All this was distracting. Nor notice the strange moves around the rulars areas and downs.

But in this game. Areola was winning it. Her way if ruling and her contribution in court had completely changed the way people viewed her.

From the hidden pampered queen to being a capable ruler.

Like she could feel the pain of the people, she promised to find the cure of this devilish epidemic.

It was strange that in no time. The remaining fame Arthur was gone.

A man in the cave hiding from the world who break things when he hears it.

His eyes would be bloodshot when his done. He called his shadow.


This was something that kept happening weirdly fun for Alix but then it wasn't.

No man like when the woman you loves stared at you like you were her enemy.

" Your majestic." A gurad rush in with a scroll in his hand disturbing Alix fun time.

The guard was surprised to see a woman on the king bed. And it wasn't the queen.

" Speak."

The guard regained him and bowed almost kissing the ground. He presented the scroll of the report to Alix who was clearly impatient.

The scroll contain the usual migration of villagers and towns and also report of strange men about a countless amount wad sighted around the walls of Ais.

But impatient Alix didn't read as he played with the woman in his arms that was clearly enjoying it.

" Take it away and give it to the queen."

The guard wanted to say something but Alix impatient was getting to him.

So he screamed this time.

" Take it away and— there's no need, I'm here already... Give it to me."

Alix, the woman and guard stared at the queen.

She was beautiful. In her black white gown that wasn't too overwhelming and the huge crown that fit perfectly her loose sliver hair.

She walked to them.

The guard bowed but the woman on the bed didn't. She stared at Areola provocative smile.

Which was what led to her being beheaded.

" Give it to me." Areola completely discarded Alix existence.

The guard trembling under Alix stare but present the scroll to Areola but before she could take it.

Alix grip it and toss it to the bonfire. Areola eyes narrowed, knowing how important the scroll was.

She slapped Alix.

" How dare you..."

She couldn't complete her sentence when Alix forcefully kisses her.

Maybe that was his way to shut her up.

The guard that was made to eat dogfood quickly excused himself. Not more than fifteen walked steps he transformed into the shadow man.

He gave the leads a chance to help themselves but they threw it to the flame.

His crimson smile widen despite his eyes wasn't smiling.

Areola kisses Alix .

The shadows walked few more steps then transformed into a short busty woman who was a kitchen maid.

This was one of his power ever since he became a second male lead shadow. He could transformed to people and that include himself.

That was burnt in the forest with countless tomboys.

However shadow didn't have a peaceful walk to the kitchen. As guards would whistle and eye and compliment his boob and butt.



Something bad was going to happen.

Natalie institution had never lied.

But where.

Then I saw it. I couldn't sleep and had to apply a little extra in making up.

Walking downstairs I heard laughed. It long Natalie had see her step mother and sister laugh.

She became curious and then I saw him and mine mood sour more.

' Dad... What is he doing here.'

" Greetings Fa... father. Greetings stepmom." Nod to the little one.

Noticing mine presence they all quite down and ate silently. It irritating but I sat too and ate my breakfast.

And I couldn't find tastes in it as stepmom interacted with him. I just wanted to get out of here for some fresh air. Even ignoring my sister shoes that was poking my legs.

Maybe feeling vex. My supposed light kicked where hard and painful and so this that of the little brat.

She grined and I wanted to poked her eyes with my fork.

Father seem say something and everyone was looking at me. I noticed it when I was really trying hard to reach to my sister.

" Ugn?!"

" Natalie darling... Will on a breakfast table can you please not act barbaric?" Step mother said to her instead.

I guess the leg I was pressing hard on was her's. I mutter some soft apology and stood up abruptly.

" Thanks for the meal." I walked towards the stairs.

" But you touched your food." Sister asked. Not because the little brat cared if I ate.

The portion of food always given to her were always small and she was a gallot that love food.

Yet I ate little but still the fat one among all.

: ) You only ate little today.

Natalie didn't answer and just continue her walk upstairs. Her name was called and she stopped.

Her fist cleach her dress.

" Yes father."

" Would you come to a family outing with us?" His voice was gentle and step mother and sister were smiling brightly.

But. I had not placed there.

" No."

Natalie grumbling in anger as the carriage rode her to the fun square.

' what did they think she was... Five.'

Sister at the other side didn't think so. she was definitely glowing or beaming and it was quite disturbing.

As because a non-stop parrot.

Natalie check through the curtains and indeed the street were desolated. But the loud sound of carriage made many civilians opened their window slightly.

Natalie huff air from boredom but then see saw someone. He was standing and staring at her.

He was fully covered in clothes and had only one legs. And Natalie feeling began to urge her.

Something bad was going to happen.

And it did, when will got to the fun square that is located at the capital entrance.

Our presence was seek back home. I was happy but sister wasn't. Getting home the feeling because stronger.

I frowned. And clutch my chest.

Step mother weeping and father being pushed into the car by Ais security was the first sight I saw walking out the carriage.

Mine sister eyes welm up but I couldn't feeling anything at that time. I could feel father eyes on me.

He smiled to me as they rode off.

" Will he be released?" I asked one of the security officer but he just scoff at me.

It was rude but then my heart pounded with anxiousness. I had a urge feeling that it might be the last time I will see father again.

In this fleeting moment. I didn't notice stepmother walked to me with rage.

Her small hand extracted and extremely forced when she slapped me.

It echoed. It was painful.

Something big was going to happen this night.