Nadia's life

After school, Nadia goes to a small snack shop to work part-time. The girl who was about to turn 18 was very independent. As many people know, Nadia is treated differently from her sister.

Nadia has to work to save, she collects little by little her money to buy the things she needs. Her parents did give Nadia pocket money, but it was not enough considering that Nadia also needed other things for her school supplies.

The girl was quite grateful that her parents were still willing to pay for her schooling, so she didn't want to bother them anymore by asking for their needs.

"Welcome to Cafe Berry. Do you want to order what--" Nadia's greeting stopped when she saw the handsome man in front of her.

Rafandra smiled seeing Nadia who was looking at him. "You work part-time here?"

Nadia nodded, then lowered her face.

"Ah, I ordered one lemon tea and one green tea-flavored macaron," said Rafandra.

"Okay, the total is Rp 36,000,-" said Nadia with a friendly smile.

Rafa also paid for his order, then sat waiting for his order. His fingers started to play with his cell phone. Meanwhile, Nadia sighed for a moment before delivering the order she had finished preparing for Rafa.

The girl muttered. "Why do you have to meet him anyway?" then walked slowly to deliver drinks and snacks Rafandra ordered.

"This is your order," said Nadia.

"Thank you, Nadia?" said Rafa.

"You know my name?" Nadia frowned in surprise because she felt that she had not introduced herself to Rafa.

Rafa nodded. "Yuna told me," he answered honestly.

Nadia was just a little 'oh'. And going back to her stand.

"Are you still working on it?" Rafa asked Nadia.

The girl turned to Rafa, then nodded slightly. "I still have two hours to go home," she's replied.

Rafandra who got an answer from Nadia also gave a small oh and nodded his head.

"Why?" asked Nadia.

"No, just asking." Rafa's smile bloomed on his handsome face.

"Why is he so handsome?" Nadia thought.

The girl quickly shook her head to wake up from her wandering thoughts. She returned to her stand and did not pay attention to Rafandra anymore. Don't let her deal with his sister just because of the little mistake she made.


Time goes on. Rafa is no longer in the shop. Don't think that Rafa is waiting for Nadia to finish work. That's not possible. Because Rafa also definitely has other things to do, especially since he hasn't gotten that close to waiting for Nadia to come home from work.

For now, Nadia walked down a quiet street that was quite close to her house. After a few more steps, the girl arrived in front of her house. However, her steps stopped when she saw his parents and sister just got out of the car.

They had just returned from a trip. Have fun without Nadia. Who is Nadia? She was indeed the daughter of the house, but so far she had never felt the love and good treatment as a daughter of that family.

Nadia stays in the family because they are the only ones Nadia has. The long-haired beautiful girl has no one else after her birth mother left her. If it weren't for Nadia's great love for Bianca and her family, perhaps Nadia would have long since decided to leave the house.

"Ah, they must have been out for a walk again. Don't worry Nadia, this isn't the first time you've seen something like this, is it?" the monologue.

Nadia smiled wryly with tears starting to well up in her eyes. It would be a lie if Nadia said she was fine. Indeed, which child's heart doesn't hurt when she knows clearly that his own family is different.

"Don't worry. There will be times when you will feel happy like Aca. Don't give up, you have to endure. For mother's sake.." continued the beautiful girl's monologue.

Unknowingly, her tears escaped. He wiped his tears harshly. He took a deep breath, then slowly walked into the courtyard of his house. Nadia must still look fine even though she is very tight holding back the pain in her heart.

"You just got home?" Arsa Wijaya's voice - Nadia's Father- stopped the little girl's small steps.

"Yes, dad..." Nadia said slowly.

"Make Daddy coffee first, then you can rest!" asked Arsa to her first daughter.

"Okay, dad." Nadia nodded and walked towards the kitchen.

"Do you like the dress?" Irene asked her daughter Bianca.

"I like it. But, I was going to buy another one, Mom..." Bianca said, whining a little.

"Yes, I'll buy it again sometime. You all want to be bought, choose what you need first..." said Irene while pinching her favorite daughter's cheek.

"Ah, mom.." Bianca squeaked.

"Yes, I'll buy it again tomorrow with Mommy," said Arsa.

"Ha?? Seriously, dad?" Bianca was very enthusiastic.

Arsa just nodded and smiled.

"Thank you, Daddy. Daddy is the best." Bianca hugged her father spoiled.

Nadia who heard their conversation felt very tight. She seemed to be worthless, or even that they only thought of Nadia as dust between them.

"If my presence is not considered, then why should I be maintained so far? How long should I hold it? can I be that strong?" Nadia thought with all the tightness in her mind.

Meanwhile, Bianca headed to the kitchen. She intends to get her Daddy's coffee. Of course just to look for the face. Since when did Bianca have a sense of caring for other people? Never once.

The girl saw Nadia dreaming in front of the stove.

"Are you deaf?"

Nadia immediately woke up from her daydream.

"Ah yes, sorry..." she whispered.

"Tsk, you're useless, you know..." Bianca cursed harshly.

the beautiful brown-haired girl approached the stove and turned off the stove, while slightly pushing Nadia away.

"Just let me do it. You suck!" Bianca sarcastically grabbed the teapot filled with hot water.

"Careful, Ca. It's hot--"

"AARRHHH!!!" Bianca shouted. Bianca's hand splashed with hot water from the teapot which she grabbed forcibly.

Arsa and Irene immediately ran to see what was going on in the kitchen.

"What the--. Gosh, Bianca. What's wrong with your hand, honey," Irene panicked seeing her daughter's reddened hand.

"N-Nadia, she accidentally poured the hot water so it hit my hand, mom.."

Slander. Those are slanderous words that Bianca hurled. It was clear that she had taken the hot teapot herself. Bianca was cruel to her sister.

"I-i?? n-no-"


"How dare you harm my daughter?!" Irene slapped Nadia hard.

"Not me, Mom. Caca herself is-"

"Shut up!!" Arsa cut Nadia's words quickly in a high tone.

"If you're jealous of your sister, you should just say it. You don't have to hurt her like this. where is your common sense?!" Arsa snapped.

"B-but it's true, dad. I didn't do that..." Nadia said hoarsely. The girl was already crying because of the harsh words of her parents.

Irene took the hot teapot and pulled Nadia's hand roughly. The girl immediately became hysterical in fright.

"AARRGHHH... it's hot, mom..s-it hurts!!" Nadia moaned when her smooth hands were accidentally splashed with hot water by Irene.

Cruel? Of course. Irene was very cruel to Nadia. Once Nadia made a mistake, she didn't even hesitate to beat the girl. Sometimes Nadia even faints because she is abused by her stepmother.

"Less?? Or do you want mommy to flush your beautiful face?!" threatened Irene.

The beautiful woman wanted to splash Nadia's face with hot water in her hands.

"Stop!!" stop Arsa.

"Why? You don't accept that the shadow of the woman's face is gone?" Irene sarcastically with her emotions still at their peak.

"Enough. She already got the same reply. Don't go beyond your limits, Irene..." Arsa said.

Irene snorted harshly. The beautiful woman glared at Nadia, who grimaced in pain, then took Bianca away from the kitchen.

Arsa glimpsed Nadia's hand. It looks very red and it blisters. It must be treated as soon as possible.

"Treat your hand, or you'll lose it," Arsa said coldly and just walked away.

Nadia looked at her father's departure with a torn feeling. it's not only his hands that hurt, but his heart hurts even more. How her parents didn't want to listen to her explanation at all first, really made her very sick.

The girl walked slowly towards her room. She sat in the chair in front of her study table and took a first aid kit from her drawer. Take out an ointment to treat her hand.

Nadia's tears continued to fall uncontrollably. Lamenting the sadness that always comes to him every day. she also forgot when she ever laughed out loud because of his family. .in everyone's eyes, Nadia's family is still complete. But in reality, Nadia is like living alone who is always lonely and sad.

"Mother... Nadia misses..."

And the beautiful girl could no longer hold back her sadness. she sobbed until her eyes were red and slightly swollen. At least, that was all Nadia could do because she was too weak to fight or demand justice.
