About Nadia's feelings

The next day, Nadia prepared to go to school as usual. Trying to forget what happened last night. She hoped Bianca was feeling better now too. Maybe Bianca was too angry with her because she was with Rafandra.

As usual, Nadia prepares breakfast and cleans the house before leaving for school. After she made sure everything was neat, then Nadia went to school quietly.

Nadia walked leisurely down the school corridor. She never forgets her sweet smile, and she also always greets other students who pass her because Nadia is known for her hospitality.

While busy walking and humming a little, Nadia suddenly jumped up in surprise, because a strong hand suddenly leaned on her back, then wrapped her arms around the narrow back.

"Rafa?!" Nadia screamed when she realized who the owner of the hand was.

Immediately, Nadia pushed Rafa's hand away. The girl didn't want to add any more trouble to Bianca. Not anymore for now and so on.

"Why?" Rafa asked not understanding. The young boy raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"What why?" asked Nadia back.

"Why to forbid me to hug you?" explained Rafa.

Nadia was silent for a moment and thought about what the right reason was so that Rafa wouldn't be hurt or misunderstood.

"I-I just don't like it. I'm uncomfortable," said Nadia without looking at who was talking to her.

"Tsk, you are..." Rafa snorted.

Ignoring Rafa, Nadia just walked away from the teenager. Making Rafa shakes his head in amazement at Nadia's changing nature in an instant. Yesterday Nadia obeyed, then angry and cold. Now it was like that again, only that the girl was still trying to speak politely.

Rafa did not understand Nadia's way of thinking at all. Maybe it was all because Rafa only knew Nadia from the outside. Because no one knows how the inside of Nadia is full of wounds without anyone knowing it.

"Hey, Nadia. Wait for me!" Rafa shouted calling the beautiful girl who was already walking fast leaving him.

Nadia ignored Rafa's call, she continued to walk fast even to the point of jogging to avoid the new student who was always following her. Nadia was uncomfortable and afraid, she immediately entered her class as quickly as possible.

The beautiful girl breathed a sigh of relief when she saw her best friend Yeri was already sitting on her bench. At least someone will help her to avoid Rafa this morning. Nadia walked slowly over to Yeri and sat on an empty bench next to the chubby-cheeked student.

A few moments later, Nadia realized that Yeri's face was not as usual. The chubby girl looked lethargic and uninspired. Feeling unusual, Nadia smiled faintly and looked at her best friend closely. But there was no movement from Yeri who was still quietly leaning her head on her desk.

"What's wrong with you?" Nadia ventured to ask Yeri.

Yeri sighed heavily and only shook her head slowly in response to Nadia's question. Feeling dissatisfied and disbelieving, Nadia asked again.

"Why you? Answer me," now Nadia slightly forced Yeri to answer.

Yeri raised her head and looked at Nadia sadly which made Nadia surprised because it was unusual for a fierce Yeri to turn into a weak girl.

"Am I that fat?" Yeri looked at Nadia with an increasingly sad look, even her lips pursed.

"N-no, not fat at all. What are you asking?" Nadia looked at Yeri with a smile, her hand holding Yeri's hand.

"Aish, don't say that to calm me down. Answer honestly, Nadia," Yeri grumbled.

Nadia shook her head. "I'm being honest. You're not fat, Yeriee..."

"Tsk, but that annoying guy said that I'm fat. He even said I got in his way... Huwaaa~~..."

Immediately Nadia panicked, Yeri suddenly whimpered like a baby. Nadia quickly covered the chubby girl's mouth, because the other children were already throwing disapproving looks with Yeri's annoying voice.

"Shhh... Aren't you ashamed? There are a lot of other kids in class," said Nadia trying to calm her best friend (again).

"Hmm.. from now, I won't eat. I want to be skinny," Yeri said while sobbing a little and wiping her snot that was a little out.

"Don't torture yourself. Tell me who that man is. I'll kill him," Nadia put her hands on her hips, acting as if she wanted to get into a fistfight.

Yeri snorted harshly. "I don't know him. I just met him at the convenience store last night," she said honestly.

"Never mind, don't be like this, you are beautiful as you are. The most important thing is that you are healthy, don't be insecure. Understand?" Nadia said making Yeri nod her head as if to obey.

Nadia smiled in relief when her best friend had calmed down. Yes, it's lucky if Yeri doesn't continue her spoiled whining. Moreover, Nadia is already quite dizzy because she has to avoid Rafa, who even now is still looking at her from her seat.

"I'd be lucky if I were you."

Yeri's words made Nadia frown. Nadia did not understand what her best friend had just said.

"What's your reason for saying that?" asked Nadia.

"You are beautiful, your face is perfect and also your body is beautiful. Everyone likes you. After all, you are lucky aren't you?" Yeri answered while lowering her face.

"B-but, I've never gotten a love like what other people get, Yer," Nadia whispered.

Yeri instantly lifted her head. The girl knew what Nadia meant because all this time she had only heard all the complaints from her best friend's beautiful girl. Yeri feels very guilty because she indirectly thinks she is comparing herself to Nadia.

"Sorry, Nadia. I-I didn't mean to offend you about that. Sorry," Yeri said panicked.

Nadia smiled sadly and shook her head. Nadia also knew that her best friend could not possibly have such thoughts. Nadia understands that what Yeri wants is only her physical appearance, but that is completely contrary to Nadia's wish, which has only wanted sincere love and affection from everyone around her.

"Ah, don't think anything of it. I understand what you mean," Nadia said, patting Yeri's back gently.

Yeri smiled awkwardly. "Damn!! I said this!" he thought.

Meanwhile, Nadia was busy taking out books from her school bag. Arrange the textbooks neatly on his desk. Then, he daydreams and is sad again. Everyone thinks just having a perfect physique makes her happy and get whatever she wants. But in reality, it was a big mistake.

Nadia never gets what she wants easily. There must be more effort for everything he wants. Not to mention if Bianca or her stepmother got in the way of her wishes.

Since the first, Bianca wanted to give up on the situation because she felt unable to live it. However, because of Yeri's support and because he was also waiting for a promise from her mother, she had to pretend to be strong for a long time.

The happiness that Nadia had wanted so far was just a dream for the 17-year-old girl. Lucky enough for her to have a friend like Yeri who is willing to accept him well regardless of the good or bad side of him.

If it wasn't for Yeri, maybe Nadia would have been a victim of bullying from other children because no one wanted to be friends with her sincerely. After all, most of them only envy Nadia.

It became a concern for the beautiful girl.

"If you guys are jealous of my physique, can I also envy your happiness? If I had to choose, I just want to be appreciated for who I am. I don't want to be appreciated for being physical or compassionate. This makes me feel even more useless. was born into this world!" Nadia thought. Then she's smiled wryly.
