Dylan and friends

Today Bianca is truant. Her mind was confused because the shameless Dilan confessed his feelings in front of his classmates. The girl was walking without a clear direction since this afternoon. Even the girl did not come home even though it was already 9 pm.

"Tsk, how annoying. Why does he have to say his feelings in front of the other kids? It's embarrassing!" Bianca grumbled the whole way through.

Not long after, the beautiful girl crossed paths with 3 men she knew.

"Dilan? Felix? Ardian?" said Bianca in surprise.

"Why? Didn't expect to meet me?" asked Dilan with a crooked smile.

"Get out of the way. I don't want anything to do with you guys," Bianca snapped and tried to get out of their reach.

"Not that easy!" Dilan pulled Bianca's wrist violently until the girl fell into his arms.

"Let's have fun, beautiful Bianca..." Dilan whispered in Bianca's ear with his sensual tone.

Bianca immediately rebelled from Dilan's body who hugged her tightly.

"Take her down the hall over there!" Dilan ordered while pushing Bianca's body on Felix and Ardian.

"Let go of me bastard!!" Bianca cursed.

There was no response from the four teenage boys. They forced Bianca into a dark alley not far from the narrow alley that Bianca had gone through earlier.

Felix and Ardian held Bianca's hand tightly because Bianca was constantly rebelling.


A hard slap landed on Bianca's smooth cheek.

"Shut up you ignorant girl!" shouted Dilan right in Bianca's face.

"Please, let me go..." now Bianca was helpless. Bianca began to cry with fright.

The girl's body pressed against the wall of the hallway. His hands were very sore from the grip of the two teenagers who were quite strong. Meanwhile, Dilan approached Bianca and gripped Bianca's jaw tightly. Then landed his lustful kiss on Bianca's plump lips.

The girl closed her eyes, did not return the kiss from Dilan. Feeling furious, Dilan bit Bianca's lower lip making the owner open her mouth reflexively.

"Ughhh..." Bianca's muffled scream escaped.

A few moments later, Dilan released the link. And turned to kiss Bianca's long neck.

"Please, don't..." Bianca whispered.

The girl began to sob and surrender. Hoping someone would pass by or come save him.

"Look, a much more pleasant sight than when you rejected me this afternoon. Hahahaha..."

Dilan's evil laugh echoed in the dark and lonely alley, which scared Bianca even more. Bianca never expected that she would be treated like this by Dilan because she had rejected his love, but after all, this was all wrong.

Dilan tried to hold Bianca's hands to kiss the girl again, but Bianca shook her head noisily trying to avoid Dilan's demanding kiss.

"Stop... I beg you..."

"Oh come on, you will enjoy it too. Let's have fun together," said Dilan.

Dilan squeezed Bianca's body against the wall, making the girl's body feel very tight and she felt pain.

"Sshh-it hurts--" Bianca began to cry uncontrollably, "s-someone .. help me..." Bianca whispered as she shook her head noisily trying to escape.

"Hahaha... No one will hear your voice. Shout and beg like this. I like it," said Dilan.

Now the girl can only cry and surrender to what will happen. She thought that tonight it seemed like she had to give up her future like this.

"Nadia... Help me..." Bianca thought.

For some reason, only Nadia was on Bianca's mind. The girl hoped that her sister would show up and save her from these bastards.


A fantofel shoe hit the head of Dilan who was almost suckling on Bianca's breasts.

"Fuck! Who dares to disturb me," Dilan cursed.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" a girl's scream echoed down the hall.

The girl walked a little closer. Then her beautiful eyes widened instantly when she saw what was in front of her.

"Dylan?" she said surprised.

"Nadia?" said Dylan.

"Wow... Look, what a coincidence isn't it? Two beautiful girls who will accompany the four of us tonight..." Dilan continued, not at all afraid.

"What are you doing here?" Nadia trembled at Dilan's words.

"N-Nadia... Please.. help me..."

That voice... Familiar with Nadia.

"B-Bianca?!" Nadia screamed.

Ignoring the teenage boys in front of her, Nadia instead ran over to Bianca who was sitting leaning against the wall of the hallway.

"B-Bianca... Are you okay? How come it's like this?" Nadia embraced her sister's helpless body.

Bianca just cried and shook her head noisily. Her sister was very scared. Now the only hope that can help her is Nadia, the only one she can ask for help is her sister.

"Now these two little mice have fallen into a trap. Let's spend this long night well," said Dilan grinning.

"Will no one hears them?" said Ardian.

"Yes, Bianca's voice alone is loud enough and echoes in this hallway. If anyone finds out, we could end up at the police station," said Felix.

"Tsk, coward. This is a quiet alley and far from the crowd. Just do it, the sooner the better," Dilan snapped.

"Okay," concluded Ardian who gave up and then obeyed Dilan's orders.

Now Felix and Ardian held Nadia's hands, the girl rebelled and tried to release the grip of the two boys' hands. Meanwhile, Dilan is getting closer to Bianca because Bianca is his main target.

Dilan still holds a grudge against Bianca for embarrassing himself in front of the children this afternoon. In addition, he also felt hurt because he had been played by a beautiful girl. Dilan had intended to approach Nadia, but suddenly Bianca came and teased him and asked him to be friends.

The longer the relationship between Dilan and Bianca is established, the slowly Dilan also has more feelings for the girl. However, Dilan never thought that Bianca only wanted to play with him. Dilan was angry and did not accept it.

"Don't go near my sister. Let her go!" Nadia shouted when she saw Dilan walking closer, wanting to squeeze her beloved sister again.

Nadia's screams were ignored by Dilan. The boy drew closer to Bianca and gripped the girl's thin jaw tightly. Meanwhile, Bianca, who was already helpless, could only close her eyes and her tears wouldn't stop falling. Nadia really couldn't stand seeing Bianca like that.

"I said don't go near my sister!" shouted Nadia very loudly without trembling at all.

Bugs... Bugs...

Nadia kicked Ardian and Felix alternately in the groin until the two boys fell to the ground feeling a sensation of excruciating pain in their future.

"Argghhh... My future!" groaned Felix.

With all her strength, Nadia pushed Dilan's body to the side. Quickly, Nadia grabbed Bianca's hand and led her to run from the dark alley.

"Bastard girl! Go after them!" Dylan shouted.

Bianca mustered all her remaining strength. The girl was just as scared, now only Nadia is the only hope so that she can be free from Dilan and his gang.

"Hold on. Soon we'll be out of the hallway, and the alley in front has CCTV ..." said Nadia while panting and still holding her sister's hand tightly.

Bianca was no longer strong, the girl fell to the ground. Nadia panicked for a moment.

"I-I can't stand it anymore, my legs hurt so much..." the girl groaned.

"Hold on a little longer, Ca. We have to get out of this hallway," Nadia tried to support her sister.

"Ahh... I-I'm not strong. Go, save yourself first..." Bianca pleaded.

Nadia widened her eyes at Bianca's words.

"Are you crazy? How could I leave you in this state? I will protect you as best I can Bianca ..." said Nadia.

Dilan and his gang are getting closer to Nadia and Bianca. The two girls were terrified.

Nadia screamed with all her might.

"Anyone... Please... Help us..." Nadia shouted as she hugged Bianca tightly.

And they came.

"You've also caught little mice.." said Dilan grinning and pulling Nadia's body that hugged Bianca.

"You bastards!" cursed Nadia.

This is the first time Nadia has spoken harshly. The girl could not stand Dilan's treatment.

"At first I wanted to play with Bianca, but you seem to have caught my attention..." said Dilan.

"Let go of me, you bastard!!" Nadia continued to rebel.

Meanwhile, Bianca is helpless and is now in the hands of the three teenage boys who are looking at her with hungry eyes. Dilan pushed Nadia's body against the hallway wall and squeezed the tiny body with his big body.

"Hmm... I want to know how these tiny lips taste," Dilan started to grin.

Getting closer to Nadia's face and wanted to crush those tiny seductive lips.

"Don't you dare touch her bastard!?"
