Meet Someone

Today Rafandra chose to accompany Nadia to look after the shop as usual. Nadia had forbidden Rafandra to accompany her and Nadia also asked Rafandra to just go home because she didn't feel comfortable bothering him.

"Why are you still here and don't want to go home? How will your parents look for you later?" Nadia asked Rafa, who is currently still busy helping him clean the equipment in the shop.

"Well, don't worry, my mother is still working at this hour. My mom also never had a problem if, for example, I came home late," replied Rafa with his smile.

"Why can't it be a problem? Don't you care about your mother?" said Nadia innocently.

Rafa immediately stopped his activities and looked at Nadia with a surprised look. He wondered if Nadia was really innocent or just pretending not to know.

"It's not like that," said Rafa with a small smile.

"Then? What do you mean?" Nadia asked while raising an eyebrow because she was still confused.

"My mother cares about me, and she won't be mad at me not because she doesn't care," Rafa replied casually.

"And for what reason?" Nadia asked again, who was increasingly not understanding Rafa's explanation.

"Mama, I know that I can be trusted, so she is calm and won't think anything of me," replied Rafa with a smile and pride of himself.

Hearing Rafandra's answer like that made Nadia smile a little, how could anyone have high confidence other than her best friend Yeri.

"Alright, it's up to you. I won't force you to go home again, but if your parents scold you for coming home late, you can't blame me!" Nadia said firmly to Rafa.

As if given an order by Nadia, Rafa immediately nodded his head a sign that he obeyed and would not blame the girl if his mother would scold him later.

After that, Nadia resumed her work and ignored Rafa again. Nadia began to focus on preparing the orders of the customers who were still some of them still waiting. Meanwhile, Rafa was also busy tidying up the table of a customer who had just been left by a shop visitor.

While busy clearing the customer's table, the shop bell rang a sign that a new customer had entered. With a friendly Rafandra immediately greeted him.

"Good afternoon, welcome to Caffee Be--" Rafa stopped his greeting and was silent for a moment. "Mom here?" he continued confused.

The woman who was called 'Mom' by Rafandra immediately turned her head and then found that her son was helping his female friend work at the coffee shop.

"Rafa? You haven't come home yet. I think you're already at home, and I'm just here to buy snacks for you and your brother at home," said Siska as she walked over to her youngest son.

"Yeah, Mom. Rafa is still here helping Rafa's friend at work. So, Rafa can't go home yet and maybe it's still about 1 hour away," said Rafa.

Rafandra invited his mother to sit on one of the empty customer seats. Siska just smiled while nodding her head a sign that she understood that her youngest son was doing good to others.

At first, Siska just wanted to stop by the shop where Nadia works because she remembers with certainty that at that time she saw a photo of Rafa and Nadia in the shop. So, Siska thought that it wouldn't hurt if Iya stopped by to see the girl who had been helped by her son.

What made Siska curious about Nadia was what made Rafandra bother to help the girl even though they had only known her for a few days and when she saw it, Rafa didn't have the slightest objection when helping Nadia. Besides that, Nadia is also the first girl who managed to get close to her youngest son.

"Mom, what do you want? Let Rafa prepare it," said Rafa, smiling broadly.

"Mama just ordered an Americano, the same as a macaron cake that only tastes like strawberry," said Siska to her son.

After hearing his mother's order, Rafa immediately nodded his head and was too ready to prepare what his mother had ordered. Rafa looked very enthusiastic and did not complain at all even though the atmosphere of the shop was very crowded.

Nadia who saw Rafa chatting with a new customer came in a little surprised because the two of them looked very familiar. Because he was too curious, he finally decided to ask if Rafa knew the middle-aged female customer or was just being friendly.

"You know the customer who just came in? I see you are very familiar with that beautiful woman," said Nadia as she approached Rafa, who is currently busy preparing americano.

Hearing Nadia's words like that, Rafa immediately smiled because he felt very happy that his mother was praised as beautiful by Nadia. After the americano he prepared was finished, Rafa turned to look at Nadia without breaking the smile on his handsome face.

"She's my mom," Rafa smiled wider, showing a row of neat teeth.

"Really? That beautiful woman is your mother? Not lying, right?" Nadia immediately turned her gaze to look at Siska again with a slightly disbelieving look that the beautiful woman he had just praised was the mother of her new friend.

Meanwhile, Rafa just nodded his head a sign that what he just said was true and Siska was his biological mother. After that, Rafa immediately left Nadia to deliver her mother's order.

Feeling bad, Nadia decided to approach Mama Rafandra as well as to get acquainted because she felt it would be very rude if she already knew that the woman was 'Mama' from her friend but she didn't give a special greeting.

Doubtfully the beautiful girl walked closer to Siska and Rafa who were currently sitting side by side. The mother and son seemed to have a light conversation, I don't know what they were talking about.

"Eum, hello Aunt..." Nadia greeted politely.

Siska looked at Nadia while smiling in admiration because the girl looked very innocent and naturally beautiful.

"Hello, you're Rafa's friend, right? Hey, you're so beautiful," said Siska in a friendly manner.

Nadia who was praised like that immediately smiled awkwardly. "Um, y-yes Auntie. introduce my name is Nadia, sorry Auntie if Rafandra hasn't come home yet--"

"It's okay, Auntie already knows that Rafa is here. Don't feel bad, just relax because Auntie won't be angry," Siska interrupted quickly.

"H-huh? Auntie knew Rafandra was here?".Nadia was instantly clumsy.