Stories from the past

Bianca is getting more and more curious, her brain keeps spinning remembering who Mark is. What Bianca wanted to know was how Mark found out that her reason for approaching boys who wanted to be close to her sister was just to keep her sister away from boys with bad intentions or just take advantage of Nadia.

"I'm the boy you bumped into 5 years ago. Are you sure you don't remember me?" said Mark then calmly.

"How can I remember? Even in one week, I bumped into more than 10 people. Tsk, what happened 5 years ago?" Bianca said uncomfortably because according to her, not everyone can remember things that happened so long ago.

"How can anyone have a personality like you? Why do you always think all problems can end with just your rude actions like that?" said Mark still trying to calm down because he knows for sure what the real character of Bianca is.