New teacher

The next day went on as usual again, until now all the students at Pelita Bangsa High School were already getting ready in their respective classes to take the first lesson, not to mention a couple of lovers who were now sitting comfortably side by side.

Who else if not Rafandra Mahardika and Nadia Arsa Wijaya. The two of them look like a new couple who can't be separated by anything, because they are always together and don't care about other people who stare at them both with envious eyes or so.

"Have you finished your homework?" Nadia asked her lover who was currently sitting quietly beside her.

Rafa just nodded while looking at Nadia, the teenage boy's gaze really couldn't be taken away from the beautiful girl who currently had the status of his lover.

"Embracing history, too?" asked the girl again who was returned with a nod by her lover.