Inside Rafandra's room

Back again at the Rafandra family residence. At this time Nadia looked around her lover's house which was very quiet. Rafa's mother still hasn't come home from the boutique. Likewise with Mark who still has lecture hours. So, the house was completely deserted and uninhabited.

The girl is sitting comfortably in the living room while playing on her cell phone.

"What do you want to drink? Let me get it," Rafa offered after putting down his school bag.

Nadia shook her head slowly. "No need, I'll take it myself if I'm thirsty..."

Rafa nodded slowly, then smiled faintly at his lover. "Okay, I'll take a shower first. You can walk around the house or watch TV if you're bored. I won't be long," he said later.

Nadia just nodded her head while returning a sweet smile from Rafa in response. After that, Rafa immediately went to his room and went into his private bathroom to clean. While Nadia is still faithfully sitting in the living room alone.