Nice dinner

After dinner, they all separated to go home. However, Rafa asked his Daddy to accompany his future wife back to her house instead of going straight to her mother to go home. I don't know what was the reason the teenage boy wanted to accompany his future wife faster than going straight home with his mother and sister.

"Rafa wants to come with Daddy to take Aunt Naila, I'm just going home with my brother and sister Mina," said Rafa and immediately left his mother and headed for the parking lot to get into Daddy's car.

Seeing how Rafa acted like that made Siska a little surprised and wondered what happened to her youngest son. Because unlike usual Rafa looks like a person who is not at all excited and not enthusiastic even though tonight is a celebration of his 18th birthday.

Siska immediately turned her gaze to Mark who was also watching Rafa who slowly started to drift away and disappeared from his sight.