The hidden truth

Class hours went on quietly and the entire class also carefully followed the lesson without the slightest problem. They all study very well, as well as Nadia, Rafandra and the others. They are value learning time very well because their intention to be a smart learner is no joke.

Until finally, the break has arrived, all students in the class quickly leave the class one by one to go to the canteen or spend time off in a comfortable place they want. However, this time it seemed that Bianca and her two best friends didn't come out of class and instead stayed silent in class without doing anything.

Meanwhile, Bianca, Rafandra, and Yeri had already left the classroom to go to the canteen and have lunch there. Maybe this was the first time that Bianca and her two best friends didn't spend a break in the cafeteria or outside the classroom. Because usually, they are the first students excited to go to the canteen and have lunch there.