Forgive past mistakes

Nadia will also talk about something about what she had talked about with her mother at the cafe. So, she will not waste this opportunity to provoke her father to tell everything and also want to know what her Papa wants to talk about at this time. Y

"What do you want to talk about with Nadia? Papa doesn't usually want to talk about something with Nadia to this point, does Papa have a plan to match Nadia with Papa's co-workers again?" Nadia asked worriedly because she was still very traumatized about what had happened to her.

"Of course, it's not like that," answered Arsa Wijaya very quickly because he didn't want his daughter to misunderstand what he wanted to talk to her about.

"Then, if it's not about the matchmaking plan? What is it?" asked Nadia again while knitting her eyebrows in a very surprised and also not understanding.