
At 6:15 minutes Catline and Father arrived at school.

"Then I will go inside, Dad. Dad, be careful. His work ethic."

"Yes, dear. You are also enthusiastic about school."

"Sure, Dad."

Then Father left on his motorbike. Now it's time for Father to go to work. But sadly Father had just left Catline school, when Father crossed the crossroads, Father had an accident.


The crashing sound was very loud. Catline, who was about to enter the school, refused. Instantly Catline wanted to see what was going on the street. Indeed, a child's hunch to her parents must never be wrong. Catline immediately approached him.

When Catline approached the scene, Catline tried to see what was happening. When Catline saw it very clearly, Catline realized that it was her Father who had the accident. Catline immediately cried very hysterically.

"Dad? Dad . . . ," shouted Catline. While the man who hit her Father could only look at her with a look full of regret.

"What are you waiting for? Take my Father to the Hospital right now."

"I... Yes."

The man immediately took Catline's Father into his car with the help of several people who were there. Catline also went with her Father to the Hospital which was nearby, crying. Even Catline forgot to tell her Sister that her Father had just had an accident.


This time Emily continued to lean on Hans shoulder. Even though Hans had to focus on driving his car. Even Emily had teased Hans. Until finally the faces of Hans and Emily got closer. When their two faces were close to each other, Hans focus was lost. Until finally Hans bumped into something in front of him.

"Gosh. Honey, did we bump into someone?" Emily asked.

"I don't know either."

Not long after, the people who saw the car crash just came up to Hans car and banged on it.

Tok... Tok.... Tok...

"Get out, get out."

Everyone was shouting at Hans and Emily to get out of the car. Inevitably Hans and Emily got out of the car.

"Come on, we better get out first," said Hans.

"But I'm scared honey. I'm afraid we'll be in jail. Not to mention if you get beat up with them."

"You don't have to worry. We won't be in jail. Do you believe me? Instead of being called a hit and run. Because my car has also been seen by many people."

"Okay then."

When Hans and Emily got out of the car, the witnesses who saw the incident were about to beat Hans.

"Patience, patience everyone. I will take responsibility. I will not run away. I am here," said Hans who made everyone believe in him.

Hans looked in the direction he hit. He saw there was a middle-aged man who was lying helplessly there and there was a girl who was crying for the man.

"Dad. Dad wake up, Dad. You can't leave me."

The girl looked at Hans and approached him.

"What are you waiting for? Now take my Father to the Hospital. Hurry up."

"I... Yes."

Hans immediately took the victim into his car with the help of the people who were there. Now Hans will take the victim to the nearest Hospital in order to get proper help by the Doctor.


This morning Aleysa arrived at the Shop where she worked. There Aleysa only worked as a Shop keeper. Because Aleysa's last education was only high school graduates. So Aleysa also can't work in an Office like other people. But for her to be able to work alone, Aleysa is very grateful. The important thing is to always have Father and Catline in her life.

For some reason, when Aleysa was cleaning the Shop, Aleysa suddenly broke the items in the Shop. Aleysa's feelings became uneasy.

"Geez. Why am I so careless? Why did I drop that thing? I have to replace that thing. Where is the price quite expensive again."

Aleysa immediately cleaned up the pieces of the item. Before later there were victims who were hit by broken glass. But when Aleysa was cleaning it, suddenly Aleysa's hand was hit by the broken glass and bled. Aleysa's feelings became increasingly uneasy.

"Aw. Oh my gosh. Why do I feel bad, huh? Why did I suddenly think of Dad and Catline? Oh my God, I hope nothing happens to Dad and Catline," Aleysa said in her heart.

Then after that Aleysa continued cleaning the broken glass again. Before later, her boss knows and can scold her for his own carelessness.

After cleaning up the broken glass, Aleysa immediately went back to work. But her feelings are still very unsettled. Until finally not long after Aleysa's cellphone vibrated from inside her pants pocket. Aleysa who was thinking about Father and Catline immediately checked who had called her this time.

"Catline? Why is she calling me at this hour? She should be still in school. Or did something happen to Catline?" Aleysa thought in her heart.

Aleysa immediately picked up the call from Catline. Because Aleysa is very worried about her current situation.

"Hello, Sis. Why? Why are you calling your Sister at this hour?"

"Hello, Sis. Can you come to the EMC Jakarta Hospital now, Sis?"

"Hospital? Who is sick? Are you sick, Sis?"

"No. It's not me, Sis, who is sick. But Dad. Daddy was in a car accident, Sis."

"What? Daddy had an accident? How come?"

"It's better if you don't have to ask questions first, okay?

"I... Yes, Sis. I will go straight there."

Phone connection is turned off. Aleysa actually still wonders to herself why her Father got into an accident like this. Her mind was already very messed up. What is on her mind right now is to think about her Father's condition and she must immediately arrive at the Hospital that Catline had informed earlier.

"Mrs. Sorry to interrupt. I will let you out first, Mrs. It's because my Father was in a car accident. So I have to go to the Hospital right now."

Right now Aleysa is asking permission from her boss so she can go to the Hospital to visit her Father.

"What? Your Father was in a car crash? How could it be Sa?"

"I don't know the story either, Mrs. But I have to go to the Hospital right now. There's only my young Sister there now. It's a pity she must be panicking."

"I... Yes, then you should go now. I hope your Father is okay."

"Amen. Thank you. Thank you very much, Mrs."

"Yes you're welcome."

-To be Continued-