
Catline just nodded her head. Because now Catline is very weak because her Sister has not been found until now. Catline and Ershad went to Hans house first to check whether Aleysa had arrived home or not. 

After a while now Catline and Ershad have arrived at Hans house. Catline immediately entered the house while running and calling Aleysa's name.

"Sis Aleysa, Sis Aleysa," shouted Catline.

In the living room there was Danisa who was sitting relaxed reading a magazine and she was disturbed by Catline's screams.

"Catline. What are you doing? You go inside the house screaming like that. It's just like being in the woods."

"Sis Danisa. Sis Danisa, have you seen Sis Aleysa?"

"No, I haven't seen her since. She's in her room."

Without saying thank you Catline immediately left Danisa to look for Aleysa throughout the house accompanied by Ershad.

"Sis Aleysa, Sis Aleysa," shouted Catline again.