The Core (1)




"You told me you would send me the priestess who killed my kid!"


Wendell angrily stomped his large feet while protesting. 


The other Dark Race leader looked at him with different sort of reactions.


"Nope. What I promised is that I would tell you her whereabouts." He nonchalantly responded, " That is what I am telling you now" His huge dark eyes are looking down at the hulking werewolf in the middle of the dark zone he made.


A normal meeting with these leaders can be officiated in a normal room. However, for this sensitive discussion, he needs to put them under his power in a place called 'Dark Zone" to avoid any damage or casualty.


This 'zone' is a spatial power that could make any space his own, and that entire space would be under his full control.


"So the new awakened priestess is leading the same path with you?" the leader of Aswang asked. 


"No. She won't take my path either. She just wants to live normally. She doesn't have any intention of doing her priestess obligations and won't side with the dark entities as well."


"That may sound harmless, but how can we be sure that the priestess won't risk our race?"


"She is employed at CTC as a logistic assistant, I asked a wolf to watch over her. You can also send your people to come and watch her action. I'll bet you got bored since she only wants a normal life."


"Who's wolf are you talking to?" Wendell asked while his veins popped out.


"Alpha Randell."


"That weak Alpha!" Wendell cursed Randell, knowing that he wouldn't harm her, despite knowing that one of their pack member was killed by her.


"How can you call an alpha weak?" The other leader scoffed at him.


"I heard you only became the leader because he rejected the position?"


Wendell ignored the malicious comment from Archne and turned his gaze back to the huge dark eyes of Daniel.


"Just let me kill that bitch!" he insisted.


"Didn't you hear what we discussed? The priestess you called Bitch is harmless." the orc leader said.




"HARMLESS? You are all idiotic assholes! SHE KILLED ONE OF MY KID! THAT ONLY MEANS SHE IS AGAINST US!" Wendell was still growling and voicing his displeasure.


"Didn't you hear him explain? She wasn't knowledgeable of the priestess rules. She is not the one who stole your kids' core. It was the priest at Malaya temple." The calm leader of the ghouls explained. 


"Pwe! Why? You're claiming it was an accident? Did she accidentally pick a core that looked like a normal marble and swallowed it in curiosity? This is bullshit! MY KID WON'T DIE IF SHE DIDN'T EAT HIS CORE!"


"What made you so worked up, Wolf? Is it something you should be ashamed of? If the core is the most important part of our body, how can a wolf lose it and be randomly picked by a pre-mature priestess?" the vampire leader mockingly expressed his idea.


"My kid was framed!"


"Then be ashamed more! Are werewolves easily deceived by mere humans?" the sirens leader commented. 


"Fuck off, old man! Don't talk as if your daughter wasn't deceived by humans! aren't she turn into dust after trusting a prince!?"




The Leader of the Sirens didn't have a chance to rebut since Daniel increased the restraints in his zone, making the strong race leaders fall on their knees.


"Ey! Stop! We will behave!" the aswang leader shouted as he tried to breath heavily from the strong power suppression. 


"You shitty wolf, stop protesting!" the leader of Arachnes shouted.


"I will not stop until you bring justice to my kid's death."


"We will discuss your kids' death separately. Let's talk about our important discussion first."


Daniel released his suppressive power then was about to officiate the meeting's first main agenda, but the leader of the werewolves didn't feel right with it.


He clenched his fist and growled more towards everyone. 


"What do you want? What else do you need? " The usually silent leader of the Kappas finally spoke out as he got annoyed at the werewolf's persistence. 


"It looks like no one cares about my kid life!"

"Don't act like a child, some part of it was your negligence. Don't blame others. " The leader of the aswang also looked at him with annoyance. 


"WOLF CALM DOWN. Like I said, let's talk it out with me later." Daniel said as he feared what the wolf was thinking.




The other leaders scoffed at him after hearing his statement, already having an idea of which direction this conversation was going.


"Do you think your pack can stand alone if you quit our union."

The aswang laughed at the growling wolf.


"Everyone calm down." Daniel tried to stop the growing argument between the leaders.

He felt relieved that his zone makes his face hidden from everyone that they could only see his eyes. because of that, no one is aware of his grimacing and disappointment towards the conceited leaders.


"I was only going to tell you this after we could talk alone, but it seems your anger is making you a hasty decision."


"W-what are you talking about?"


"Haaa— the process is not yet done, but your kid will be back, but you just need to patiently wait."


"Hey priest! How can someone be alive when his core was consumed?" The Siren asked in disbelief. 


"You know that I still have my connections with other priests. I know that this wolf will start a war if his kid doesn't come back alive, so I asked for a favor from them: to restore the life of your little wolf, Wendell."


"Y-you are not lying just to make me stop right now?" The werewolf loosens up his stance and weakly asks the huge eyes in front of them.


"I am not. Though I am not allowed to tell you this with other leaders. " Daniel sounds defeated. 


"Why not?"


"It will only make you ask me the same request if someone dies in your pack."


"Haha! You're on point!" The aswang laughed at why the priest they looked up was sighing continuously.


"But life is so valuable that is so hard to restore. What is the price of one wolf life?" The ghoul asked, knowing that reviving someone was not an easy task.


"That is what I am going to discuss personally with Wendell. Now wolf are you willing to behave with this meeting?"


The wolf finally cooled his head and just nodded politely.


"Now! before we start our main agenda meeting. I would like to remind everyone that everyone's life is so precious. It will be very hard to restore, so take care of your pack properly. Humans are the weakest amongst us. I hope you all won't be tricked or harmed by them again. Last but not least, I'll be using the one and only resource for this wolf kid so don't die and ask to be revived because I won't be able to anymore. I had warned you! "


All the leaders nodded in agreement, and finally their main agenda was tackled.