Separated (3)

"Mama Mila."

Nida smiled brightly as she slowly spoke her words, and her eyes also smiled in a mischievous way.

"Don't smile like that. It doesn't suit your angelic puppy appearance." The majestic silver wolf's worried expression disappeared, then she stood firm while Nida was still on top of her head.

"How can you see that I am smiling like this, Mama Mila?" She asked since she was still on top of her head, comfortably leaning on its soft fur while wagging her tail. The pressure and anxiousness from being trapped inside the illusion are all gone now.

"Don't tease me. I am your God."

Nida is calling her Mama, since the pup's mother is the majestic wolf that makes her a Mama.

"Really? Then Mama Mila, Is this world an illusion you created?"

"Yes, I did." 

Once she said it was the illusion she created, everything suddenly started to crack like glass.

"Woah, so everything was fake, Mama Mila, you're good at acting."