Aunt: A great comforting character

Where did he go? I thought he went back to class. After the classes , I took my way to home. I didn't feel like to enter . Sometimes I honestly feel like I don't belong in my own house. But I sure did belong in his heart but no, I shouldn't. I walked till the front gate and turned back. I got some things to do.

I walked to his house. Aunt and Leah were in there watching a movie.

She waved her hands from the couch. I entered as the doors were left open and walked near to her. She held my hands and walked me to a room.

" What is it Amanda?" She asked.

I couldn't face her. I promised her that I wouldn't leave him and look what I did. I broke the promise the very next day. All I could do was to cry.

" Oh dear. Why are you crying? Did something happen?" She asked looking shocked.

" I said something stupid to him. I am sorry Aunt. I regret it, I really do regret it. " I knew that my words were unclear.

I gave her a tight hug saying that. She hugged me back comfortingly and said,

" It's ok dear. I can understand."

It felt like a big rock was left down from my mind. It's been so long since I've heard someone say 'I can understand'.

" Aunt, I love him. And this is not a teenage joke for me. I .....I can't even imagine a life without him. But when dad said those things, I lost my mind. He tried to mislead me."

" Oh dear. I get it. You have to make your dad understand about how serious you are about this. And it's totally ok if you are not ready for this, I can make Lijah understand." Aunt replied.

I like how calm she is. She is kind of becoming my role model. She just reduced my stress from an elephant to an ant.

She is indeed a genius.

" I am ready for this. I am ready for him."

Aunt patted my back and smiled.

" Sorry I soaked your dress with my tears." I said with a smile.