Bold Gold Font

I decided to set up a small meeting in my office with few of my assistant officers. I searched in the drawer to find the photos of the two prime suspects and that's when I found my badge that once went missing. It had my name ' Robertson Hall' in huge bold gold font. I took it out from the drawer and pinned it on to my shirt. A wave of positive energy hit me from somewhere. I am ready to crack this silly case. I took out a cigarette from my back pocket and lighted it up. Cigarettes just helps me think wilder.

" Amanda Willson and Lijah Virchy. Two significant people in Godwin's missing case. No ransom calls were reported, therefore this isn't about money. There is something that we are missing in between."

" Sir, as we got no solid evidence, I guess it's better we move forward with circumstantial evidence." One of the officer stood up from the chair and spoke.

" And that is why we have to keep a close eye on these two kids." I said as I pointed to Amanda's and Lijah's photos that were pinned to the board.

" I'll ask few rapid questions, one of you just answer them quickly." I spoke, hoping this will end up good.

" Who is Godwin's girlfriend?" "Amanda"

" Because of whom the party got called off?"

" Lijah"

" Who came back to his house at the night after the party." " Lijah and Amanda"

"Who saw Godwin for the last and the final time before he went missing?" "Amanda."

" Sir, the person we are looking for must be a boy." An officer spoke.

" Why not a girl?" I asked.