" Amanda Willson come to principle's office." Mr. David came and spoke in between chemistry.

I turned back and looked at Lijah. I got really scared. Maybe they found out the truth. He winked at me in a comforting way and I walked to the office.

There I saw two cops with the principle. I lost myself there. I am going to rot in prison!

" Ha Amanda, get in." He spoke.

I stood there opposite to an officer.

" Amanda, we came to collect a small information from you and I am Robertson Hall, this is Emma Harings."

I nodded my head and listened closely.

" Who came to move the garden in Mr.William's lawn? We were informed that you brought those people." He spoke.

My hands were literally shaking. I was terror struck. I could feel my sweat sticking on to my forehead. What Am I going to say? They kept staring at me making this even more harder. Should I just accept the crime? Maybe yes.

Li's words echoed in my head. His face crossed my mind. He told me to be strong and think about how our future will be.

"Who came to move the garden? I don't get it."