
the first rain

The first rain of the may it was still hot the water that poured through the cloud's couldn't even resist the heat it was a summer rain. There is sun and rain that are having a battle of who can occupy the most . The heat or the rain. Well i knew for the fact that the may rain will change my life forever and it did changed it. My life in such a way that i wont ever forget it till i reborn again and again.

The story of mine takes place in these 1st may it is raining sun and water and i m in a coffee shop waiting for my girlfriends to arrive. They came a little not little too much late "i'm so sorry stella its all carla's fault believe me this bitch was taking too much time flirting with some random guy" says my friend lucy who is having a death stare by carla

"what did you say? Ok first it was your idea you wanted me to ask his number and relationship status " "well i didn't ask you to take that much time lucy" here they go arguing about a random guy

" hey hey i got it okay i got it i m not mad but i will be mad if you two don't stop arguing like seriously guys you are fighting over a guy "

"Come one stella there are only a number of good guys in our town and he was one of them " well carla is right my town or should i say our town Downvilla has countable number of population and good guys here are rarely found i m not talking about looks only i m talking about the personality too. "Stella don't you think we should move to a bigger town for our college like this town makes me feel suffocate " here she goes again lucy pursuing me too move into a big town with her " well we still are not yet in our senior year there is 1 year left for us too finally be a senior level student lucy" i holded lucys hand and gave her a nod

"Holy fuck who is that guy!" carla shouted we looked at carla "oh my god " lucy also mixed with her i gave a quick glance over her and the direction she was looking a tall handsome guy with wet t-shirt from which his abs shape can be probably be seen comes inside the coffee shop he hair had black color and curls his skin tone was pale a sharp jawline and a clean shaved face but that wasn't the best thing about him his eyes were the most fascinating part of him a ocean blue eyes.

Holy shit he just looked at me omg is this even for real he gave me smirk and went towards the counter i try to recall what just happened. Lucy and carla were already fighting about him "i saw him first so I'll take him" "well that doesn't make any sense carla" i then again looked at the counter he was gone. "Well guys i think you should now stop fighting i just got a message and now i have to go home" "but stella we haven't ordered anything yet " carla says "yes at least lets eat the red velvet cake it the famous cake of our choppy land café" "i m sorry lucy dad just messaged me there is some work and the rain has also stopped and i was here at 1am and now it is 3 so got to go home i ll see you guys at school" i hurried towards the exist door and i was walking in the streets . My house isn't that much far away and no one will ever take a ride to the happy world cafe it just doesn't make any sense walking pass these streets just recalls the old memories of my childhood.

"The fuck it had stopped raining oh gosh i just forgot my umbrella in the shop ugh!" I went to the busstop house and saved myself from the rain oh gosh just then my dad calls me "hey dad" "hey emor why arent you home yet? Are you in some kind of problem?" "Yes dad save from this rain" "ohh honey please came back soon where are you? Tell me i ll pickup you" why is he so worried "dad don't worry..." "..." the call cuts ugh why was he is he so worried today.

"you shit cloud no one needs your tears okay so stop crying please " "well she can't control her tears guess she is very emotional " a voice comes by my side i looked there and i found the coffee one guy " your the coffer one guy" "well i admit i like coffee and you saw me there but that doesn't make me a coffee guy right" ohh shoot "ohh sorry" he smile "that's fine i think i got a new nickname my name is Derek by the way and i m new year as you can see "

"oh welcome to downvilla derek and i am stella " "nice to meet you stella so are you a student" "yes i study at the south high down villa school and what about you" "well i m planning to go the school as you and in the same as yours" he gave me a smile. We were chatting derek told me that this was his mom and dads hometown so he came here too stay here with his grandparents . The rain stops and my dad gives me a another missed call "oh derek i got to go now " "okay stella from now on we will see each other often " "surely i hope so " "its not something to hope or wish cause we will " his eyes somehow went dark "okay bye derek" "bye stella..."

i just ran towards my house the face and the eyes of derek just recalls in my mind again and again i went inside my house . And my dad was there on the sofa waiting for me in the doorway "ohh honey where were you ?" "Dad why are you so worried it's not like this is the first time i have went outside of my house" "ohh honey you came back i was so worried " my busy mom was also home today she couldn't even attened my birthfay due to her work see her only once in a week that also in sunday 4 evening what the hell what is happeing

"okay can someone please tell me why are you guys so worried about and how came my mayor mom is here despite of her busy work" "first come inside honey and lock the door" my dad says and give my mom a look and they went towards the living hall and sits in the sofa i locked the door and sit across my mom and dad "okay now what happened" my dad picks up the remote and turns on the tv on opens the news channel of downvilla

"Today at the downvilla there has been the murder of 5 students took place in the afternoon 12 and they are the students of high down villa school's elite andrew, tony hydder, stacy talyor, mike stallion, James pick"

" WHAT THE HELL ! WAIT elite, tony, stacy, mike and james are murdered! NO THIS CAN'T be true" these 5 students who are now murdered and no longer in this world are my classmates OMG tears flowed down my eyes in a matter of time i lost my 5 childhood friends and my classmates. Who were a close part of me.

My mom hugs me "ohh honey please dont cry i know its hard but you have got to move on the criminal should cry not you i know they were close too you" "yes and i promise that justice will be served i m saying this not as your father but as a police to" he hugs me and my mom "please be safe honey " my mom requests me. ******

"Tomorrow is the the beginning of our new class and today we lost our 5 students and our get to be class mates" lucy says in a sad tone" "who can even do this? And why?" Carla says with tears we are in face time the three of us trying to console each other for the loss of your 5 friends of childhood.

how? When? Where? Who? But mostly Why?

Why was the 5 teenagers life was taken? Why?

The first rain of may started with the humidness and it ended bloody. This wasn't just it this was the trailer that was flashed for the interest of viewers there is the whole film that is remaining with the twist and turns. Our town has got the taste of first blood of crime the first taste is always a invitation to the addiction and this was just the first intro chapter of the crime and shock that was waiting for me to get involved in this circle.