2 I am Darius

In the dark you could see a 6 year old golden haired child with jewel blue eyes which would remind one of summer.

After a day of falling Darius had finally reached the end of Kronos stomach and with that a loud splashing noise had been heard in the stomach the noise had attracted the attention of 5 naked gods 2 male and 3 female.

They were all handsome and Beautiful one of the males were tall and had black hair and sea green eyes.

While the other had intense black eyes and shoulder length black hair and had a imposing aura

One of the females had Brown warm hair and eyes that look like had fire that was warm and cozy.

while a other had long blond hair cozy brown eyes and the sense of wheat around her.

while the last had Long black hair large and soft eyes and a regal face.

The 5 gods had been looking at a young boy with golden colored hair and beautiful blue eyes who had looked at them with a slightly confused face which made him look cute then one of the gods spoke.

"I am hestia a goddess and your older sister" hestia said with a warm smile then looked at the other god's

Other one said "I am Demeter I am also a goddess and your older sister" then a other said "I am Hera a goddess and your older sister" Hera said with a proud smile then Hestia looked at longed black haired god implying for him to respond which the latter gave out a sigh "I am hades your older brother" in which the last god said loudly "I am Poseidon your older brother" with a proud smile And with that the young god has responded "I am Darius. "

With that the young god and his siblings met

10 years later

You could see a naked young man with golden hair and jewel Blue eyes peacefully sleeping on what seemed to be somewhat clean flesh despite the smell of digested ambrosia.

While hestia seemed to be looking over her siblings whilst Hera Poseidon and hades seemed to be trying a new way to get out just as they did during these 10 years went suddenly a rumble inside Kronos had happened and a huge wave of digestion fluid and liquid with some ambrosia came at them noticing the sudden change.

Darius had woken up. but before young gods could do anything they got swept away by the wave of disgusting stomach fluid when they saw a light flash before there eyes only to be thrown on the floor to see one of there biggest nightmare of there lived their father.

Darius saw him vomit the rest of his siblings as he was first to get out and to find a young man before them with electricity blue eyes and a trimmed beard with a proud but handsome face Infront of them.

a few days ago

Zeus pov

I will finally start the plan to free my siblings and the start of my rebellion to overthrow my father and get revenge for my mother.

Rhea pov

I brought Zeus out of the island I told him to become bigger and taller much like that of a titan and lead him to Mt orphrys to disguise himself as a cup bearer.

To free his siblings after several days of doing work Zeus was able to convince all the male titans to have a drinking contest as he used his singing and dancing skills along with his jokes to entertain them and earn there trust including Kronos.

The next evening while Kronos and his titan lackeys where eating Zeus had brought nectar filed with sleeping potion to Kronos guest and a powerful emetic for Kronos himself.

Which would make him vomit everything he had eaten out just as he did with his siblings then later after Kronos had one a drinking contest all of the guest had drunk the sleeping potion while Kronos drunk the emetic which led to him vomiting all of his siblings in reverse order from Darius Poseidon hades Hera Demeter and finally hestia.

Zeus pov

After Kronos vomited my siblings I quickly introduced my self to them as there sibling then they promptly escaped mount orphrys by turning themselves into eagles and quickly escaped before there titantic father and uncle's and cousins could come to there senses.