Fill in chapter(made to fill some things in the past)

When Darius was training in the forest he saw a 7 flinches watching him fascinated Darius pulled out his hand as if to let them sit on it when he did that a all 7 flinches directly went on his arm and rubbed against his fingers when he tried to hold them seeing as the god let the flinches land on him a group of prying birds were watching at him from atop and decided to fly down on his staff.

Darius pov

I was training with my Staff while a saw some small birds I felt fascinated at how small and cute they looked I let out my arm as if to invite them hoping that at least 1 of them had sat on his arm I was surprised when the all 7 flinches had went on my arm feeling happy I decided to pet them when I saw them running against my fingers.

The flinches felt a aura around him that made them want to go near him the aura felt like they had a connection to him and felt comfortable and warn around him.

Noticing the 7 flinches on his arm hundreds of diffrent type of birds went near him as if wanting to sit on him to Darius noticing the birds and seeing as they all could not sit on his arm had touched a tree in the forest which sprouted hundreds of tiny Berries.

Darius pov

Noticing the bird looking at me with anticipation as if also wanted to sit on my arm I said to the 7 flinches "Could you go off now?"

The 7 flinches seemingly sad went to the nearest branch While the birds kept looking at him as if wanting something Darius thought of a idea and said "I cannot have you all sit all at once so instead I'll give you something else in return" .

Darius going over to a tree and touched it suddenly hundreds of berries grew that could perfectly fit in each of the birds beak.

Darius said "I cannot let you sit on my arm but I can all give you something different" he said as he picked one berry and put it in his mouth the birds seemingly understanding flocked around the tree picking up berries and sometimes fight over it Darius seeing the fighting.

"Eat as much as you want there are enough for everyone. " Darius said out with a smile after awhile the birds all ate and decided to sleep on the same tree that the berries grew out of Darius seeing the birds sleeping let out a Yawn and decided to sleep under the same tree as well.

while Darius was sleeping some nymphs quietly sneaked out of the plants and went to to the tree Darius slept on and curiously grabbed some berries that were left the nymphs all shared the berries together from there sister's and occasional brothers as male nymphs were rare after tasting each berry they felt Delicious sweet and refreshing juice come out after gently biting the berry in which the Nymphs silently took all the berries left and went out and came back bring over a blanket and left it on the sleeping Darius as there thanks for the delicious berries and from then on some nymphs would worship him as they felt he was kind and benevolent to everyone and loved nature and animal as he felt a strong bond to nature animals and Nymphs.

Waking up a confused Darius looked over his body to find a blanket left on his body which he took and gently left it on the floor as he looked on the tree to find no birds thinking that maybe they had covered him with a blanket as thanks.
