Author note

Someone had told me since Darius is the god of nature shouldn't he be able to make earthquakes like white beard from one piece?

I will clarify on how my theory on riordan divinity works I will show per example Artemis is the god of hunt animals child birth healing disease moon and (Nature) From the books it's been shown she usually is limited to using plants specifically tree roots though she can stop the snow all she could do was stop it she can't produce it if she could she would be regarded as very powerful Her divinity in nature is rather specific towards animals and plants rather then other aspects of it like ice(winter) or earthquakes she could not do something like this despite being a god of nature and also Poseidon is regarded as the god of the sea horses and (earthquakes) using his trident Darius Nature divinity falls under plants animals and seasons(summer) just because he is regarded as a god of nature doesn't mean he can control stuff like earthquakes snow storms Floods and stuff those fall under diffrent gods earthquakes and floods(sea) is under Poseidon while ice snow and winter fall under Boreas the god of northern wind snow is also under his daughter Khione Goddess of snow

I clarify just because Darius is the god of nature doesn't mean he can control other aspects of nature that fall onto other gods domain If I were to say he is similar to a seasonal god like he could represent summer

that's all

he has powers similar to Demeter just much more powerful to say if Demeter could change seasons like winter because she was mad Darius could easily turn it back to summer though Darius main season summer is stronger as it is the time when plants flourish most.