Hiroshi Bissette
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Personality: Quiet
Height: 5 feet 11 inches
Blood type: A+
Birthday: April 30, 2004
Favorite food: Vanilla Ice-cream
Dislike food: Durian
Illness: Depression after Kenzo Shimada bought a farm
Kenzo Shimada
Gender: Male
Age: [deceased]
Personality: Quiet, somewhat popular
Height: 5 ft 11 inches
Blood type: B+
Birthday: December 23, 2004
Favorite food: Strawberry Ice-cream
Dislike food: Durian
Naoki Kimura
Gender: Male
Age: ???
Personality: unfriendly, sensitive to feelings
Height: 6 ft
Blood type: ???
Birthday: ???
Favorite food: Coffee
Dislike food: Durian
Dear readers,
I will try my best to update every Thursday and Friday, if I can't please do understand as I have school homework, and I need to study for AP classes. (T^T) I hope you enjoy my upcoming chapters. Thank you for reading.