Part of the story we don't know

"Aron, what is the myth that everyone is so hyped up about in here?"

"Oh you are talking about the one nick told to us about?"


"The myth was about a young boy who was once alone at his house with his real mother and stepmother."

"So there is a story behind all of this after all."

"Well, some say it's a myth some claim it's a real story."

"But I heard that half of it is real."

"Yup Harry what you heard is absolutely correct half of it is true, however, I feel that preponderance of it is true."

"Will you first say the story of that boy? Only after listening we will be able to judge if it's true or the contrary."

Taking a deep breath Aron continued from where he stopped

"At the tender age of 11, he had seen his father cheat on his mother openly and marry his mistress later on.

This had already left him quite traumatized. The relationship between him and his stepmother wasn't that great.

He did hate his stepmother but he never showed it and tried to avoid her at all costs.

His mother on the other hand was a tender and naive woman who was married off to his father at a young age.

And her educational background wasn't that well, like most of the young girls in this world who get married off at a fragile age.

His father also did not spend too much time with his mother and him, he literally just neglected them."

"And his stepmother used this opportunity to throw more problems at them?" Aiden asked

"Yes, his stepmother threw more oil into the fire by causing misunderstandings to happen between his mother and his father.

One such day the young boy was once alone at his house with his stepmother and his real mother. That was the day when his stepmother killed his step mother in front of him and threatened him badly. She also made a scene in front of his father that made it look like it was him who killed his own mother and even threatened to kill her."

"So she just literally framed him and his father did not say anything? Seriously? Is his father that dumb?" Aron asked.

"Yeah. Maybe the carol's spell was casted on him?" Aiden replied

(A/N: Carol's spell is known as a bewitching love spell in Emiland, where a person falls mad over another, in the process losing all of their other essential senses.)

"What do you mean by carol's spell? You still believe in magic?" Harry asked.

"No I don't it's just that this whole thing is just so messed up. I mean seriously logically speaking its completely impossible for the father to be unaware of all this happening in front of his eyes right?" Aiden answered

"There obviously is something more to the story that we don't know." said Lilura.