Be careful

"SSAP investigation agency huh?"

"Yeah, that's what they told."

"We have to be careful. They are not some regular people we'd have to deal with. They are the infamous wonder warrior group that is known for their notorious acts. If they ever find a lead there it will be a repulsive mess."

"What careful? We ourselves are in trouble if HE finds out."

"Keep watching what happens in the end. You never know what fate would bring forth in front of you."


A white van with the initials of SSAP drawn on it speedily ran among the woods.

Inside the van ~

A girl with her hair tied high up into a ponytail sat in front of a computer and was working on something pretty seriously.

The computer screen was all covered with complicated lines of code.

After approximately 8 minutes, names started appearing among them and slowly pictures.

"This is the image that was taken from the surveillance camera on the road that came right before the turn that gives off the way to the highway." said a boy with blue hair.

In the video, it was seen that the Anthony couple and the driver went into the road and everything ends there.

"This is the only video available?"

"Yeah because the other 5 were all suspiciously enough destroyed at that exact time. However, surprisingly everything returned to being normal right at the time the townspeople found the remains. See this."

The next video was taken exactly 25 minutes after Nick claimed he saw his boss's corpses.

In this following video, Nick came out of the road, the very same one he had entered with his bosses when they were alive.

"Zoom in into his hands."

There were a pair of red nylon restrains on his hands when he was exiting the road.

However, the pair of red nylon restraints were not found in his hands when he was entering the road later on along with the residents.

"It's pretty weird that he has this red nylon restraint on his hand while he's out in search of the residents however once he is with these residents they are all gone."

"Guys, I have succeeded to get into the system database" stated Lilura

"The car passed through that road at 1:55 pm. And the time police was reported Jeff Anthony and Casey Anthony murder was exactly at 5:00," said Aiden coming close to the computer.

"Now the thing is what happened between these 4 hours and 5 minutes."

"Do you people believe Nick's part of the story?"

"He might or might not be true actually," said Harry

"I agree with him. Because at the very first of even saying what happened he had said that he was innocent in these all."