Chapter 34: We, The Vampire Demon Lords Are Going On A Trip On Our Own!

Chapter 34: We, The Vampire Demon Lords Are Going On A Trip On Our Own!

The fall of the Zenovia Kingdom was crippling to the Cornelia Empire which was slowly but surely being surrounded by enemies. They could not receive the new discoveries made by the fallen kingdom, not to mention the fact that the Halodonia Kingdom had annexed it as a part of their territory. Yukiyo had focused her power in making sure the construction of the new capital was not near the ruins of the old one, the people who stayed in the old capital would not become slaves or anything but rather they would help lay the foundations of this new capital and enter new lives with the residents they will call their neighbors. Beastkin, elves, dwarves, golems and demons. The Bolcross Theocracy was probably screaming right now but Yukiyo didn't care as this was the example of the type of society she wanted to make, she had already achieved that with the other two.

"I think my job here is finished, I should leave things to you Sev"

"Much thanks I don't know how we would have rebuilt so many facilities in a short amount of time."

Sev was watching over the construction machines quickly trivializing what would take years to rebuild. She nodded as now that magic technology that Zenovia had been using for enslaving other races would be used for good. Yukiyo pats her shoulder with a smile on her face.

"Alright then it seems I need to head over home"

"Oh good luck, I heard your children have been missing you dearly"

"Yeah I didn't have that much time with them. I suppose it will be alright to see how they are doing before spending more time with Shen who has been complaining that I am too distant with this kind of work lately"

"Best make your way to them, have a nice honeymoon"

"I will!"

With the wave of a hand Yukiyo bids Sev goodbye as she now opens a portal to the royal palace's hallways heading into the throne room. It had been like what?A full month since they began reconstruction of this kingdom into Sev territory as Yukiyo called it. She sighed as she stretched, initially she just wanted to leave it in ruin but Sev stepped in and stopped her completely. Then roped her into construction work, the Dark Matter were more than willing to help with the tasks here too. Yukiyo yawned as she approached even further to the throne room but suddenly felt an immense pressure behind that door as if it was judgement time. Yukiyo peeked inside after taking a solid minute of wondering what will happen to her. Upon fully inspecting there was no one inside Yukiyo entered.

"Then what the fuck was that I just felt"

"It seems we've waited long enough Onee-chan"

"Yes we have my lovely Imouto-chan!We've been waiting for you Kaa-chan!"

From the shadows came two strangers that Yukiyo didn't recognize at first but then as their forms were fully revealed. There was no doubt about it, these two beautiful girls were Yukiyo's daughters but there was one thing that truly bothered her. WHY DID THEY GROW UP SO FAST?! When Yukiyo left them in the care of Geri, Freki as well as the Demon King's subordinates she felt like they would be busy for a time and have fun but how in the name of Sophia did they become even more teenager like in this short period of time. Shiro had grown her hair to shoulder length, she wore a brilliant smile that was akin to the sun as well as a brightly colored red dress with lots of frills and black ribbons on it. It was designed to be easy to move in and kind of showed off the personality that Shiro had, truly a genki girl through and through. 

Kuroe on the other hand was quite the opposite from her sister as one would expect, she had grown out her hair so much so that she tied it into a high ponytail. Kuroe wore a black shirt with rolled up sleeved which was unbuttoned near the top, on top of that shirt was a grey waistcoat followed by flexible jeans and shoes. The eye bags beneath her eyes never left but at this point it was a physical trait attributed to her alone. She was the silent emotionless type of girl judging from her looks alone. Before Yukiyo could say a word about it Kuroe had already made the first move of explaining things to her.

"To clear away confusion for you Okaa-sama, allow me to explain before Onee-chan scrambles her own words"


"In the time you were away Geri-oniichan and Freki-oniichan decided that it is fair that we gain combat experience rather than study diplomatics since we were the children of a queen. And thus as an extra we've been living within the dungeon for all of this time"

[Oh no. Those two rose their levels up so much that their bodies physically grew from being young to this. Wait why does that sound familiar? ]

This was something that Yukiyo herself had employed to the Fenrir twins and thus they ended up maturing much sooner than expected, the time spent within a dungeon is very different than the outside world. It can either be very fast or slow depending on which dungeon you stumble upon.

"So they made you live in a dungeon for a while correct?"


"Oh dear....Did you show Shen?"

"Otou-sama?Yes we have"

"She was very surprised to see us and was crying that she wanted to be a part of that herself!Also she said that the moment she knows you are here expect a punch into the sky"

"Classic Shen"

"Classic Otou-sama"

Yukiyo and Kuroe said at the same time knowing this was exactly what Shen had planned for her. Yukiyo had to prepare something really quick so she could appease Shen otherwise she would be seeing this planet in a new light, she looked at the pair who were staring back at her smiling whilst doing so.

"Just what levels did you two reach anyway?"

"Shiro is Level 797"

"I am the same as Onee-chan"

"Christ I need to scold Geri and Freki"

"Please don't"

"We literally tried our best to raise them whilst you were gone"

Two distinct voices made their appearance as Geri and Freki had made their entrance into the throne room as well. It was quite flashy, Geri blasted through with lightning as his portal whilst Freki's was spiraling tornado of flames. Do these two take after me in that regard or Shen since I do not know who actually began the whole dramatic entrance thing. Yukiyo's immediate thoughts rang out, it seemed the pair had also grown in that regard they were far more taller, had muscles filled with strength, and seemed to carry the aura of emperors to them. Honestly Yukiyo was impressed that they didn't slack off because she wasn't actively attending to them, she had a long way in trusting her children in this way.

"Mother are you..."

"Hush Freki allow her to explain"

Geri was probably uneasy because Yukiyo had reached near godhood whilst the pair of them had already been gods since the day that they were born and leveled up appropriately to reach that. Yukiyo smiled walking up to them patting their heads as she did so, she loved all of them. They knew exactly what she was thinking and she wanted to reassure them that she didn't change at all. In that respect she still saw them as pups who looked up to her in everything she did, they hadn't changed that part of them.

"You shouldn't worry about me all that much Geri, Freki, Shiro and Kuroe. I am still the same old Yukiyo you met all those years ago. I will change here and there but the core of me will always remain. I am honestly proud of the work that you did whilst I was away bringing about war and chaos, you've improved yourselves to the point that you are likely going to become fantastic gods and demon lords"




The four called her as she smiled whilst staring at them, that was the main cause they came here. Yukiyo had died and come back to life becoming a demigod in the process that would have changed anyone. They were worried that Yukiyo wouldn't care about them anymore and she would discard them in the long run but these words reassured them of that fact.

"Come lets have a group hug"

They all came together and Yukiyo stretched her arms to hug them all regardless of size.

"I love all of you and that will never change. Always know that. You will always be my little darling children."

She noticed Shen peeking at the door smiling that she would certainly tease her about it after this.

"That said I am thinking of taking a vacation with Shen as little Kuroyuki to the Dark Matter Universe for a while. I believe you who are the royal family are capable for running things right?"

"That's the other reason we came here actually"

Kuroe answered before Shiro got to utter a single word.

"We would like your permission to go on a trip to the Kelna."

"How far is it?"

"Just 10 days from Zenovia"

"What does it have?"

"Mostly mines, dungeons and most importantly food, particularly a strange grain like food called rice"


Shen looked at Yukiyo hopelessly and sighed whilst facepalming herself.

"Then it is settled me and Kuroe are going on a trip together!"

"Are you two really going to be fine together?"


"Hmm can I invite Wynter too?"

"Sure thing"

"We would love to have her on our trip!"

"Geri, Freki protect these three okay?"


"We've prepared forms in order to do that"

"Oh?Show me"

She knew that they could change their size if they wanted to but she didn't know they acquired the ability to shapeshift. Yukiyo folded her arms and watched with Kuroe and Shiro at her sides, soon after the blinding light Yukiyo froze at what she saw. Geri had short white hair with vicious looking eyes wearing midnight blue coat with a black shirt inside as well as jeans with boots, he was pretty wild looking whilst Freki who looked exactly like him had long hair wearing a white shirt with a waist coat and red trousers to fit. The wild brother and the refreshing brother as Yukiyo would call it.

"You two are some handsome beasts if I do say so myself"

"Thank you Kaa-san"

"Much thanks Okaa-sama"

They both replied and seemed genuinely happy Yukiyo complimented them. It was now obvious who influenced who judging from fashion tastes, these kids were really cute when it came down to it.

"When do you think you are leaving for your trip?"

"At most if it is possible"

Kuroe said with a straight face, Yukiyo gently smiled these two had grown into fine ladies. They still had plenty of room to become even stronger and she wished to see them have even more going on for them. Thus Yukiyo decided to give them a little bit of advice.

"Please when you do get there, do not invade immediately and conquer everything you see"

"Eh?!What do you mean Okaa-san?!"

"But you've been recklessly invading other nations without a second thought Okaa-sama"

Shiro and Kuroe reacted to Yukiyo's words extremely which was fair since she did do that.

"But these are human supremacist nations I can freely cause mayhem for the laughs of it, maybe the nation you will go to isn't like that at all. You might even meet people you like in that nation. I am just saying do not discriminate humans just because we've met a bunch of bad ones"


"Understood. I will make a mental note of it."

"I do not need to explain this to you Geri, Freki"

"I know ya trust us enough ta do that!"

"Of course"

"I hope you have a safe journey and when things go south, use everything you have at your disposal to take care of it"

"That's Okaa-san for you!I love you Okaa-san"

"As expected of Okaa-sama"


"Got that right!"

And like that Yukiyo had sent the kids over to their first trip together, they would pick up Wynter who would sort of grow along side them.


"And sooooooooooo ~🎶 We five are going onnnnnnnn ~🎶 An adventureeeeeeeeeeee~ 🎶"

Shiro was singing as she skipped ahead in front of everyone, they had completely cut their ten day journey short by one day and now they were just leisurely walking towards where they were supposed to go. Certainly Kelna was ten days away but for Fenrirs, Vampire Demon Lords and a Divine Beast in the making this was but child's play. The main goal here was to experience the culture, learn some things and get the famed rice that their mother and master loved.

Wynter's main reason for being here was to be the anchor of normalcy between the people and her masters but that was going to prove to be difficult since she had strayed long ago from what was considered to be normal and had already become used to the irregular things happening in her life. In hindsight she had to learn what was or wasn't normal again which was going to be big task, Geri saw this and immediately tried to comfort her.

"Do not worry Wynter we will try our best to blend in. I know it is going to be a hard task but we will give it a try."

"Uh huh let's hope so, I don't want any of us to screw up and get noticed within the first minute of us being there."

"Have some faith"

"Oh I do, plenty of it"

Wynter took a casual tone to Geri who was usually the berserker who entered battles without thinking for a single thought. Initially at the beginning of her servitude to her Lords she spoke like any knight would filled with respect and carefulness so she would not consider the possibility of being rude to them but then the both of them mentioned that they were not used to being worshipped at all and would prefer if she talked like she does with her peers. They knew she worshipped them as would any beastkin in this world and wanted her to be comfortable.

"Onee-sama please wait and allow us to observe the surroundings for a bit"

They had entered a city of some sorts without even noticing it, it looked like it was in great disrepair and a bit old but all human cities were like that to some extent. Shiro stopped singing began to look around. She danced as she started to search for human life in this place. Shiro had certainly become like a fairy in that regard, carefree and energetic.

"Imouto-chan I found some people! They are green, wearing some kind of clothing and speak weirdly do you think these are the people we are looking for!"

"Shiro-oneesama no matter how you look at it that is a goblin"

"Ah oopsie!"

"Looks like we have to fight a...…okay this is sad I just remembered something really sweet just now."

"But hey that was the first time Mother fought something and won against it"

"That feels like so long ago"

"Hey Kuroe, Shiro kill that thing in like two minutes. This is a test"

Geri did not want to finish his sentence because it was just that boring to him. A goblin king was located directly at the center of the ruined city, it made the pair become very nostalgic for some reason. Thus to honor that childhood nostalgia the Vampire twins would kill it and its goblins whose number were in the hundreds within two minutes.

"Got it"

"Alrighty!It's time to have fun Kuroe!"

"I would gladly have it with you"

Yukiyo had gifted them skills long ago because she didn't find use in them to use in the battlefield. Shiro cut her hand with her lengthened nails and created a sword of crimson with interconnected black lines in its blade, she struck the ground which scared the goblins a bit as it extended like a whip. This was Yukiyo's Abyss Sword Technique gifted to her through Demon King Skill Inherit which had morphed into the Abysmal Blood Sword Technique. Kuroe steps in front of her older sister as she uses her sword to cut her gloved left hand. Then from the burst of blood black wires appear as they surround Kuroe forming a massive scythe which she rests on her shoulder, this was Yukiyo's Wire Technique and Trap Master skills fused with Kuroe's own battle skills. Kuroe's calm demeanor vanishes as she wears a vicious smirk on her face. Her eyes are drowned in blackness and her eyes light up in pure crimson, followed by cold laughter that Shiro lets out as her face is drained of emotion. Her dead darkness filled icy eyes stare down at goblin hordes with calm excitement.

Kuroe taps the scythe on her shoulder before vanishing completely from Shiro's side and appears at the center of the goblins whom she traps with the burst of wires she activates by merely slamming the ground, Shiro enters the fray with the motion of swinging her blood sword into the heads of the goblins. Kuroe bisects into halves the numerous goblins that come her way, their jumbled up armor does nothing but become even more pain for them. Arrows are shot at her but like a fairy she dances out of their mark and ensnares them into wires firing them back to their archers who all die to their own arrows. Shiro comes face to face with a hobgoblin who slams his huge club on the place where she once was. She lands on it and reduces the size of her blood sword into stilettos stabbing his eyes before twisting them to inflict more pain.

Leaping out of the way of danger Shiro is behind the massive hobgoblin who is stabbed by the spears of his comrades, using his own blood Shiro turns him into a circular saw which she uses. She stabs him and begins to turn all of the goblins she was meeting into meaty mush. Limbs and heads are sent flying as Kuroe is slicing them right off with both her scythe and the wires gifted to her, no goblin is left running away as they are unable to in the first place. This plaza like place is getting drenched in goblin blood and guts, all the goblin king can do is stare in horror as the goblins he had amassed are slaughtered without doing anything to the twins who are taking pleasure in murdering them into the afterlife. In a matter of seconds all of the goblin scouts, soldiers, berserkers, archers, mages as well as the hobgoblins were all dead the pair walked towards him with satisfied smiles on their faces. Their clothing completely covered in the blood of their enemies, these were monsters who stood at the top and immediately the goblin king understood what they were. Demon Lords.

Such a title incited fear within any monster with a level of reason in their heads, before he could beg for forgiveness in their tongue with his broken speech Kuroe suspends him in mid air whilst Shiro uses the blood that is in the plaza creating spears that impale his body. Just as Freki had said they ended it in two minutes.

"Well done, we would have taken a whole lot more time"


"I am proud of you My Masters"

Geri states with Freki nodding as he watched this unfolded. Wynter was used to their style of executing groups of monsters as she praised them quickly. Kuroe returns to being calm and collected whilst Shiro becomes more cheery, it seemed only in battle did their flip in personality occur. Now with that out of the way did that mean that there was a city or at least a village close by? With this collective thought they all began to head towards one of the entrances where a group of scout goblins were returning from, killing them without even looking at them.

The village of Kakarilo was being attacked by a group of groups numbering in their fifties, they didn't have much protection to begin with as they only had 5 guards to protect the entire village. This was going to be the fall of the people living here, this was their penance for trying to live in peace in the countryside. Just as the first victim of the day was to be taken by the goblins, it was struck by lightning despite no dark clouds looming over the village. The guards were surprised to watch the goblins shriek as a one sided slaughter began from seemingly nowhere. From afar they could be seen running towards the goblin horde, they vanished from sight for a brief moment and appeared slightly above them all. These men were divine, clad in lightning and flame they had the vestiges of gods in their form. The man covered in lightning carried a long sword and his brother covered in flames a bastard sword which creates a great blinding light as soon as they hit the ground.

With swift action the man with the long sword rapidly cut through his enemies as if they were cheese, they had no ground to stand before him. The lightning was chained to string along those who would try to escape from this slaughter. His brother was far more violent as he swung his sword in a way that would dismember their limbs and set them on fire. It was a grueling sight for the goblins but he wasn't going to stop. Their numbers were quickly dwindling and at the hands of two men, if this wasn't the apex of human capability then the guards didn't know what was. With the dying scream of the last goblin the pair waved their hands at the guards who then cheered. Soon after they were followed by a trio of beautiful women, two elves and a beastkin to be precise. They seemed strong looking, this looked like a adventurer party.

"You really saved us back there"

"It wasn't much, it seems like you are having a rough time as guards in this remote region?"

"Uh, um yes we are"

"How about we help ya out?"

"I am sorry but what?"

The wild brother smiles as his calmer brother sighs at the rapid turn of events.

"W-We would be glad to have you!"

"On one condition"

They all paused as the guards knew very well that nothing came for free. They had braced for the worst but the following words blew away all of their worries.

"We want to trade in these goblin ears and our sisters intend to become adventurers so we want them to register in your adventurer's guild if you have it."

"My brother forgot to mention that we will be using this place as a base of operations from now on."

Just who were these people?And why did they help them the way they did?Those questions would be answered sooner or later the more time they spent with them.