"Sera, do you know where and when I am yet?" Leonas asked wanting to know so he can start planning how he's going to move.
[Yup, and I think you're going to like this.] Sera said in a relaxed tone then Leonas could hear some munching, she was definitely eating.
Leonas couldn't help but think 'What a weird start I have.'
"Just tell me. I don't feel like playing the waiting game." Leonas wasn't feeling very patient about this.
[Fine, you're in the Fairy Tail World more specifically in earth-land: Ishgar, year X384. Wow, why on earth did we end up so far in the past? According to the records, the 'plot' of this world only starts in 400 years. The earliest important event recorded for this era is the Dragon King Festival that will be in 3 or so months. What a mess! I can't do anything about this, so I hope you don't mind living here for 400 years before a more familiar environment comes by.] Sera was working fast and efficiently, giving Leonas all the information he needs to situate himself.
"Just like you said, we're way back, but that's not a problem. This allows for me to experience the most chaotic era of this world and grow strong in advance, besides I can use some of my future knowledge to my advantage. Lastly and most importantly, this gives me the chance to get more beauties." Leonas replied leisurely, after all, he's not worried about death so, why should he panic?
[I don't believe you're thinking like that at a moment like this if-.... Is that a 10 meters tall chocolate fountain?! How does this place have so much delicious food?] Sera was trying to scold Leonas for not taking things seriously but then she got distracted.
"Hum... I can't go roaming around naked, is there a way to get me some clothes? Sera can you help from there?... Well, I could always just go there myself, but I don't want to yet." Leonas changed the subject and started talking about his current predicament, his lack of clothing.
[I should be able to send stuff to your inventory and then you can get it from there. When you envisioned this place did you think of a specific room for yourself and also clothing?] Sera inquired.
"Yes for both. My room should have an L and a K engraved on them, not forgetting that its room number is 7, as for clothes there should be something inside the wardrobe if it really is how I envisioned it.... I should have asked for clothes when I was making my wishes too late to cry." Leonas explained to Sera where to find the clothes are with some ease.
[Ok! Cool, just give me some time and I'll get them. Meanwhile, why don't you tell me your plan? What exactly are you trying to accomplish in this era?] Sera started her search and decided to ask about Leonas' objectives as she's curious about what he could be planning.
"What else could I possibly want? Beauties of course. I want the greatest harem of all existence, why? You ask. Because I can have it and because my body will probably have too much stamina for anyone to satisfy... If it is the way I envisioned it at least." Leonas said very sure of himself, as he didn't really believe failure was an option, after all, he's already immortal despite not being unbeatable.
[Can you think with your upper head for a second? I know you're lower head driven, but is this really what you want?] Sera rolled her eyes as she commented on how much of a horn dog Leonas has shown to be so far.
"Bite me if you must, but don't be mad when I bite back." Leonas seamlessly responded even making the gesture of moving his hand in a feline manner.
[Whatever floats your boat, but I might not want the position of Queen anymore. Also, here. Take your clothes.] Sera was discontent and seemed to already be facing her first moment of realization about her decision of just jumping into an 'exciting adventure' with her 'prince'.
(So moody...) Leonas thought to himself as he opened the inventory and inside were his 5 weapons and now the clothes Sera had put inside.
He proceed to dress himself up with the new clothes which were appropriate for the kind of world he was in. He now wore a brown coat with a fitted long-sleeved black shirt under it, while the lower half was white swag pants and some black boots on the feet. His boobs were very emphasized by the fitted T-shirt making them seem even bigger than they already are, but the coat covered it from the sides so they could only be appreciated from the front.
"Now, Fide. What functions do you have as a system?" Leonas asked as he was done dressing up and feeling quite great in his new body, now being a futa he felt as if he had the best of both worlds, to the point he doesn't even think the idea of selfest to be absurd considering how attractive his new body was, and he hasn't even seem himself in the mirror yet.
[Master Leonas, my current functions are:
-Harem Domain
Lifestyle functions
World Travel
Updates(Not available yet)] A floating screen displaying various functions appeared in front of Leonas.
"Good, these aren't bad at all. For now, open my status screen. I already have an idea of what the other functions do anyway." Leonas said after pondering for a bit while holding his soft chin.
[Status screen:
Name: Leonas Kairo
Level: 1
Sex: Futa
Race: Formless Energy Hybrid(Energy life form, Dragon, human, slime, Angel, Demon)
Bloodline:Omni-Energy being, Great chaos Dragon, Order Sex Nephilim-Cambion(Incubus+Seraphim+Human), Nihility viscous devourer(Void slime), Infinity higher spirit
Titles: None
Condition: Good
Physique: Formless Energy Hybrid(Humanoid form)
Soul rank: Mortal
Tier: Nuclear-low B
Talent: Monstrosity(100%)
Combat Attributes:
Hp: F
Mp: F
Sta: F
Str: F
Vit: F
Mnd: I
Agi: F
Au: I
Luck: Virtually-♾️
Extra attributes:
Political power: I
Demonic power: I
Divine power: I
Spiritual power: I
Insight: I
Dignity: I
Charm: EX
Dex: I
Recovery speed: ZZZ
Reaction speed: I
Magic: None
Skills: None
Arts: None
Inventory: Formless weapon(Unnamed), Chain with spear-tip-x2(Unnamed), Shortswords-x2(Unnamed)]
"Hm... Fide, how strong am I in this verse with my current stats?" Leonas asked a bit unsure of what his stats signified, was it bad or good?
[Master, you're about as strong as Natsu Dragneel at the beginning of fairy tail.]
"That weak... Well, it's not a bad start as I used to be a normal human before, but if I really am in X384, there's no way this will be enough strength. Acnologia is a freak and I have dragon blood in me. If I want a chance to will I'll have to become much stronger or I'll have to hide in my domain for a while... Fide, show me the gatcha category." Leonas began reflecting on the situation and only two solutions had come to mind, get good or hide, but Leonas was not a fan of hiding unless absolutely necessary, so he wanted to find the best way to improve his strength.
[Gatcha screen:
SP: 0
Free gatcha ticket(Owned:1)
normal gatcha ticket(Owned:0)- 10,000 SP
Special gatcha ticket(Owned:0)- 100,000 SP
Ultimate gatcha ticket(Owned:0)- 1,000,000 SP
Multiverse gatcha ticket(Owned:0)- 1 Billion SP]
"I already have one ticket?... Must be a system offer to make me want to gamble more... Whatever with my luck getting something at least decent shouldn't be hard. Fide use the free gatcha ticket." He was a bit surprised to see this since his system didn't give him any starter pack or anything like that, but it seems he still got some free stuff. This motivated him to check the other functions as soon as he was done with this.
[Yes, master. A free gatcha ticket has been used... You have gained... A normal gatcha ticket. Congratulations master, this is the best reward for a free gatcha ticket]
"Hahaha! The power of luck is unfathomable, I don't understand why most protagonists fail to see this... I guess plot blinds their eyes to the possibility and 90% of the time when it doesn't, the author's nerf luck... What a pity, but that is not my problem. Fide use the normal gatcha ticket." Leonas began complaining about the lack of use or ignorance of the luck stat only for it to be nerfed when used, but such was the nature of stability, the nerfs were a necessary evil when not abused.
[Yes, master. A normal gatcha ticket has been used... You have gained... A special gatcha ticket. Congratulations master, you have once again won the highest prize.]
"Use it as well." Leonas was confident in his luck, even if he somehow didn't get the highest prize he was bound to get something good.
[... You have gained... An ultimate gatcha ticket.. Master, your luck truly is the best.]
"At this point just continue using them, let's see what we get." Even though Leonas was confident in his unbelievable luck stat, he was feeling like he already used up all his luck for the next few centuries just with these pulls, so he couldn't help but get a bit anxious to see the outcome.
[.... You have gained... Magic creation ticket(Fairy tail)... While not the best prize, this is still a great one, master.]
"*sigh*... That's a pity, but it's still good. Show me exactly what this magic creation ticket does." Leonas ordered a bit disappointed to not get that multiverse ticket, but the prize still seemed good enough.
[Yes, master. Magic creation ticket(Fairy tail)- With this you can create a new magic that will work by fairy tail standards and logic according to your requirements. The magic created can not exceed its verse and already existing magics can't be remade.]
"Tch!... Well, this will have to do. If we go by fairy tail standards I know exactly what to make." Leonas snorted at the limitations but knowing nothing could be done about it, he decided to just roll with the punches and make the most out of it
Leonas decided that in this verse there is no better than slayer magic, but they were limited by element(fire, water, etc) or natural enemies(Dragons, Gods, etc), but what if they weren't? What if there was a slayer magic mage for everything?
"Hahahahagha!" Leonas laughed at his thoughts considering himself a genius, as he commenced the process of creating his own fairy tail magic.
[Magic creation process complete...]
[Omni-slayer magic- The ultimate slayer magic created through the combination of all slayer magic to have ever existed in the fairy tail verse. This magic is an adaptive slayer magic that gains new abilities, traits, and opens new paths every time the user devours something new provided it was defeated with this magic.]
"Perfect! Ever-growing slayer magic! With this, I can break even Acnologia's teeth off his face, given enough time and enemies to slay. Ha Ha Ha! This party is about to start." Leonas was very satisfied with the apparent success that is Omni-slayer magic.
[Master, the integration process is complete. You can now use Omni-slayer magic.] Fide reported and despite her mostly emotion low answers, she is still very useful, or so Leonas believed
[You're a mage Leonas!] Out of nowhere Sera who had been silent the entire time comes in to state the obvious.
"As obvious as this was, I still prefer hearing this from a beautiful woman than from some hairy man." Leonas stated as this reminded him of a certain young wizard that heard similar words.