First Quest?

Hey, Shun here!

Have you ever had a very hyperactive niece or nephew that is very hard to deal with?

You would, more often than not, get really pissed off whenever they pester you with questions or just pester you in general. Kids like that are really hard to deal with, especially when there's a generation gap between the two of you.

Now, imagine yourself stuck inside a group chat filled with young at heart individuals with an eight grader syndrome! I bet you'll die inside slowly.

I had to deal with children mostly during my past life so I still had it in me to tolerate them. I think?


(Third Person's POV)

"I've finally found the group where me and my mighty Tyrant's Eye belong!"

Inside a dark room, with the only source of light being the screen of a phone, the face of a girl wearing an eye patch on her right eye could be seen. She's a cute girl with cyan coloured eyes, wearing a yellow-colored contact lens on her right eye.

She has dark-blue hair color — which she tied with a yellow coloured ribbon — all while wearing her pajamas with the design of various anime characters. It's quite the peculiar pajama since the pictures are that of girls with an 'ahegao' expression.

Also, she have an ahoge on top of her head like Kaede that's moving right now with sound effects.



Inside her dimly lit room, numerous anime memorabilias decorated the place, some being pla-models, stuffed toys, mangas, light novels, and etc. She has three bookshelves filled with light novels and mangas.

Currently, she's clicking on every photo that the group members sent one by one.

"Ah! They already introduced themselves! W-What should I do!? S-Should I introduce myself with a picture too!?"

She started to panic as she didn't know whether she should introduce herself. However, she eventually calmed down and chose to introduce herself.

✽✽[Group Chat]✽✽

Wicked Lord: Ku-hum! Since everyone but me have introduced themselves, I'll be introducing my great self as well.

Wicked Lord: I'm Takanashi Rikka, 15 years old, currently in my freshman year of High School, wielder of the mighty [Tyrant's Eye].

System Message: Wicked Lord sent a photo.

Wicked Lord: I don't know what this group is and its purpose is but I am glad to have found some comrades!

System Message: Wicked Lord changed her name into Rikka.

Rikka: I'm gonnasleepnow soseeyouguystomorrow! Bye!

System Message: Rikka is now offline.


"Haa… Haa… Haa… Uuu… that was really embarrassing! I-I'll just go to sleep for now!"


(First Person POV)

That was really abrupt. Why does she sound like she's really embarrassed to show her pictures to others when she's actually really cute?

"Wait, now that I mentioned it, isn't all the members here girls that are either very cute, adorable, gorgeous, or a breathtaking beauty."

Remembering the girls and their own unique antics while introducing themselves, Shun could only sigh.

"It's a pity that those breathtaking beauties like Sakaki-san and Satania-san are truly very quirky in terms of personality…"

✽✽[Group Chat]✽✽

Shun: Well, that was unexpected. It looks like it's only us five right now.

Kaede: Umm… [Admin] Shirakami-san…

Shun: Yes? Also, Shun is fine. No need to add the [Admin] and -san. Eh, scratch that, it's fine if you call me in whatever form of address you're comfortable with.

Kaede: Then, [Admin] Shun-san, do you know what this group chat is all about?

Satania: Yeah! I'm also curious about that.

Inu: Inu too, nanodesu!

Neko: Neko too~!

Shun: You really did go with the [Admin] thing…

Inu: Umm… It's because [Admin-san] is the [Admin-san] nodesu?

Neko: Riiight~. It's because [Admin] is the [Admin], desu.

Satania: Right. You're the [Admin] so we'll call you [Admin] Shun.

Shun: Alright alright, I get it. Also, calm down you guys. I'll get to explaining things now, capiche?

Satania: Capiche.

Inu: Oh! What's a capiche nodesu? Is it meat nanodesu!?

Neko: Meaaat~?

Kaede: Inu-chan, Neko-chan, the meaning of capiche is 'do you understand?' or 'do you copy?'.

Inu: Ohh~! It's not meat nodesu?

Neko: It's not?

Kaede: It's not…

Kaede: If you want meat, I'll cook you some when we meet! I'm confident in my cooking, you know?

Satania: That's a very good idea. I'll provide the meat that we'll need.

Inu: UWOOOH! Really nodesu!? You're really kind, nanodesu!"

Neko: Thanks for the meat nodesu~!

Shun: Did you just say 'thanks for the meal' but modified?

Neko: No~?


Looking at the conversation that derailed by a mile, I once again sighed. Their attention span is really very short.

Does that mean I'm included to the group of people who have a low attention span?

"I should get to explaining now or we'll end up talking about something else entirely again."

Eh, it looks like Kaede is now explaining things about what 'thanks for the meal' meant.

✽✽[Group Chat]✽✽

Kaede: …And that's what it means.

Inu: Ohhh… I see nanodesu…

Neko: Un, un!

Shun: Alright, let me start with the explanation. We've derailed by so much…

Kaede: I'm sorry…

Inu: Sorry, nanodesu.

Neko: Sorry~!

Shun: It's fine. I just wanted to remind all of you.

Shun: Well, to start with, I, for one, have only received a notification earlier this morning. However, due to my [Admin] authority, I received a message regarding the functions of the group chat.

Satania: Uh-huh, continue…

Shun: Well, the functions of this group is, number one, the [Chat] function. It's easy to understand since we are using it right now.

Shun: The second function is the [Video Call]. Because it functions like the [Video Call], I'll explain the [Livestreaming] function as well.

System Message: Shun sent a video.

Shun: [Video Call]and [Livestreaming] Explanation .mp4 [The first function is similar to the chatting function but we'll be able to converse whilst seeing our faces and the expressions we make.

Well, Satania-san and Honjou-san should know about this function well since they're from a mostly similar dimension as me.

Similarly, [Livestreaming] also covers the video taking aspect, just with a different name and some function.]

Inu: Woaahh! Awesome nanodesu! I can see [Admin] talk nanodesu!

Neko: Awesome, nyadesu~!

Shun: You'll soon learn how to do that, too. Anyway, for the third function, there's the [Daily Log-in Bonus]. It gives us a chance to earn around 1-100 Dimensional Coins, also known as d-coins, everyday. If you managed to complete a whole week of consecutive log-ins, you'll be eligible to receive 100-1,000 d-coins as a nice bonus.

Shun: Also, this can be exchanged in our next function, the [Dimensional Shop] for various things like money, items, and maybe even abilities or skills later on.

Inu: Wow nanodesu!

Neko: We can buy meat~?

Kaede: That's a great function. But I don't think I'll need the money.

Satania: I as well. As the Great Archdemon Satanichia, money is never a problem for me! A-Hahahaha!

Shun: Well, I guess we'll leave that to our members like Inu and Neko for now who really needs the money. Don't forget to buy the [Disguise Cloak] as well, okay? Based on the pictures you sent, I don't think humans in the place you live in looks at you in a favorable light…

Kaede: Even though they both are so cute.

Satania: I, the Queen of all Hell, approves.

Inu: Capiche nanodesu!

Neko: Capiche~

Shun: By the way, the currency exchange have a daily limit on it in order to avoid inflation.

Kaede: I think that's okay?

Shun: I also think so. It's reasonable. Anyway, our next option to earn d-coins is the final function of our [Dimensional Group Chat] for now, the [Quest] function.

Shun: Simply put, it's a function where we will do missions in order to gain d-coins, upgrade the [Dimensional Group Chat], or gain some other awesome rewards.


When I arrived in that part of the long explanation, a system message popped out and cut me off.

✽✽[Group Chat]✽✽

System Message: The members now have a basic understanding about the [Dimensional Group Chat] and its various functions.

System Message: Issuing a [Quest]…

System Message: Time will stop at the [Dimension] on which the [Quest] participants belong to…

System Message: The [Quest] will begin in 3 days…


After that last message, a prompt appeared in front of my screen. That's probably the same for everyone.

✽✽[Hydra Subjugation]✽✽

Type: Subjugation Quest

Status: Incomplete

Participant(s): (7/7)

Participation: Mandatory

Time Limit: None


Slay the [Poisonous Hydra] and gain its [Venomous Orb] as a proof of subjugation.

Reward(s): 1,000 d-coins, 1x Random D-coins Chest, and 1x Random Reward Coupon.

Enter [New World Online]: Ongoing

Reach an average Level of 10: Ongoing

Obtain the [Poison Resist](L) skill: Ongoing

Find the [Poisonous Hydra's] Lair: Ongoing

Slay the [Poisonous Hydra]: Ongoing



※~To be continued~※

Author's Remarks:

※ Well, the chapter was longer than I expected but it's fine. Atleast I finished dumping all the necessary information regarding the group chat.

※ As I said in the Introduction, I like to slowly build up my story so I apologize in advance if the pacing is slow.