
※~・Arc 2: Virtual Reality!・~※

Hey, Shun here!

Shizuka-nee has always been kind and gentle. A few years after our parents remarried, she moved out in order to pursue her college dream in Tokyo.

When she left, me and Miu are quite worried because, most of the time, this older sister of ours can be quite the airhead.

Even though she's a beauty, she isn't aware of it herself.


(Miu's POV)

The stores Onee-chan and I stopped by were NPC weapon and general stores.

In the weapon store, there were NPC-made weapons and armour. In the general store, there were recovery items and consumables required if you want to go on adventure.

It's not farfetched to say that you'll need many consumables to escape a sticky situation, after all. Their effects were lower than those made by crafters, but they were things to equip at the early stage of the game.

In this stage of the game, there are still no crafters who are producing higher quality potions since the game just launched. Probably even the β players are still going around acquiring some materials for their crafting Senses to level up.

We β players have some advantages but it isn't really that great of an advantage. Eventually, as the game progresses, some newbie players might even begin to surpass us.

"Welcome. What would you like?" The NPC greeted us in an almost human-like way. Almost because there seem to be something off with them.

"Excuse me! I want to trade this in for a new weapon, also, give me a light armour!"

"I want to trade this staff in and also, give me a different equipment please."

We sold our beginner's weapons and used the money retained from β version, by paying gold I bought multiple iron-made sword with the highest attack power and the lightest shoulder armour made of leather.

The leather shoulder protector was equipped in order to get a defence bonus from the [Armour] Sense.

"All right! My shopping's over!"

"Myu-chan. You bought so many swords, is that for ingots?" Sei-oneechan already bought her Oak Staff and held it in an embrace with both of her hands.

Since Sei-oneechan asked why did I buy several pieces of the same equipment, I gave an ambiguous answer.

"I guess that's half correct? Also, for using too, since they break."

Iron Swords purchased this time were mainly a substitute for ore.

"I want a crafter to make me a weapon… Also gathering ore takes time. On initial level it, can't be gathered. I need to ensure the materials for it right now."

It was more expensive than ore, but a single Iron Sword could be conveniently remade into an ingot. I've had money left over from the β era so I bought a lot of them.

Also, weapons made by NPCs have low durability. Since they were easily replaced, they were useful in other manners as well.

"Myu-chan, are you going to buy consumables?"

"Hmm. Let's see..."

Since I already thought of what I need, together with Sei-oneechan, I bought the recovery items; 30 Beginner's Potions and 10 Potions, then returned to the square.

"It's about time for Onii-chan to log in, I think?" When I looked at the surroundings, I could see players continuously log in.

This many players gathering during the β version was only when there was an event, I recalled. I couldn't help but chuckle to myself after remembing that memory.

As we travelled and overlooked that, in the friend list's menu I was able to confirm Onii-chan has logged in. Great timing, me!

I selected the line that changed from grey colour and connected the chat with Onii-chan.

"Ah, Onii-chan. Did you connect?"

『Hey Miu. Is Shizuka-nee with you?』

Onii-chan doesn't seem to be too impressed with the fantasy world? He really adopts fast, this Onii-chan of mine.

Most players like him are still touring around town, looking at the various attractions.

Maybe I should go around town with Onee-chan and Onii-chan some other time? Eh… that's actually a great idea!

After a few seconds, I finally woke up from my dazed state and decided on our meeting place. It's a place that had become a landmark during the β era. A square that had a woman's statue built on it, it had become a meeting spot in [OSO].

"Yes! Onee-chan is with me. There's too many people here so we can't find each other. Onee-chan and I arrived at the cathedral on the north. We'll wait for you there."

『Got it. North, right? I'll be heading there now.』

While saying so, Onee-chan and I headed to the meeting location.

While the chat remained open, I arbitrarily shared the connection with Sei-oneechan. Onii-chan would just say something like, "hee", "that looks great", or "this looks fantastic" like a normal tourist.

Since we rarely see Onii-chan be like this, Onee-chan and I both let out a chuckle every time he does that.

"Hey Onii-chan, have you arrived yet?"

『Yeah, I did. Where are you two though?』

I called out to him worried that he got lost, but apparently he was probably able to reach it. However, there were many other players who used this place for meeting up and we weren't using our own noticeable equipment.

Before I could reply to him, he suddenly cut me off.

『Oh no, don't tell me. Hmm… There you are! I see you.』


『You have white hair while Shizuka-nee has light blue hair, right?』

"That's right! It's us. I'm surprised you recognized us so quickly Onii-chan…"

『I'm not your sibling for nothing.』

After waiting for a while, I stared at a really handsome guy pushing through the crowd coming straight towards us with a slight smile on his face. In the game in which fantasy colours were popular, he kept his black hair and only added some tufts of silver hair.

Speaking of which, I've never played a game with Onii-chan even once. When I asked Taku, his best friend, how he is as a player, he just told me that I'll see it for myself when the time comes.

While I was immersed in my own thoughts, the guy is already standing right in front of us.

Looking at him from up close, he really is a shockingly handsome guy. Wait, why do I have the feeling that he is emitting this very familiar atmosphere?

Upon closer inspection, I finally understood why. Who knew that only changing the color of your hair could give you a different appearance.

"You're Miu right?"

"Eh, yes. I'm Myu, but… Onii-chan?"

"Yep! It's me. Your brother, Shun." Called it! He really is Onii-chan!

"Umm? Shun-chan? Onee-chan hasn't met you for a while so she doesn't know, but when did you become more handsome? You look this small and was really cute before…" Onee-chan said as she made some gestures.

"No, Onee-chan! That's not the problem here! Why didn't you make your appearance 10% uglier, Onii-chan?!"

My yell echoed in the square.


(Shun's POV)

Hearing the shout of my sister, Miu, or is it Myu now? I was quite startled.

"Is there a problem with my appearance? I don't think there's anything weird…"

Why would she ask me to make myself uglier? I mean, my appearance is certainly far above average but I don't think it's enough to warrant a change in my appearance.

"This is a virtual game so most of them would think that I edited my appearance to be more good-looking. I got a few stares on the way here that suggests disgust so…"

"Eh? That's true."

"I'm also gonna cover my face with a mask most of the time so no biggie!"

While I'm talking with Myu, my big sister, Shizuka-nee, with the in-game name of Sei, joined in our conversation.

"I don't think that's the problem, Shun-chan… But if you say so. Also, your in-game name is really cute. Should I call you Syun, Syunpo, Syunpo Panda, or Panda now?"

Looking at Sei-nee up close, she really grew up to be even more beautiful. We've never seen each other for years so it's really good that we've reunited even if it's through a game.

"Just call me Syun, Sei-nee. I wanted it to sound like Kung-fu Panda so I used this name." The three of us chuckled at my words.

We liked watching that kids show back then and I really came to like pandas after watching that. It's a really great trilogy.

"Anyway, Onii-chan! Tell us your Sense build! I don't see you carrying any beginner equipment so…"

"Hm? My build is: [Bow], [Physical Attack Increase], [Speed Increase], [Vital Points Knowledge], [Synthesis], [Alchemy], [Enchant],[Recovery Magic], [Magic Talent], and [Magic Power]. I plan on swapping some out after they level up or merge."

Somehow, as I expected, the expression on Myu's face changed.


※~To be continued~※

Author's Remarks:

※ From this point on, we will be focusing more on Shun's adventure. I hope you guys like this chapter. If you did, some comments or review will be much appreciated.