A Brief Chat With The Group

Hey, Shun here!

I've always been worried about my little sister. She's always been an energetic girl but sometimes, I would see her sulking in a corner while looking at our parent's picture whenever they're away for some business trip.

Whenever I see her like that, I'd invite her on a friendly match in some action game, FPS, or fighting game to cheer her up.

It usually works since she's a gaming nerd.

I wish she's as diligent with her studies like how she usually is in games…


(Shun's POV)

"So, in other words, you want to know how I got it?"

"Ah. However, I'm not forcing you to tell me about it. If it's a secret then you can keep it that way."

After thinking for a moment, I decided to keep it for myself. [Alchemy] is labeled as a misshapen Sense as well and I could be said to be one of its pioneers.

I want to know where it goes and what else it could do before sharing the information to others.

"I'll pass on sharing the information for now. I'm still in the process of learning how it works, after all. Just buy these Big Furs off of me in market price."

"I understand. Then, I'll buy your Big Furs for 30,000G. Do contact me when you have more of these things. This item will help me level up my crafting Sense much faster."

I opened up the trade window and passed him the Big Furs I have on hand before accepting the money.

"I'll do that. I don't know any other craftsman, after all."

After getting rid of all the useless items in my inventory, I went back to the plaza and logged out there. I'll have to meet with Miu and her friends tomorrow after all.

While I'm exiting Cloude's restaurant, I came across two people who are about to enter the shop. The first one is a girl with tanned skin, blazing red hair that goes until her elbow, and golden brown colored irises.

I didn't see the other one clearly. However, I did see that it's definitely a little guy that looks like a girl and is small.

Hmm, if I were to describe him in one word, it would be 'lolishota'.


Early in the morning, I got up and prepared our breakfast. While rummaging for ingredients on our fridge, I noticed that there are little to no ingredients left for me to cook.

"…Miu would most probably throw a tantrum if she becomes late in playing [OSO]. That girl's too dedicated in gaming…"

Thus, to save some time, I called for the trusted aide of my father and mother and told him to once again arrange the food ingredients that he usually delivers on our house every week when our parents aren't home.

"Hello? Yes, Mom and Dad seemed to have left by the time I woke up. Anyway, could you please deliver the usual food ingredients to our house? Yeah, I'm cooking for our breakfast early so that I could jump into the game…"

When I was done making our breakfast, I woke up Miu who seems to be up until late at night.

"Come on, Miu. Go eat your breakfast so that you could get energized."


While are eating, I opened my phone and checked for some update in our group.

✽✽[Group Chat]✽✽

System Message: Shun is now online.

Kaede: Mutsuko-neechan and [Admin] Shun has never gone online for a while now.

Inu: [Admin]-san is online now nanodesu!

Neko: Elcome~!

Shun: Thank you, Neko-chan. Sorry guys. I've been busy yesterday with the game's release and all…

Rikka: Oh? What game? I've seen the [Dimensional Shop] and saw that they're selling Cross-Dimensional VR-Gears, Gaming Capsules, and Cabins in there. If it's a great game, I want to play it myself!

Rikka: I want to show those lowly being the power of my [Tyrant's Eye]!

Satanichia: A game? I, Satanichia, have never played a game before. What is it like?

Neko: Gaaame?

Inu: Is it meat nodesu!? Inu wants to eat meat nanodesu!

Kaede: Is it the one with the price of 1,000 d-coins for an upgrade if you already have a V-Gear, Rikka-san? Also, Inu-chan, it's not meat.

Rikka: Yeah, it is. Maybe when I get to your world, I'll buy a V-Gear so that it can be more affordable.

Rikka: Satania-san, in a game, you can do whatever you want! Even conquering the world is not a problem!

Satanichia: Conquering the world… Ah—Hahahaha! It looks like this game thing is now calling for this Great Archdemon to conquer it!


Seeing the chaos on the chat and some of their past conversations, I couldn't help but smile wryly. These girls seems to be getting along just fine.

"It would probably be fun to see what these guys would do in [Only Sense Online]…"

Picturing the chaos that these guys would cause, especially Rikka-san, Satania-san, and Mutsuko-san, I could only chuckle at the infinite mess they could create in that game, just basing it on their personalities.

✽✽[Group Chat]✽✽

Shun: If you guys want a V-Gear, I could buy one for each of you who need it.

Rikka: Seriously? [Admin] Shun, you don't happen to be someone rich, right?

Shun: Well, I have quite the sum of money in my personal bank account. Our parents has been giving us a lot of allowance every month and I've been investing some of it to make it grow.

Inu: Inu want to play the game and be a Hero nodesu!

Neko: Can Neko be a ninja~?

Kaede: That's generous of you, [Admin] Shun-san. VR-Gears cost a lot, you know?

Satanichia: Buy me one as well, [Admin] Shun. I'll just pay you with the cost of this VR-Gear in our quest!

Shun: There's no need for that, Satania-san. Take it as a form of gift from me for when all of us meet for the first time. I'll prepare one for all of you, of course.

Inu: Gift us Meat-sans please, nodesu!

Neko: Meaat pleasee~!

Kaede: There's no need for you to prepare a gift for me [Admin] Shun-san…

Satanichia: Alright, I'll gladly take an offering from a mortal. Be grateful! A—Hahaha!

Rikka: My [Tyrant's Eye] is trembling! It's telling me that you're really a rich kid!


I just shook my head at Rikka-san's last comment. I'll just finish my meal so that I could finally go back to playing [OSO].


When I went back to the game, I spawned at the plaza where I logged out last night. Myu went ahead of me so she and her friends are probably here already.

"Hmm… I wonder where Myu is?"

While I am still left wondering where my dear little sister is, I spotted a silver haired girl wearing the same beginner equipments as me. Her long silver hair is tied in a twintail style while the color of her irises is violet.

Male players like me wear some simple linen shirts and pants while females wear a one piece like linen clothing that goes up until their mid-thighs.

Next to her is a blonde girl with a short bob cut. She's slightly shorter than the silver haired girl and she has heterochromic eyes, with one being a shade of deep blue while the other one is red in color.

The last one is a girl with long black hair that stands out in this fantasy world settings while her eye color is golden brown in color.

As the group approached my general direction, the one leading the group, the silver haired girl, noticed me. Similar to how a pure white lily blooms, a wide smile formed on her cute face as she energetically raised her right hand to wave at me.

"Yahoo, Onii-chan~! I brought my friends with me!"

Yes, the group is saw is my sister, Miu, or Myu in-game, accompanied by her permanent party members. The blonde girl have the username Hino while the black haired girl have the username Lucato.

Of course, while I'm looking at them, those two girls I just mentioned were also looking at me, probably curious as to who their friend's brother is.

I could almost hear them mutter, "So that's Myu-chan's brother", or something along those lines. I mean, I could already see it in the sort of 'enlightened' expressions on their faces.

When we finally all gathered in one spot, Myu beat me to the punch as she starts to introduce me to her friends.

"Meet my Onii-chan Syun. He has the username 'Syunpo Panda' in this game! He's the one I told you yesterday! He will be buying our Crow Feathers and Tree Branches!" She introduced me rather enthusiastically.

"And he will also be joining our party, right? You forgot to say that, Myu-chan."

"Right! Thanks Luka-chan! Hehehe"

"Hahaha… Myu-chan got too excited." The short girl with the username 'Hino' teased Myu as her sharp canine-like fangs showed while smiling.

Seeing the smile on my little sister's face, I also couldn't help but also show a smile. Since our parents has always been busy and swarmed with work, our youngest sister has been the most affected with that.

That's mainly why came to like playing games. It's because it could bring her joy and distract her from the fact that her parents are not around all the time.

I'm happy that she could form friends in this game.


※~To be continued~※

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Author's Remarks:

※ That's it for this chapter for now. In two more days, this new day included, the quest will finally begin.